Christ Bros I need help!

Christ Bros I need help!

My faith has been juggling for a long while now, gathering new information that scares me.

things like Christianity was just another Jewish trick or that the books after the first 5 were an old ass fan fiction canonized by Constantine the Great.

I'm the type of person who takes the Bible(KJV) as the final word and Don't take any outside sources.

I'm I being jewed? Is satan filling my head with bullshit?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Is satan filling my head with bullshit?
Seems pretty unlikely to me

Christianity is a crock of shit. Keep redpilling yourself and everything will be ok

But Christianity is the only thing that keeps me happy and gives me hope!
Nothing in this shitty world has done anything like that for me.

Take the agnostic pill. It will lead you to the divinity of centrism

God is real, and if you know and love him then you should be able to live in glory for him.

there's your problem. no wonder you're having trouble believing bullshit

all religion is bs and they all come one source Hinduism. best thing Hinduism is not even a religion its just a way of life to follow lol. also history is all bs do not trust any of it. human have been around a lot longer then they say.

>bible is true because bible says it's true
why do you keep following for this meme OP we're all rooting for you but you just keep falling for this meme here

I don't understand.

You're a shill. Fuck off.

It's not that I don't believe in him because I do, it's just the canonized part that freaks me out.

There's your redpill, retard. Christianity is keeping you complacent and pliable.

>the books after the first 5 were an old ass fan fiction
Pic related shows that those books are true. Here are some more resources that might help:

The 66 books of the Bible that we have, have integrity. This video gives a good explanation:

Faggots will LARP about Dues Vult all day but never actually work on their own relationship with God, so to speak.

>But Christianity is the only thing that keeps me happy and gives me hope!
If your feelings are what's tying you to Christianity then you're a weak Christian. Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected. Historians worth their salt can only ever postulate on how the thousands of followers of Christ all believed that they'd seen Jesus after he was crucified, and what accounts for the empty tomb, and they use things like folie à deaux and a theory about disciples robbing the tomb. Weak.

The King James Bible is not the only authoritative version of the bible. The ESV uses far older source texts and is closer to the original Greek and Hebrew. Satan is constantly trying to infiltrate your thoughts. When someone online presents an objection to Christianity its up to you to defend your faith, not kowtow. I recommend the Defenders podcast by William Lane Craig.

God is real, but the Bible and church are Jewish tricks to control the goyim. Trust in God and nobody else.

>organized religon

user, you got jewed. Jesus was a middle eastern man

>779 KB JPG
(OP) #

>Faggots will LARP about Dues Vult all day but never actually work on their own relationship with God, so to speak

Because at no time has the standard mod el ever been disproven by divine influence, retard. If there is a god, he is benign.

>the blue pill

>things like Christianity was just another Jewish trick or that the books after the first 5 were an old ass fan fiction canonized by Constantine the Great.
Christianity has a long history of being against the unity of Jewish people generally, which is the heart of the Jewish Question. In concept it is specifically against it.

All councils led by Constantine did not discuss the Biblical canon.

I could go into more if you'd like.

Yes I would love to read on your take

That's pretty fucking sad.

What's with all these fucking edgelords pushing the athest meme? First 15 posts are all fuck your heritage science da best cancer.

Well just look at the facts user. Christianity is a cult worshiping a crucified Jew, and a book written by the jews who surrounded him. It was a religion of the slaves and the plebians. The roman empire converted to this (((pacifist))) religion for political reasons because it was so popular with the common folk. Shortly after the roman empire was ransacked by pagans from the north, Coincidence? Perhaps.

During the middle ages, Christians were not allowed to handle money. This meant that all jobs involving commerce and early banks were run by Jews, (the ones who made the rules for Christians). For almost a thousand years the jews held monopoly over the banking industry in Europe. It was not until 1620 that laws forbidding Christians from collecting interest or taking loans were removed. At this time, the rothschilds and Builderburgers were already established familys and while they did not have the power and influence of today, they had experience of centries of banking in their jewish communities to rely on.

These are the facts, you can draw from them what you will.

You need to ask yourself what level of truth you are seeking and what sort of truth is valuable.

Good luck user, I imagine you already know the answer.

What if God is the real devil, who is trying to trick you.

You know that most of the germans believed in arianism,no?

>taking Bible as the final word

Jesus Christ is the word user

Gnosticism 101

The Demiurge

We call that Catholicism; It is more distinct than you would imagine. The reason there are billions of protestant branches is because Catholics are always fucking the bible and every time they do more people leave (some protestant groups have the same problem)

You're just not used to the edgy Athiests memes. There is never any deep philosophy behind the "lol what if God is Satan" arguments. Just a bunch of screaming and weak arguments. Read up on your bible and look into some Christian philosophers. From what I've read your faith is fine

You are being kiked.
The bible is just a bunch of completely unrelated fanfics written centuries apart. It does come off as a jew trick, and some interpretations of the bible are fucking destructive, like the whole ''love thy neighbor'' thing and ''turn the other cheek.'' It's the kind of shit you can imagine a jew writing to pacify your people.

It is all bullshit, but you don't have to go full fedora. Just support the Christian community and try to steer them towards nationalism.
I just don't think about religion, it's not productive. Expose jewry, defend borders, kill commies. Once you're done with that you can start whining about muh god and muh bible and how satan is putting ideas in your head.

Redpill yourself. I am the truth, the life and the way.

>Are you interested in learning the truth, no matter how hard it may be to take?
>Will you give up old doctrine as new evidence comes to light?
>Will you walk in the truth you have seen? The kingdom of God is not word but is of power...
>Will you live your life, seeking continual improvement and wisdom?

You need not fear the truth. There may be some uncomfortable truths that you have to digest. You were never guaranteed a comfortable life. If you have been using religion for comfort, you have been living a life not of Christ, but of this world.

Sacrifice yourself to the redpill. Trust that God is good and let Him show you the way. Don't get caught up on doctrine of the Church. This is man's religion anyway.

You'll find right away that Christianity is about ultimately paying homage to Israel. You left one system of bondage (the world) for another (religion). Abandon religion and seek faith. There is a difference between the two.

The bible can't be the only source for your faith.
Read this. And think

Christ was retconned, none of the historians of his time wrote about him

Keep reading while keeping the Faith. I've been where you are. The stuff about the formalization of the Canon of scripture is totally made retarded by atheists. By the mid second century, vast majority of new testament Canon was already settled.

All the arguments are there to keep you neutralized so that you begin to fall away. So that by the time you do see the truth of scriptures and God Almighty, you are so ensared by the brambles of the world that you cannot find your way back again. Your questions naturally come from being somewhat bright and you don't want to buy into something false. Keep reading and researching, but don't let the devil snatch you in your doubts. Do it prayerfully. Read the earliest church fathers. Vent the doubts you have to fellow believers. Tell God your doubts! Talk to him.

Lord bless you brother.

The spiritual battle is real man.

Europa – The Last Battle

This amazing piece of work has every single redpill and trutbomb that has ever been said or exposed on every platform or website devoted to truth. This important documentary gives a great overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. The story about the world that people have been told never existed or ever happened. The facts stand on their own - yet if one doubts any of it - they can be researched and proven to be true. People need to see this and I will do my part in making sure it gets out there. Do be forewarned though, your worldview will never be the same. The truth fears no investigation.

YouTube mods are rampant on there so watch the series while you can.

Part 1:

Complete series:

Agnostic athiest here, but I celebrate my christian roots. I think cultural christianity is important as a force to combat islamisation

Reread Acts in the bible

Are you me? I can't tell if my disillusionment with Christianity is genuine and my concerns accurate, or if it's just deception from the Skypes and/or the Devil filling my head with shit. It doesn't help that the church literally convinces you that any doubt you have is the work of Satan the devil and his demons, even if it's a legitimate concern.

There's a reason why Jews tey to undo everything that Christians find important. They absolutely despise Jesus.

This should already tell you if it's redpilled or not.

Read this from Jean Paul II.
It will be all clearer

The Jewish Question derives from the socio-ethnic unity between Jewish people in the Jewish diaspora. The issue is in two parts:

>The belief that this has caused a "nation within a nation" situation, motivating Jews to work on behalf of national interests besides the one they reside in
>The belief that either the Jews are entirely villainous innately or they entirely lack respect for non-Jews (Gentiles) and so will do them ill-will or distrust them

The idea of the Jews innately villainous is somewhat popular on Sup Forums and the idea of seeing Gentiles as entirely separate from Jews is very much a thing but I only see it in Zionist circles. Zionism being the support of the existence and return to a Jewish ethnostate.

Now the value of the Jews having an ethnostate to themselves is in question by those who oppose ethnostates, obviously, but also by people who still distrust the Jews in principle. Noting the manipulation by Israelis today in Europe it is debated within people who discuss the Jewish Question if they are just working to the aid of people still within the Jewish diaspora at the expense of gentiles or if they are just malicious generally. I lean heavily on the former, while doubting the true influence of them.

Christianity, however, is the superseding of the Mosaic Law towards a communion with all humanity. As such, the unity of Jewish people would then become meaningless and there'd be no basis to separate Jew and Gentile. This is why Christianity is specifically against the Jews and is the best answer to the "Jewish Question".

The Nicaean councils in the early church were organized by Constantine, who then only acted as audience. No Council of Nicaea discussed the biblical canon. This is a myth. The Council of Hippo Regius declared the canon and further approved upon at the Council of Carthage.

In terms of Bibles, however, KJV is a Protestant Bible and so misses books from the canon. I hope you realize.

I'd worry less about whether it's the devil or not and more about the actual worries themselves and if they make sense. Chances are, they do.

Pray and ask Jesus for guidance friend. I will also pray for you.

Thanks frogbro, I'l check it out
While you're probably right, it makes it really easy to second-guess and doubt yourself.

Breddy neat explanation user

I won't be sneaky, I lost my faith years ago. Now, I say you should do this knowing that I might have reached the wrong conclusion (though I clearly don't think that's the case), and that you might reach a different conclusion from me.

The hard part about questioning Christianity as a Christian is that you can't see the forest through the trees. They say the mark of an intelligent mind is being able to entertain an idea without accepting it. I'd say, try pretending you're not a Christian. Try pretending none of it is real, and that now, the validity of the claims Christianity makes has to be proven instead of assumed. It made it easier for me to honestly analyze my doubts. You might reach a different conclusion.

>Confusing middle eastern religions with European heritage

>things like Christianity was just another Jewish trick or that the books after the first 5 were an old ass fan fiction canonized by Constantine the Great.

That theory is retarded because there are a ton of secular historical texts that parallel with everything written in the bible

I sympathize, but think it's impossible to deny Christianity's role in our heritage. Biblical references are steeped in our highest form of written and visual arts. No Christianity? No Michelangelo, no Shakespeare, no great architectural feats in the form of cathedrals.

>ignoring the most dominant ideology in Europe over the last two millennia because some tribes used to think something else before they converted

Pic related for you.

If you can't handle being a Christian, then don't. We don't need weaklings infiltrating the religion and ruining it more like the atheists and agnostics who LARP ands Christians.

Agreed, Christianity also has no history in Europe, and it was responsible for letting the Muslims invade Europe in the 4 failed crusades. Don't forget that the US was founded on paganism too. Kikestians were also bigots against Jews and pagans, baka.

leave ye' sodomite

youre waking up

Dude, Jesus is a Jew. If you're scared of Jewish stuff, I've got some bad news...

Youre seeing light, christianity is a jew ploy to stop being dominated by others, purely self intetesr.

This. This is why when the US was founded, it opened its borders to all of the world. Don't forget that Kikestians vote for liberal policies.

Bro you're woke

crusades were a mostly successful response to mozzie invasions which came first. Kys retard

Go read the Sermon on the Mount right now. Don't listen to anyone else. Read it. And then ask yourself if you think that is a good message. Pray before and after you read it.

good message =/= true religion

Bible calls jews the synagogue of satan retard. Also he called the pharisees who founded the talmud and modern judaism children of satan

>I'm the type of person who takes the Bible(KJV) as the final word and Don't take any outside sources.

then you are already retarded since it's full of even contradictions of its own internal content even without any reference to outside reality

Paganism did more for the UK than kikestians ever did. They established pagan monarchies and were woke

If it connect you to the way God wants you to live...yes. Read the Sermon on the Mount and ask yourself, not anyone else if you think it connects you to God. If it invites you to live in the way God wants you to.

This guy gets it, the kike laws contradict new laws by j*sus

No it doesn't. It says there would be people who pretended to be Jews and they would be the Synagogue of Satan.
Sounds like the Ashkenazi. not all Jews.

You're assuming god exists. That doesn't make sense. If I don't already believe that, how will reading the sermon on the mount help me.

By living life as a good person anyway.

Truth does not follow the reason of man, truth created man and needs not to abide by te rules of it's own creation. Jesus Christ is LORD and God's word is law. And if God says his word is his word it is his word because it is his word. His word is more certain than certain, absolutely sure and beyond doubt. Light your hand on pinky finger on fire to get a preview of your future

You're prob a good guy m8. Not a believer, but I can always get along well with Christians like you.

It's true because it says it's true?

all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

You're a no good rotten bastard and if you don't trust in Jesus Christ's death on the cross to save you you will die a horrible and endless death

Exactly, tell me why a true thing saying it's true is wrong?

Orthodox or Catholic is the only eay

The Bible is not a Jewish trick
If it was just something the Jews came up with the Jews would be shown as heroes.
Instead, you've got Abraham willing to cuck his own wife out to Pharaoh
Jacob literally means cheater/supplanter
Moses murdered, disobeyed
Solomon screwed some other guy's wife then tried to kill him, and on and on

God took the most unlikable people on earth and gave them the oracles of God so that the other peoples of the world would be humble before God

When Jesus the messiah came to give a perfect sacrifice without blemish on behalf of his people in all the world, part of the Jews became Christians as Paul and others demonstrated how Christ fulfilled the scriptures, but part of the Jews refused.

The part that refused wanted an earthly savior that would be a military leader and defeat the gentiles and make the goyim bow down and serve the Jews.

The Jews of today are Anti-Christ, they reject God and his sacrifice of reconciliation and call the Holy Spirit a liar.

Atheists hate him! Watch how this user's faith was restored with one quick post!

more specifically you have to trust in his death for your sins, his burial and his resurrection

How do you know it’s a true thing saying it’s true instead of a false thing saying it’s true?

Why would a King bring someone into their Kingdom if they don't view them as King?
All men die. The question is if we get a reward for faith.
I personally don't believe the scriptures say there is a punishment beyond death for those who didn't have faith. Just a reward for those who do.
If you ran a government would you bring in people who didn't like the government? Or think it was worth anything? How do you feel about illegal immigrants who don't respect this nation?

roman catholicism was literally created and riven with pagan rituals and the teachings of the ancient schools of mysteries at the council of nicaea.
But it doesnt matter user. They used the teachings of jesus for their own ends, to control the masses. But we know at least part the true teachings of jesus from the dead sea scrolls and the gnostic gospels.
Do you love the church of do you love God (the life force that animates all things in the universe? Do you love the church or do you love jesus? Do you love the church or do you love the life that permeates everything around you?
Martin Luther was a noble man. He understood that the way to God is through action, not through payment or sneakery.
The church is just the word of men, they use the rituals to cow you into subservience. You can find God all around you.
Roman catholicism was created by the freemasons as a way of formalising the hierarchy and separating normal men from the elites. They used the concept of priests and astrology to predict the changes in the seasons and eclipses etc while keeping the commoners illiterate, which gave them godlike powers to the people. they could predict when to plant and when to reap.
This is why there are so many dubious (((coincidences))) in roman catholicism and the calendar, like Jesus "the son/sun" being "born" on the solar minimum, when the sun is born again for the new year. It is the ancient mysteries transplanted onto a contrived religion.
But that doesnt change the fact that the original religion had the power to overturn the greatest empire of its day, so righteous was the message.
Find the source. The new testament is all that counts. The old testament is just the torah, which the jews lifted from the libraries of babylon when they were in captivity. It has massive historical value of course, but it is just the myths of sumer with different names inserted.

Its pretty simple dude.

If you believe that jesus christ died for your sins then you’re good. It can be difficult to describe, but its like a light switch that turns on when you really believe it.

Imagine you leave your house and think you left the stove on. You get filled with dread about what could happen. If you remember you didnt leave the stove on you’re immediately relieved.

That’s not the best example, but it’s the closest i can come up with at the moment to describe it.

Go to church and pray user. Hell show himself to you. Tell us how it goes when it happens.
abrahamic religions are a rape cult psyop, also involving estate theft

Stick with Christ

>As such, the unity of Jewish people would then become meaningless and there'd be no basis to separate Jew and Gentile.
Thank you for your explanation, but there is a complication that I think needs addressing. I'll probably be telling stuff you already know but it may help others who read.

Around 200 CE the Talmud was completed, forming the basis of Talmudic Judaism and Law, so long after Christ's ministry was completed and "neither Jew nor Greek" was written, making it a younger religion than Christianity and a breakaway from the older root religion. Combined with the Khazar converts into Judaism later on, introducing new blood into the tribe, it has as a consequence that what we see now in Europe (and the rest of the world) as 'Jews' are no longer the same Jews in religion and bloodline as around the time of Christ. But they are still called by the same name "Jews". So we have 2 groups by the same name "Jews": the old original Jews, many of whom converted, and the later Talmudic ones we still see today.

This causes confusion in many discussions around Christianity, and our adversaries who want to imply modern Rabbi's are somehow related to Christianity where they are completely opposed in reality. No one on Sup Forums is blind to their malice (of modern Talmudic Jews), and to me they strike as "those who call themselves Jews but are not". However, the remedy for them is still the same one as you prescribe.

I think it's the latter group, the modern Talmudic Khazar Jews who are the prominent part of the "Jewish Question" and zionism.

Christianity was developed as a tool to control dumb european farmers and the sort. Would take a good bit of stupidity and denial to not understand that it's just another jewish ruse.

Thank you user's, to see people care this much on a place like Sup Forums puts tears in my eye's

this is good stuff desu

You don't need our help. The only thing you have to do is pray and ask Him yourself and He will give you guidance.