Are we not paying attention to pewdiepie anymore?

In one of his videos yesterday he made his pug give a Roman salute and he also gave the white supremacist ok symbol. Just a reminder that pewds is still /ourguy/ and we should all be watching/supporting his channel.

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I'm pleased with him -- and for him -- but I don't know shit about gaming so not for me.

go away felix

lol, hes in the middle of south park lets play so he's subconsciously doing more edgy shit

He used the fucking N word dude...

Not cool

Im just glad he apologized because it was completely uncalled for

People can express their anger without the fuckin racism...

I agree with

Fuck off pewdiepie stop shilling your channel here.

Namefag advertising to kids.
Go away.
Make your profits elsewhere.

Fuck you pewdiepie you embody cheap trash entertainment for stupid kids and that's all you'll ever be. That's not even the correct arm for the salute anyways.


>He used the fucking N word dude...
>Not cool

Fuck you, Nigger!

Pewdiepie needs some new material. But the he's too nice to be like Idubbz, guy is a fucking nut. Has only shown "nigger" on his vids but never said it.


>shouts "nigger"

sounds about right

He doesn't need out help.

he is an anti gun open borders Trump hating globalist.




Fuck you

> (You)
>>shouts "nigger"
>sounds about right

Hillary is my KKK leader.

An user needs a link.

Nigger. Go back to plebbit.

What happened to him?

nobody cares about any of your e-whores
fuck off and do a lets-play with yourself
sage goes in the options field

It's not about him, i.e the person, but the influence he has on millions of people and the way he's using it.

i like his beard very much

honestly, he's become much more watchable now after being filthy frank lite. he shouldve taken the idubbbz route and not give the word nigger any power, nigger

>literally lifted his degenerate dog’s foot >used his hand while speaking.
>/ourjew/ confirmed

Felix, this is getting ridiculous, the only one using serious Sup Forums dogwhistles is h3h3 and Stephen Miller.

I guess I should've included a link to the video

holy shit
he's turning into rasputin



His videos are boring and just clickbait garbage though. I gave his channel a shot during all the controversy, but unsubbed because it was just garbage content. I think he knows this too. I think he dosent even understand why he gets views.