Why is Israel allowed an ethno state and we aren't?


Because they’re gods chosen people :^)

Because whites hate themselves and almost are ethno-masochists while Israel actually cares about having Israel be a homeland for Jews

It is one of the most multicultural country around.

Also the paying illegals to go back trick does not work. We pay 3 grand to them too if they leave, they do not leave. Norway pays 10k per person and they do not leave. I think you have to pay 25k or so for them to go.

Look at item number 6 and item number 8.

just put a 5k bounty on them dead and watch the reverse migration

the trick is stop paying them to stay

So this worked in Italy?

The answer is: no.

We need to protect European borders and then deport those who are here.

>So this worked in Italy?
the trick wasn't used, but we pay them less than other places and they still leave in mass for those places

How'd they get there in the first place?

It's funny because the money probably comes from US tax payers.

Because you vote for leftist garbage leaders like Macron and Merkel.

They try to climb the wall, get arrested and sent to a refugee camp. Most of them are from places such as Eritrea and Sudan, that want to escape from the Islam and civil wars, and want a better life for them and their family.

Not going to happen either way, but fighting them with force won't stop them, and will just be expensive. So just paying them to leave is better.

>white people literally vote to get fucked by niggers
>i-its the joos fault!!!!1

Last I checked 80 percent of those coming via Libya are still in Italy.

>want to escape from Islam

sure, Avrohom, that is what we were told...

Literally the best students nazi could have


>The answer is: no.

The answer is yes you dumb fuck, they gtfo from here as soon as they can and if it wasn't for the EU we wouldn't even let them in.

If I arrive in Israel unannounced, will I get $3500 too?

>anglo-saxon male

Well, at-least in Sudan, there is sharia law, just like in Iran, which is one of the reasons South Sudan declared independence.

In Eritrea there is a military government

Because we are idiots that don't stand up for ourselves.

the trick is to wrap the money around a club then beat them with it

because your people's agents have brainwashed a large percentage of our population

create a non competitive industry in africa and train
workers and they won't leave

>white people claim to be smart and superior
>get brainwashed by a few carpet dealers from the desert

we need to confiscate their nukes

I honestly do not think people would care if whites wanted an ethnostate. I don't think it could be America Canada or Australia. Unless we made it clear its that or we are invading anther country and make it our ethnostate. But then in 100+ years you'll just have what we have now. It would have to be Europe. And Europe's needs a lot of work. But I don't think you would have other non western countries giving two shits if we threw out all non Europeans.

Cause you're obviously a pussy who lost a war against a bunch of birds that can't even fly. Just do as you're told and be a good abo loads catfcher

I get what you're saying but you're really being ridiculous. Every race thinks its the master race. Jews, as a collective, have higher IQ than Europeans, as a collective. Obvisouly there is lots of over lap there and that is where the brain washing comes in. Its an ugly accusation but how would you account for the evidence that supports it then?

$3500 is pretty miserly. How much will they get each?

>stealing is being succesful

Where is all the liberal outrage over Israel DOING exactly what they blame America and Europe for wanting to do? Is the thought of wanting to take action worse than the action itself?

they have a good record of stopping mosques in jewish areas they go full community activist, dig up dirt on applicants, run meetings and employ legal stopping tactics related to car parking or noise pollution. Nothing is phrased in anti islamic terms just some residents are very angry, it could lead to violence on the streets or anti jewish attacks and wouldn't it be easier for everyone if the mosque wasn't built.

>I honestly do not think people would care if whites wanted an ethnostate.
What a waste of trips.

My mom owns and rents out a bunch of houses, and she rented one of them out to an African refugee family (at a discount, of course). They absolutely TRASHED the place by the time they left, and the house had bugs and rats everywhere. Had to hire in an extermination company and do a bunch of repairs on the house.

Guess who she voted for? To her credit, she said that she's never renting out to refugees ever again. It's always hilarious to me when I see anything pro-refugee; they're completely incompatible in a developed society and incapable of existing here without immense help, it's almost cruel to bring them here. It's like taking in a wild dog and entering them in Westminster, what do you expect?

jews arent hated because they're successful my strawman friend

Yeah because you shekelniggers own and control our political system as well as the media, fucking kike scum

There is a lot of liberal outrage directed at Israel, come on man

Whites are shamed away from identity as early as possible by the ((media)) and schools. I would argue males as well. All while listening to actual racial supremacists on TV like Al Sharpton.

Even our white women are being targeted with constant race mixing propaganda (strangely enough always white women with another race, but not as much vice versa).

not for long, you invited them germany, that's their destination.

So why have they lived in Italy for years, some for decades, learned Italians and have illegitimte kids there?

How about you alt-right fellas convert to Judaism en masse and move to Israel?

Doesn't work this way. You can't just simply convert unless your mother is a jew.

It's bizarrw how the masses will scream "racism" and "bigotry" when you say something crazy like, ohm I dunno, "a nation has the right to protect its borders from illegal immigration. A nation has a right to deport denizens who entered illegally. A nation has a right to punish denizens who entered illegally and comitted crimes againstl legal citizens."