Has there been a more TRIGGERED Broflake in the history of Christian Conservative media?

Has there been a more TRIGGERED Broflake in the history of Christian Conservative media?
>Calls his shitty "comedy" sketches "a news organization"
>Mad advertisers don't want to do business with him
>SNIFF SNIFF SNIFF *Snorts a huge line of Adderall before each taping*
>Can only view world through "good vs. evil" and "lies from the left vs. the truth"
>Was on the #CruzCrew, now pretends he adores Trump
>Has called right wing comedians rapists (as "jokes") on air
>Fired his former sound guy for saying Bailey Jay was attractive

Other urls found in this thread:


Good vs evil is literally how the world works. Anyone who complains about such an obvious binary is low IQ and/or evil themselves.

>tfw you walk in and catch your wife fucking real men

"wtf i've drawn Mohamed, what have these guys ever done to save America?"

I know you're probably false-flagging but I legit don't like this fucker. He's not funny, he screams like a child, and the fact that he has to bounce off his own goddamn employees to make jokes work is retarded

Never forget the time he ran at protesters and tried to instigate a fight then when someone punched him he claimed the protectors were violent thugs.

When was this?

ive seen this exact thread before
sage and kys

idk, but this guys always rubbed me the wrong way...
something's off about him

He's a Leaf, right?

>Fired his former sound guy for saying Bailey Jay was attractive
Proof of this?

>Fired his former sound guy for saying Bailey Jay was attractive
He and I wouldn't get on.

Some Detroit union protest. He literally got knocked on his ass by a 60+ year old man and cowered like a bitch.

>>Fired his former sound guy for saying Bailey Jay was attractive
Wat? I'm a pretty right wing, conservative Christian and even I would admit he's a very attractive mentally ill man.

To be honest that was the only funny thing I've ever seen him do


t. Brainlet

Yeah. Born in Leafland and raised in Detroit.

I don't get why people call him a comedian when he's more like a radio host.

I like him. More interesting content creators though.

If this guy stuck to being an (unfunny) funny man, it wouldn't be a problem. But he styles himself as some sort of deep thinker despite having (at best) an average intelligence and no background at all in relevant subjects and has never read significantly at all from the canon. The guy will go on and on in his self-important monologues about "Socratic method" when he couldn't even name 3 of Plato's dialogues if cornered. He's a product of the same intellectual subjectivism that haunts the left and makes people think that their uneducated opinion is worth hearing about.

Not a fan at all.

TBF, I don't like him because he's a typical cuckservative on the inside. A goy version of Shapiro. Hates unions and unions members with a passion, shills for (((free trade))) above all else, and he still thinks people voted for Trump purely off personality and not his positions. It's the same arrogant line I hear from idiots on Fox News(where Crowder used to work ofc)

Steven Crowder once made the point that John Lennon was a hypocrite because he preached non-violence and yet was murdered. He is fucking retarded.

He was working for an Americans For Prosperity event in Detroit, he pushed down an old man then played victim for weeks (AFP is legit funded by Koch Bros to convince poor right wingers that they need to support economic policies that would hurt them the most)

World is shades of grey bro.

The episode after Fundip Dan stopped appearing. Jared/Crowder also got VERY upset when he was supportive of trans people in episodes before his departure, and they barely mentioned it. Dan is on London Calling, a radio show for British punk music.

Used the same pic for OP but different in every way, triggered much?

What was the protest about?

Is that the form of a guy who talks endlessly about his MMA experience? Christ, how embarrassing.

Typical union shit I imagine, demanding higher wages etc.


... No Crowder, you're using Strawman on literally every argument and try to turn everything into a life or death fight for the Right/Left.

>Jared/Crowder also got VERY upset when he was supportive of trans people in episodes before his departure, and they barely mentioned it.
Sounds like Glenn Beck getting rid of Tomi Lahren over not being pro-life enough.

Hate this self righteous prick. That skinny junkie and fat cunt behind the scenes paid to laugh at his jokes are the there for the same reason sitcom laughter is.

Oh, hi there Caitlyn. Neck yourself, comrade.

I didn't know Crowder was that based.

Union in Detroit (steel workers?) assembled after AFP decided to fund a VERY large circus tent right next to one of the plants. AFTP organizers used megaphones to tell the unions they were wrong/stupid, and eventually a few union people pushed over the tent.
It was typical union shit, but Crowder saying "They had box cutters and were going to attack the children" was a tad overblown.

So does he just want yes-men?


are you mentally impaired?

>I'm a pretty right wing, conservative Christian


Go suck David Brock's dick

If you look at the Youtube comments, it's being mentioned in almost every video now. The funny part? Ten year olds saying "it's because he's passionate/upset!"

No. If you have EVER had to deal with someone snorting adderall/coke, you know Crowder is 100% doing it. His hearts eventually going to give out, all that anger and amphetamines.

The way Crowder moralizes is irritating as hell, the best way I can describe it is like the satirical "moral of the story" that South Park would have at the end of its later episodes (haven't watched in 10 years). Except Crowder is serious.

He does stand-up

No he doesn't: He hasn't in over a decade.

He HAS done "comedy" at Christian colleges, but it's mostly him yelling about how bad 'the left' is. There's zero comedy, he even admits to not doing it anymore on a recent episode.

>Dude Hitler was a collectivist so therefor he was a liberal LOL

Fuck it's like I'm in APUSH all over again

He can't keep his mind on a straight path. I don't know if that's ADD or abuse of ADD meds, but he's a nightmare to listen to if you're expecting a logical train of thought. You can only interrupt your own sentences so many times before you become totally incoherent.

>but it's mostly him yelling about how bad 'the left' is.

but that's always a funny subject

I've heard him say stuff before about how he was heavily medicated for depression when he was young and that he probably couldn't pass a psych evaluation to get into the military.

can you substantiate that? Find me the video?

Can anyone substantiate the claim for Crowder being on drugs?

Americans should also be aware that when Steven talks about "college" he is being disingenuous--he didn't attend college in the sense that Americans understand it--a 4 year degree-granting post-secondary education.

Rather, unique to Quebec, "college" is a step between high school and university that is required for university admission. Quebec high school only goes to grade 11. "College" is equivalent to grade 12 plus a year of general pre-university training or vocational specialization.

I don't really have a problem following him... He does jump around a lot but he's just fast, not incoherent.

There's a logical train of thought with tangents in rapid-fire...
Are you sure the problem isn't that you're not a smart person?

It was on one of his shows, ill probably never be able to find it now.

But him talking about not being able to pass a psych test is on one of his shows when the trannies in the military was the hot topic.

Why are there a bunch of leafs circle-jerking about how Crowder isn't funny?
Diffrnt strokes, yall.
I enjoy his commentary, though I've disagreed with him many times. He's one of the only people willing to stand up against the marijuana scourge.

He also said he regularly goes to therapy.


American intellectuals Lmao

He also edited/deleted parts of his shows in the past if it's something that could be used against him.

No amount of "smarts" can follow a non-sequitur.

Retractions? GASP
Also, I don't believe you because of your flag... At least it's not a meme flag but I think we should have traveled to England to finish the job in 1812.
You'll have to prove your claims.

I don't know what you think non sequitur means... But I'm pretty sure you're wrong.

There is a difference between yes-men and trannylovers.

Him and Rogan together talking about their martial arts training was one of most embarrassing things I've witnessed.

Hi Steven

fuck your mother

The fact that he isn't funny is nearly irrelevant and a red herring. If a man on public transit started shitting everywhere and rubbing his shit on the windows and seats, it would be noteworthy, but hardly the most salient thing, if he had a stupid haircut. Yeah, Crowder is unfunny, but that's obvious and worth only a passing comment.

I mean it in the logical sense. What other meaning does it have?

Steven Crowder is fucking hilarious.


I think he's funny.

He did a good job with his undercover antifa reporting.

>Le kochtopus
Oh my god you fucking Leftist freaks and your bond villain delusions

Typical Cuckservatuve American.

Is humor not subjective, then?
I think some of his bits are funny. I also love the way he triggers lefties.
His infiltration of antifa was a very valuable bit of journalism.
He's a useful right winger and he's funny. Are we going to debate opinions?

He actually does some pretty good undercover reporting.


can you bring an example of a non sequitur employed by Mr. Crowder?

You have to frame Good vs. Evil in a particular way.
Good = anything that increases sustainable survival and controlled reproduction
Bad = anything that decreases sustainable survival and controlled reproduction
That analysis works with Darwin’s ideas.
We need an axiom though for this to work.
We’ll use Life itself as the axiom.

If you want to know how to discover God in this world, all humanity must do is find a way to become immortal.
Immortality is probably the truth.

>Is humor not subjective, then?
Like *judgments* of beauty and morality, *judgments* of humor are subjective. But that just means they can be wrong if they don't correspond to the objective facts about what is funny, beautiful, or moral.

/leftypol/ isn't even trying to be subtle today.

>objective facts about what is funny
just what in the hell is actually wrong with you?

Crowder said hes on adderall on rogans show after bashing weed

He's right to bash weed and his publications regarding weed are mostly accurate. It's also a perspective that needs more attention and less aversion. Especially to Joe Rogan who practically promotes the stuff...

I listened to that podcast, can you tell me where he says that because I must have missed it?

They know that they have little effect in here.
Everyone can spot them so they just dip in for the low hanging fruit and then dip out.
I can't wait to see the disappointment on their faces November 5th.

oh yeah are they still thinking they're going to do some kinda revolution thing? Is that before or after the gun control protests?

Consider visual perception: it's subjective, yet if I put the same stimuli in front of 100 people, they will mostly report the same perception. One might be blind and report nothing. A couple might have disorders like color blindness. But there are objective facts about the stimuli that determine the nature of (subjective) perceptions. Why would humor be any different? The fact that a comedian can stand in front of an audience and tell a joke and make people laugh suggests that humor isn't a subjective matter. If it were, it would be more like 100 people having totally different perceptions of the red paper. Instead, many people find the same jokes funny.

Good analysis.
The reason comedians gain notoriety is because a large enough group of people found their work funny.
The demographic makeup of the audience might be wildly different though.
I would venture to guess that few men find “barnyard vag” Amy Schumer funny or that many Whites find black comedy funny.

All I see is a bunch of whiny boomer faggots assaulting someone for no reason.

You god awful retard.
Comedians do talks about how they alter their bits for different regions based on demographic assumptions... So, something funny on the west coast may not be funny in the midwest, and vice versa.

Literal retard.

>idk, but this guys always rubbed me the wrong way...
>something's off about him

1) young man trapped in old fart's body
2) Walmart dad sneakers
3) Married at 15 yrs old, preachy about marriage
4) Free market cuckery mixed with Christianity = hatred of low income working men
5) The token edgy young conservative who gets booked by Fox News
6) accomplice of Shapiro
7) annoying hair style

This is one of the few guys in the younger conservative movement that has rampant insecurities and does more harm than good man. If you came up to this guy and said you were a fan he'd probably say thanks and make some passive aggressive remark about how you were dressed. I've watched a few interviews with him and other people and he acts so indignant I can't get through it. He was bullied sometime in his life very very badly.

>If you came up to this guy and said you were a fan he'd probably say thanks and make some passive aggressive remark about how you were dressed

Traditional conservatives in the Current Year can be emotionally driven. Because it's an unnatural and assumed state of mind, these people are consumed by self-validation and asserting status.

>unnatural and assumed


He says a number of times in the video that the knife "could' be used for a violent event... That never happened. It's not illegal to give a knife to someone, so him acting like it was used (or going to be used) against the peaceful Tiki torchers was a flat out lie.

No wonder news didn't want to touch his "story."

>dude Jesus was a jew lmao
>we should be worshiping jews and it's our duty to help israel lmao

He's just another cuckservative faggot.

>capitalizing greentext
I see you shill

Very interesting: Evangelical Christians (or plain crazy Christians) believe that there will be a holy war between muslims and jews, and that by supporting Israeli policies they will accelerate the holy war/going to heaven.

Dennis Prager revealed his hand a few times on this, and Crowder is into it as well.

I now see where that 18 billion dollars is coming in handy. What a faggot shill circle jerk of a thread. Get aids and die. Also traps are gay

Hi cenk wanna need your daily dosage of bacon grease

Shut nigger no one cares

>Dennis Prager revealed his hand a few times on this, and Crowder is into it as well.
Brainwashed into zionism.