Ok so basically my dad is brown (spic) and my mum is white. My skin colour is normal...

Ok so basically my dad is brown (spic) and my mum is white. My skin colour is normal , i do get a tan very quickly when i'm in a country where summer actually exist.
I concider myself as white , but others concider me brown.
I mean i have WHITE european features sooooooo ????? And i'm mostly by european descent.
Would you concider me white?????? Am i white ???

tits or gtfo

are your eyes dark brown? if so you arent white

That's a hazara

We do need to see the nipples to make the actual determination...

You write like a girl so post your tits. There is seriously nothing embarrassing about it just fucking post your tits and we will actually answer your question seriously.

you are half asian half white and you consider yourself white?? lol gl with that

How old are you????????????

As for whiteness, you'd be considered white in the US

Are your nipples pink or red rather than brown? That's really the easiest way to tell.

stop white knighting faggot "you'd be considered white in the US" idiot low iq mongol

You know the rules.

That's rich coming from you, Suomi.

>You write like a girl
It could just be a swede thing

How the fuck did a swede get spic'd

>I concider myself as white
If you say that - you aren't white. Its that simple.

u look asian

50% mongrel confirmed.

gtfo my Sup Forums

Go back to Chile you disgusting mongrel.

You can be white as long as you let my motorboat those succulent titties.

she looks like a certain someone

Lots of migration between Sweden and Uruguay, for one thing. Why? Fuck if I know.

You are white in Brazil.


If you murdered a bunch of people you would probably be considered white.

Aww did I hurt your feefees?

go live in america, i consider you american

The leaf speaks truth.

and they say germans are unfunny gay robots. well look at you prove them wrong.

Not white brah
Also what the fuck you are doing in Sweden?

protip if youre white then you wouldnt have to ask this question


lmao this dumb mongol

future murican confirmed

Bahahahaha this.

>1 post
>no tits


how the fuck did spics get to sweden

another hilarious german

>1 post by this ID
>horny virgins asking for tits pic
Sup Forums in a nutshell

oh it's the same poster as before, sorry, still, absolutely gut bustingly hilarious, keep up the fine work.

that looks like a bolivian costume

Shilling on the rise.

you have to be at least 75% nonwhite to be accepted into the USA

she said she wanted to know whether or not she's white. We literally need to see nipples for this determination. It's fucking science you goon.

You are not White, mongrel. Another problem is that you are not Nordic, so no place for you in Sweden you piece of shit

Step 1: what colour is your skin
Step 2: what colour is white
Step 3: is white brown

Depends on which side will you be on the day of the rope. Mixed kids with white features that rope at least one Jew will be considered white

10/10 would racemix. You look almost exactly like this girl I used to know

>1 post by this ID
You fagatrons took the bait

Assuming the lips match the lips, you white


>i do get a tan very quickly
aka i do look different than full white people
ive met shitskins like u, u arent white, even when ur "pale" u can see the brown in ur skin, kys

looks like the Bog

If you look like the picture you're not white.

>imagine getting THIS infuriated by a random picture


Y so triggered? Calm yo tits mohammed

>implying race is skin color
fuck off, Paco.
In order to be White, both of your parents must be White. Only White men can produce White children. Mestizos and Negroids lack that ability.

>1 post by this ID

muricans can literally sit back and the next moment their country is a little bit less white.

every week, every day, every hour, every minute a bit less white.

every. second.

i am from mexico.

i am tan skin

i can fool white people and have them think im white

i can fool brown people and have them think im brown when i speak spanish

accepted by everyone

im also on no ones side , and sympathetic to both the right and left

i fuck women of all color

get on my level
have mixed race hot babies

dont worry about your skin color

worry about being hot

says the nation getting 'Blacked' compliments of the (((Alt-White)))

You're not white, you look like a Mexican. Skin color, eyes, jawbone, cheekbones, everything.

You are not white, but you are Caucasian. Try not to confuse skin color, ethnicity, and race together.

You're an attractive human.

Do you shave you chest Juan

One post by this ID

to be honest you loke like an indigen

i actually have a white sounding name my dad was a couple steps ahead when he hopped the border back in the 80's

also no i dont shave my chest.

>brown (spic)

lol wtf.