Why is it that intellectuals

fall for the communism and egalitarianism meme ?
To what extent is it self hate ?

The none Marxist postmodernist don’t get no platform therefore only the Marxist gets pushed by publicists, media, Hollywood. Because they are all Jews.

Read Kierkegaard

Because communism is based around the idea that society can be managed by a brilliant and virtuous overseer class, which they naturally think they belong to.

It's intellectual narcissism masquerading as compassion.

Intellectuals have always flirted with communism. They're just being edgy.

By the way, Sartre was literally 5'0" with shoes.

To be fair, an extreme libertarian believes that he is so brilliant and capable, he will naturally rise to the top of a society which has removed any limitations on individual ambition.

These are people so far up their own ass that they think they're too good for a job

You have that backwards. The brilliant and capable are libertarians. Or so that's what the survey of a bunch of mensa members showed.

this. most intellectuals....aren't. Most are not capable of critical thought. They merely rehash the ideas that have been bounced around their club for hundreds of years, ever since technology allowed a sizable chunk of humanity to live completely removed primary resource extraction activities.

Idealism. Intellectuals focus on the abstract rather than reality.

Also autism.

It’s the lingo they fall for... shallow points they seek

If you’ve read Marx, you’d have your answer

Communism is the religion of high intellectuals.

Some commie revolutions gas intellectuals so they don’t take their normal role as technocrats and drive the country into the ground. Instead stupid peasants and generallissiomos drive it into the ground.

Centralized economies are best left to vidya games like sim city. Not real life where excess waste and abundance are the only way to ensure that people will strive to make more than minimal expectations of productivity on their own.

they work alone usually, they don't have to engage in larger management processes, thus they have a bad social and political imagination, their writing is unrestricted by anything, they feel better than the rest of population and they try to separate themselves through holding certain views

Let's say everyone makes the same amount of money, no matter what. Picture the utopia and not the regimes we're familiar with.

What will you do for a living? You'll be some kind of philosopher or artist, most likely.

because most intellectuals contribute little of physical value to society while still needing to subsist; their work, while challenging, is not one a paycheck is easily assigned to. thus, a communist-esque approach keeps their bellies full and hands soft

as an aside, i think ubi will be a necessity once the machines get going, but implementing communism in today's society is comically infeasible

Their ideas and theories aren't based on reality. That's why they can be so dangerous. To make their theories work, they have to change reality, drastically. It's not always a bad thing either. If you are thinking big, you often have to ignore the things we accept as facts and real and what we believe is humanly possible. That won't get you to achieve your ultimate goal, but it could bring you a hell of a lot closer. It's true for scientists and I think it also holds true for "intellectuals".

Dude, every philosopher from france was a communist that time.

His wife Simone, Albert Camus or Gabriel Marcel.

I think it was caused by existentialism in that region.

>you have it backwards
>proceeds to prove what the leaf just said by his statement

I really wonder how libertarians believe they will rise to the top if their IQ is lower than the temperature of the room they're in

>If you’ve read Marx
Why would I bother doing that?

>why bother reading

people who go into philosophy often do so to avoid math. Equality has a very formal definition and they hate using the language.

to undestand what you are arguing against perhaps

I've read plenty, just not wasted my time on Marx. Reading Marx is akin to studying the nuances of the flat earth theory or designing a better whale oil lamp. It is completely useless


Only pseudo-intellectuals aka "educated" idiots

>believing all hard leftists are Stalinist
yes, you've read plenty
I see

Economic calculation problem pls

I'm not here to argue or debate. I'm here to shit post. Do you waste your time reading intersectional feminist literature too?

It's a meme you faggot. Don't take things so seriously. Do you believe I have a mullet? This better?

Because they're out of touch with reality.
Same reason why most academics are incapable of giving practical life advice.

no, but on the other hand i don't shitpost or get in to arguments.
well maybe you could count this reply as an argument

>Why is it that intellectuals
> intellectuals

Call them what they are, "brainwashed". The University went from being a bastion of education to being a bastion of Marxism. Just lol @ calling these people "intellectuals".

Ding ding ding ding ding. And we have a winner.

Leafs can be cool sometimes.