Christian thread #3

>this kills the catholic

Other urls found in this thread:


>The kingdom of god is within you
>looks for it outside on a resurrection

This kills the non-gnostic

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us

American Proddies shitposting edition :D

It also kills the Christianity.

Pagan elements are why Catholicism and Orthodoxy are still alive and Protestantism is spiritually dead

>Theological disputes can never be settled
Yes, they can. The Bible acknowledges that there is a "correct" or "perfect" interpretation of Scripture. No one is stopping you from reading the Bible any way you wish, but we're all going to have to reconcile our beliefs when we meet God in heaven. I can live with the knowledge that I read Scripture and understood is based on what it said -- not based on what human traditions of a megalomaniac church said.

>As more disputes arise, more sects grow and splinter
Naturally. Paul and Jesus warned of Christian sects ALREADY IN THEIR DAY. We know false prophets existed when Paul was preaching. He literally went into churches and scolded the pastors for being heretics. Who is surprised that there always will be heretical churches?

>No unifying doctrine other than personal interpretation
No, there is a correct interpretation of Scripture that we can read and understand as human beings. If we just deleted the Catholic church and started from the scratch with the Bible in our hands, we would end up being baptists -- Catholics would be none-existent because they have nothing to do with the Bible.

>Personal interpretations lack historicity/perspective, and increasingly miss the mark as biblical events recede further and further into the past
Historicity and perspective doesn't matter -- the Bible is a timeless book, quite literally.

This means that Jesus intentionally founded not one Church, but millions of them. Which, according to the Bible, wasn't his intent.
No, he founded the church of believers in Him. And honestly, I think most Christians agree of many of the most fundamental doctrines. I don't care about small things for the most part.

We are not protestants. We are independent baptists. Do you know what "independent" means? It means we aren't "protesting" the Catholic church, we are rejecting it.
>the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah
>For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah
>He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
>He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.

His own people aka Jews.
>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

Samaritans aka Gentiles.


And pagan elements are why paganism is still ali-wait...

>All Christians Are Cucks

>All Christians are Cucks #2

>All Christians are Cucks #3

>All Christians are Cucks #4

>All Christians are Cucks #5

>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant

>Cuck Identity

>Cuck Identity #2


Synagogue of Satan debunked

>Why do people care about berating an increasingly irrelevant religion anyway?
Because they're not irrelevant. They actively fund and even run many of the boats coming from Africa to Europe.
>Konrad Hermann Joseph Adenauer was a German statesman who served as the first post-war Chancellor of Germany (West Germany) from 1949 to 1963.
>He was the first leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), a Christian Democratic party that under his leadership became, and has since usually been the most influential party in the country.
>He displayed a strong dedication to a broad vision of market-based liberal democracy and anti-communism.
>West Germany joined NATO in 1955
>is the President of Germany, serving since March 2012. A former Lutheran pastor, he came to prominence as an anti-communist civil rights activist in East Germany
>the daughter of Horst Kasner, a Lutheran pastor and a native of Berlin, and his wife Herlind, born in 1928 in Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland)
>is a German politician who is currently Chancellor of Germany. She is also the leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
>From 1979, as an advocate of 'open societies', Soros financially supported dissidents including Poland's Solidarity movement
>first trade union in a Warsaw Pact country that was not controlled by a communist party.
>anti-Soviet social movement ranging from people associated with the Catholic Church
>CIA covert support
>In Sollicitudo rei socialis, a major document of Catholic Social Teaching, Pope John Paul II identifies the concept of solidarity with the poor and marginalized as a constitutive element of the Gospel and human participation in the common good.

More like, there never been more churches, while Christian Democrats didn't even exist in Socialism. Pro-refugee faggots are all Christian.

> Sola Scriptura
Not in the bible

>We are independent baptists
Oh nice, I've been to such a church for like half a year.

Steven Anderson on race-mixing
"Interracial Marriage" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental, KJV sermon)
"Races" are a Fraud

Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee,
Blessed art thou among women
And Blessed is the Fruit of thy Womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for our sinners
Now, and at the Hour of our Death.

>The Jews thought (and think) that they are God's chosen people, but when Jesus came and said: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus", the Jews claimed He couldn't be their Messiah, so they convinced Pontio to crucify Him. Is exactly because Jesus was for all humanity and not only for the Jews that (((they))) killed Him, and since that moment, every nation in the entire globe see Jews as a negative influence to any country they appear in. And with good reason, every Catholic / Christian nation up until Vatican II and some decades before, had prohibition or persecution of Jews.

You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah, and in regard to that tribe Moses said nothing about priests.

>Both his parents were Jews because they were observing the Torah.
Luke 2:39 – So when they had done everything according to the Torah of the Lord, they returned to the Galilee, to their own city of Nazareth

>His parents observed the Passover :
Luke 2:41 – His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover.

>All of his disciples were Jews, he was a Jew, they even called him a Rabbi:
John 4:31 – In the meantime His talmidim (“students, disciples”) urged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.”

John 3:1-2 – This man came to Yeshua (“Jesus”) by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”

John 6:25 – And when they found Him on the other side of the lake, they said to Him, “Rabbi, when did You come here?”

John 4:9 – Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?”…

>He didn’t come to destroy the Law (Torah) or End it :
Matthew 5:17 – Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.

>He went to synagogues :
Luke 4:16 – So he came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.

Luke 21:37 – And in the daytime He was teaching in the Temple, but at night He went out and stayed on the mountain called Olivet.

>He wore the Jewish tassle (The Hebrew noun tzitzit is the name for specially knotted ritual fringes, or tassels, worn in antiquity by Israelites and today by observant Jews and Samaritans) :
Matthew 14:36 – (They) begged Him that they might only touch the tassle of His garment. And as many as touched it were made perfectly well.

>He observed the Passover (The Jewish people celebrate Passover as a commemoration of their liberation by God from slavery in Egypt and their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses) :
John 2:13 – Now the Jewish Passover was at hand, and Yeshua (“Jesus”) went up to Jerusalem.

>He observed the Succot (in traditional Ashkenazi pronunciation Sukkos or Succos, literally Feast of Booths, is commonly translated to English as Feast of Tabernacles, sometimes also as Feast of the Ingathering) and taught in the temple again :
John 7:2,10,14 – Now the Jewish Feast of Succot (“Tabernacles”) was at hand. But when His brothers had gone up, then He also went up to the Feast… Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught.

>He observed the Hanukah (a Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar. It is also known as the Festival of Lights and the Feast of Dedication) :
John 10:22,23 – Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem and it was winter, and Yeshua (“Jesus”) walked in the temple…

Greater Israel occasionally refers to the Promised Land (defined in Genesis 15:18-21) or to the Land of Israel, also called Complete Land of Israel or Entire Land of Israel (Hebrew: ארץ ישראל השלמה, Eretz Yisrael Hashlemah). This is a more accurate translation than “Greater Israel”, which is used in English but has no real counterpart in Hebrew.

"No one in Israel should ever be poor. The Lord your God is giving you this land, and he has promised to make you very successful, if you obey his laws and teachings that I’m giving you today."

"You will lend money to many nations, but you won’t have to borrow. You will rule many nations, but they won’t rule you."

The bible is quite pro jew. (((Yahweh))) promises the jews GREATER ISRAEL FFS

Europe was never fully Christianized. Even at its height of Christian fervor most did not fully accept Christian morality in their hearts.

Turn the other cheek is mistranslated/misinterpreted meme: This is not true whatsoever. There are MANY (too many to list) verses in the Bible that are anti-European and anti-Aryan.
>When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. (Leviticus 19:33-34)
>Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt. (Exodus 23:9)
>There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)

christians practice blood rituals and cannabalism:

>according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, the change of substance by which the bread and the wine offered in the sacrifice of the sacrament of the Eucharist during the Mass, become, in reality, the body and blood of Jesus the Christ

literally eating the flesh and blood of your gay god

Christianity was made by brown people, for brown people. The only people who believe that Jesus was in anyway European are fringe religious nuts, all historians know that there were no Europeans any where near where Jesus was supposedly born or when the bible was written (by brown people)

You can't call yourself a white nationalist if you want to throw away your pagan heritage in favour of a middle eastern religion made by brown people
Also there is no proof Jesus even existed, so why gives those Christian scum the benefit of the doubt?
There's a reason why Jews consider Pagan symbols to be hate symbols, and all white nationalist groups glorify pagan symbols.
In the Jew dominated media, such as in movies, Christians are always portrayed as the ideal, normal, good, American goys.
I know Christcucks are too stupid to read between the lines that Hitler was obviously a Pagan, but to deny that he was heavily fascinated with Paganism and Pagan symbols and had a great respect for it, would be absurd
If you really want to rebel against the kikes, and make a true stand for Europe, then worship the Gods of your ancestors


Reminder that REAL Christians do not believe in evolution, dinosaurs or that the earth is older than 6 thousand years old. Also, 2 of each of every species of animal that exists today was somehow put on a boat and repopulated the Earth with all the animals we see today. If you don't believe this you aren't a real Christian and you need to stop calling yourself one. Thanks
>b-b-b-b-but muh cherry picking
Yeah, you're a fucking joke

What are "traditional Christian" family values?

Like goat fucker Abraham trying to kill his own son? Or Jesus encouraging European women to become degenerate nuns and stop making white babies?

Christianity is a Jewish sect which is now the forerunner of multiculturalism and race mixing.

Pro-White Pagan family values
Multi racial Christian v̶a̶l̶u̶e̶s̶ faggy morals


What exactly are "Traditional Christian family values?" Varg explains:

Right Wing politics are concerned with the long-term survival of Civilization

Christianity is only concerned with personal salvation to become part of a nebulous afterlife for which no evidence exists, and for which this world needs to be sacrificed, which is best expressed in the way early christians like Martin of Tours refused to fight enemies of their nations, insofar killing in this world could cost them heaven

When Jesus says "if they take your coat, let them have your shirt as well", "do not resist evil", "I have come to turn a man against his own household", "if you don't hate your self and your own family you can't follow me", "love your enemies, pray for your persecutors", "the meek will inherit the Earth", "those that wanna die will live", "blessed are those the persecuted, for they will be my Kingdom", "do not save treasures for tomorrow", "carry your cross so that you can receive eternal reward", "Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven", "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter Heaven", "Woe to you who are well fed, Woe to you who laugh, for you will mourn and weep"...

... he is not kidding, or meaning the opposite, but actually setting down a morality where the world is a lie and only the afterlife is the real deal, so destroying your life in this world, "carrying your cross" as he says, is completely logical

Sup Forums "christians" seem to believe Jesus actually meant the OPPOSITE of all that, and that Jesus wants you to defend your family, that Jesus wants you to kill your enemies, to become prosperous, well-fed and rich in this world, and to avoid persecution and death!

Only a person that does not actually believe in the Heaven for the persecuted, the meek, and the martyred would actually re-interpret Christianity as a cult of earthly power which declares "the strong shall inherit the Earth", "my kingdom is of this world" and "you must destroy the enemies of your nation"

Only some one that just wanna use Christianity as an empty shell devoid of any true religious promises would claim that Paul and Peter misinterpreted Jesus when they submitted to their enemies and died to them while praying for them, instead of fighting the romans back and establishing a crusader kingdom, thing that one would expect them to do if Jesus meant "be a fighter and impose your will on your enemies" when he said "love your enemies and lend all they need to them without expecting anything in return"

But using Christianity as a shell devoid of any religious promises simply allows its poisonous morality to survive into the next generation.

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "I didn't come to bring peace", but you can't stop them from reading the rest of the paragraph and realizing what Jesus wanted is for them to put christian morality above the good-being of their own families.

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "Buy a sword", but you can't stop them from reading the next chapter and realizing that Jesus stopped Peter from using the sword to fight and defeat the romans, and reprimanded him for misunderstanding, all while asking him to carry his own cross (Peter, fully realizing that Jesus meant all the stuff about embracing death and his kingdom was not of this world, that angelic chariots were not going to slay his enemies and bring him victory, realized he was doomed, and would then deny Jesus 3 times)

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because ""Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces", but you can't stop them from reading the rest of the paragraph and realizing that Jesus was asking them, not to destroy their enemies, but to not put in risk their own moral position by criticizing others. You may want them to believe that Jesus, in the middle of a speech about not judging other people and sharing, suddenly decided that speak against the muslims that didn't even exist back then!

That is not going to fly.

Sooner or later, your "strict catholic crusader" state will be reformed into liberalism, because the Gospel will still exist, because your children, like Peter, will realize that Jesus meant it when he said "you are to be persecuted and martyred for me", that Jesus didn't say "you will live in a stable and powerful civilization, free of oppresion and death, thanks to me".

>christians practice blood rituals and cannabalism:
It really only gets better. Sad I have to go to work soon.

> inb4 Turning the other cheek does not mean pacifism. Slapping someone's face with the back of your hand was an insult back then

no it wasn't. that shit was made up by radical black-nationalist liberal theologist Walter Wink to justify social rebellion in South Africa.

There are NO sources to it outside his books, the only source of arameic culture of that time (josephus) makes zero mention of such thing whatsover

>He clearly does. He even goes onto say that HE personally could lose salvation.
I would suggest to you that the Bible does not teach eternal salvation, although it sure would be nice if it did. The Bible warns Christians that they can "fall from grace" (Gal. 5:1-5), be "cut off" from salvation (Rom. 11:18-22), have their names removed from the Lamb's Book of Life (Rev. 22:19), by committing certain sins and not repenting of them (cf. Eph. 5: 3-5; 1Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19, Rev. 21:6-8).

>In a chilling reminder of the possibility of losing salvation by separating oneself from Christ, Paul says, "I drive my body and train it, for fear that, after having preached to others, I myself should become disqualified." (1 Cor. 9:27).

>Here are a couple of additional passages that pretty much spell out the fact that one can lose one's salvation:

>Matt: 6:15
>Matt: 19:21-35
>Matt: 10:22-32
>Luke 12:41-46
>1 Cor. 15:1-2
>Colossians 1:22-23
>Hebrews 3:6, 14
>Rev. 2:10, 25-36, 3:1-5
>2 Peter 2:20-22

>We can lose Salvation. Stop believing that screaming I'm Born Again is enough. It's clearly not

Oh boy, the fact that you refer to Rev 22:19 as being able to lose your salvation is just hilarious. It says "losing our PLACE" in the Book of Life. All of us, even unsaved people, have a place in the Book of Life, but once your name is written there, it can never be removed.

The rest does not refer to losing your salvation, it either refers to not being saved yet, understanding the gospel but rejecting it, or has nothing to do with salvation. Unfortunately I don't have time to refute all of your passages.

>although it sure would be nice if it did
Lucky for you it does, my friend! And that's fantastic news, because the Bible teaches that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There is none righteous, no, not one! Our works are as filthy rags before God.

Christianity can't cure a disease it caused

Pagan Romans were fundamentally free of the chains of jewish power, so much that they almost exterminated them all in their own homeland after the rebellion of Bar Kocheba

It would be Christian Europe that would fall under permanent jewish influence, with the jewish-controlled churches banning europeans from financing and loaning, giving them as a monopoly to jews

By the modern era, Christians were so throughly judaized, that they started to actively wish for the restoration of Israel so that the end of the world would finally come around and their civilization would die!

And why would it be otherwise?

A religion which such obsession with death, with promise is the end of the world, is fundamentally a time-bomb in the basement of a civilization

Do you really believe that the early christians that embraced their martyrhood to the lions said to themselves "I am dying to this lion so that the white race can survive, fuck jews!" or any such anachronistic reinterpretation that you have decided to give to their death cult?

Jews are a very successful group that has become successful by monopolising finances through ethnic networking and promoting ideologies that demonize their own actions so that the goyim won't copy their success

so they promote anti-nationalistic Communism among the goyim while endorsing Zionism for themselves

that is why they promoted universalist Christianity among the goyim while endorsing Judaism for themselves

then christians wonder why Jews dominate them!

>that pic

Look at whom that place took its name. If you're not retarded you'll make the connection.

O Glorious Prince of the heavenly host, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the terrible warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come to the aid of man, whom Almighty God created immortal, made in His own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of Satan.

Fight this day the battle of the Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in Heaven. That cruel, ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels. Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the name of God and of His Christ, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. This wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity.

>Kills catholicism
Nigga what?

If Christianity is a religion of earthly power, why didn't it save the Western Roman Empire then? Why did Saint Augustine wrote that it was not a christian concern the existence or not of wordly kingdoms?
Why were Christians unable to save even their fucking holy land from the Muslims, if they are the religion of earthly power that you believe they are?
Why is the North Africa now muslim, if it was once christian and roman?
That they didn't manage to screw things completely over was an accident of history, not for lack of trying
and most importantly of all questions, why has Christianity become an enabler of the muslim invasion of Europe, if it is such religion of earthly power and "the strong will inherit the Earth" as you seem to believe?
why are all the christian mainstream churches pro-refugee, if christian doctrine says "hate your enemy, and do not lend to them all they want" instead of the opposite as you claim?
The strange thing is that "christians" like you are a minority within Christianity itself that they claim to represent, with everyone from the Pope to the Anglican Churches to the Protestant Churches actively cucking for the destruction of the West
The Pope literally points to the same verses that I do to justify his doctrine, yet you come here to tell me that he is wrong, and I am wrong, and even damn Jesus and paul were wrong tho, because some medieval crusader decided to recreate christianity as a earthly cult of power in order to sack Constantinople!

These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where the See of Holy Peter and the Chair of Truth has been set up as the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be.

Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory. They venerate thee as their protector and patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious power of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly find mercy in the sight of the Lord; and vanquishing the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen.

V. Behold the Cross of the Lord; be scattered ye hostile powers.
R. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered, the root of David.
V. Let Thy mercies be upon us, O Lord.
R. As we have hoped in Thee.
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto Thee.

Let us pray.
O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Thy holy Name, and as supplicants, we implore Thy clemency, that by the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin Immaculate and our Mother, and of the glorious St. Michael the Archangel, Thou wouldst deign to help us against Satan and all the other unclean spirits who wander about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of souls. Amen


You really have to understand that jesus is shit posting when he talks to the pharisees


>20And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

clear doctrine

>22And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it. 23And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them. 24For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day.

>Catholics would be none-existent because they have nothing to do with the Bible.
And that's why I left from those independent Babtists.
>Not protesting

It's funny how it's written in Latin because you know appealing to Catholic aesthetics gives your theological statements an air of authority they would othewise lack if they were just written in vernacular.

I don't understand what you're trying to say sir.

Literally all the followers of Jesus, and Jesus himself were kikes.

Among his followers there were many zealots, the most radical jews of them all, that wanted wars against Rome
But sure, he was "le anti-semite non-kike that kikes hated" right?

Now you are going to talk about how he disagreed with pharisees or whatever.

But why would the pharisees be discussing mosaic law with a non-jew? Never mind, what exactly did he denounce the pharisees for that makes him not a kike? Have you actually read the Gospel?

Can you point to a single value that Jesus denounced that wasn't valid?

Because the denounciations of Jesus were idiotic, insane, even marxist

There he denounces the pharisees for wanting to punish a slut! (Jesus didnt like slut shaming, quite liberal if you ask me!)
There he denounces the rich pharisees and promises the earth to the meek and the poor! (... and marxist)
There he denounces the pharisees for wanting to live, instead of embracing death like him!
There he denounces them over a disagreement on how Mosaic Law is applied! (but Jesus was not a Jew I swear!!!)

You blindly may say "he disagreed with the kikes" as if that was something we needed to applaud!

Muslims are hated by Jews as well, but Jews are smart enough to use them as a tool. The same way they use the insane anti-morality of Christianity to corrupt the ancient world and give themselves a privileged financial spot!

But if Jews don't like the own poison they created, that means that we shall drink it, according to you!

wtf I guess I love ISIS now!

> Christianity made Europe...

Christianity made Europe a mess...

That "conversion" of Europe involved a lot of killing of whites and destruction of history and art, even worse, it involved killing scientists that went through the Middle Ages, so much that Islam got ahead of Europe during the Middle Ages

> bu... but the surviving scientists were christians and even talked well of the kike Jesus!!!

> According to the poll, just over half of scientists (51%) believe in some form of deity or higher power; specifically, 33% of scientists say they believe in God, while 18% believe in a universal spirit or higher power.

Now that not being a christian is not a death sentence, most scientists don't give a fuck about pretending to worship a kike

Certainly, if Christianity was pro-Science, it would not be anti-world, and it would have not allowed Islam to get ahead of Europe and almost cuck it completely during the Middle Ages


Is that the religion that you claim "made Europe"?

You believe in an era where the Islamic World was ahead of Europe, so much that our word for complex mathematics is ALGEBRA, an arab word!

But then, Jesus the Kike promised that.

He said clearly that, while men would love their enemies, men would have their enemies in their own household, so it is no wonder europeans were killing each other until well

Catholicism and Orthodoxy have never been spiritually alive.

I respect European Protestantism, but American Protestantism is a fucking joke. Almost every single Protestant branch started in the US is an offshoot of heresies that were chased out of Europe. Southern Baptist nigger churches are the biggest offenders.

Just popping in to tell you that you're a protestant and possibly retarded

I'm not a protestant and I'm not retarded. God bless you.

I don't see your church build on christ.
That's what I say.

I was naive about the christian denominations before I entered the Baptist church. The catholic church teaches us that those protestants are christians like us we can go to their churches just as we can gow to our church.
But going there with my family brought only harm.

>Literally all the followers of Jesus, and Jesus himself were kikes.

Luke was a gentile.

>sola fide- belief alone
>sola gratiam - grace alone

pick one. grace is snctity earned by avoiding sin and temptation and working out your salvation which contradicts luthers idea of salvation through belief alone and being able to sin all you want without losing your graceful state.

The former fought secularism till the 60s, and latter still does. Protestants gave up fighting secularism in 1815 or before.

Christians got along without the New Testament for at least 40 years after the death of Jesus.. WITH NO BIBLE.
Who decided what the Bible even was ? The Catholic Church in 320 AD in Hippo and in 397 AD in Carthage.
The Bible had to be created by someones Authority. By who's authority was it put together ?
The Authority of the Bible then has to be based open the authority of the Church and what church would that be ?
The only church that existed at the time. The Authority of the Catholic Church. Apostolic Authority. ONE HOLY AND APOSTALIC CHURCH.
That lasted for 1100 years until Martin Luther a single man decide to remove 7 books from the Bible (9 at first) and to added the word ALONE to Romans 3:28.

1520 Martin Luther leaves the Catholic Church and starts his own "Church"
by 1600 there were over 200 sects of Prodestentism.Now there are over 30,000 in the US Alone.
Each is based on the Bible alone (Sola Scriptura) and none of them have the same doctrine.
How can that be ? Why would the Holy Spirit lead some many people to differnt doctrine ?
The Doctrine of Sola Scriptura has done nothing because there is no TRADITION from the pillar and bulwark of the Truth. (1 Timothy 3:15)
The Catholic Church.

"Romans 3:28 states, "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law". Martin Luther, in his German translation of the Bible, specifically added the word "allein" (English 'alone') to Romans 3:28 -a word that is not in the original Greek.
...Luther insists on his own absolute infallibility. In defending his addition of the word "alone" to Romans 3:28, Luther railed: Thus I will have it, thus I order it, my will is reason enough.


Faith ALONE will not save you.

>Muh Sola Scriptura
>If it's not in dah Bibul it's naht real guize!!!!11!!
>Schismatics actually believe this

>grace is snctity earned by avoiding sin and temptation and working out your salvation
Wrong, we are saved by grace through faith. Bible is really clear on that point.

>For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast (Eph 2:8-9)

Bishop Williamson a Catholic Bishop on the Dilution of the White Race (Goto 22m19s)

This gets more and more pathetic.

Protestantism has had greater vigour than Roman Catholicism and the Orthodox Churches since the Reformation, the aforementioned two having nearly totally declined while Protestantism is growing massively year after year all over the globe. There is no stopping the will of God.

I don't listen to kike worshipers.

Christianity as a whole is about betrayal

You people may love to notice that Jesus made two sword references, but Jesus stopped his followers from actually using any sword to attack their enemies, and reprimanded them for misunderstanding

Indeed, the second sword reference was very explicit who the sword would be pointing at, protip: it wasn't to be used against your enemies, but your own damn family: "I do not come to bring peace, but to set a man against his own household" (anything else would contradict both "love your enemies and lend them anything they want" and "if someone does not his own family, your wife, children and yourself he can't be my follower")

Christianity is an inversion of reality, and the only way to claim otherwise is to actively ignore everything Jesus said except 3 or 4 quotes entirely removed from their follow-up verses or any context whatsoever.

You really believe that Paul was supposed to slaughter the Romans?? That all those christian martyrs got their own damn cult wrong?

ITT: Extremely deluded people that wanna follow the commands of a Jew that promised to make their families divide and even asked them to hate themselves and their own families (!!!!) so that they may perhaps-- have a slight chance of worshiping a Jewish War God for the rest of eternity

I mean really, what is even the point of this nonsense?

You just like the idea of sucking a jewish war god cock every second for eternity? is that it?

If not, what exactly attracts you to this insane cult, which Pope nowadays outright calls for the invasion of Europe!

Protestantism is majority atheist here in Europe.
Even many Pastors here are atheist and becoming Pastors out of career choice and not believe.

>Oh boy, the fact that you refer to Rev 22:19 as being able to lose your salvation is just hilarious. It says "losing our PLACE" in the Book of Life. All of us, even unsaved people, have a place in the Book of Life, but once your name is written there, it can never be removed.

>18For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

it literally says if any man changes the words in the bible god will remove him from the book of life , thus he loses his salvation

eastern rome remained christian and got cucked and by god, it got cucked hard, to this day their capital is still turk and muslimn

to believe that Christianity is about making empires strong is absurd

Why did Saint Augustine write that it was not a christian concern the existence or not of wordly kingdoms?

Why were Christians unable to save even their fucking holy land from the Muslims, if they are the religion of earthly power that you believe they are?

Why is the North Africa now muslim, if it was once christian and roman?

That they didn't manage to screw things completely over was an accident of history, not for lack of trying

and most importantly of all questions, why has Christianity become an enabler of the muslim invasion of Europe, if it is such religion of earthly power and "the strong will inherit the Earth" as you seem to believe?

why are all the christian mainstream churches pro-refugee, if christian doctrine says "hate your enemy, and do not lend to them all they want" instead of the opposite as you claim?

The strange thing is that "christians" like you are a minority within Christianity itself that they claim to represent, with everyone from the Pope to the Anglican Churches to the Protestant Churches to the Greek Orthodoxs actively cucking for the destruction of the West

The Pope literally points to the same verses that I do to justify his doctrine, yet you come here to tell me that he is wrong, and I am wrong, and even damn Jesus and paul were wrong tho, because some medieval crusader decided to recreate christianity as a earthly cult of power in order to sack Constantinople!

you even talk about spaniards, you do know this religion of power of yours didn't prevent them from being occupied by Islam for 700 years right?

So you're saying the churches describe in Acts (what the majority of Protestant churches are based upon) were illegitimate? We follow the guidelines of the churches of early Christianity, we literally can not be wrong.

>Numbers=willingness to change society
Lemme know when American Evangelicals start advocating the removal of secular capitalism and preachers being vested with political power

Please stop posting that image. It's stupid as hell; not even a good or "definitive" post from a Latin point of view. Average at best. I don't even know why someone screencapped it. It I wasn't phoneposting I'd make an autismpost about the flaws in it. I don't even disagree with a lot of what the poster is trying to convey, but his exegesis is a mess. I do like that he caught the Isaiah 22 thing though. Most people miss that awesome connection.

Also please do not use the 30,000 denominations meme. It's done to death and back, is deceptive in its wording, and gets nowhere.

Early Christians seemed to believe in what you call "fake liberal christianity". It is not a surprise: Sup Forums christians call citing what Jesus actually said "strawmen"

Let me guess, what Jesus actually meant the opposite of everything he said!

When Jesus stopped Peter from attacking the Romans and asked him to follow his example and carry his own cross instead, do you believe that Jesus actually meant the opposite?

That he actually wanted Peter to start a revolt and start killing Romans? That he wants his followers to be assertive and defeat their enemies military?

When Paul said that you should never revolt against your Government, Paul was talking the opposite as well? That people were supposed to fight against The Romans to create the Kingdom of Earth and Deus Vult?

It is you who has created a religion in which Jesus always means the opposite of what he said, and early Christians were wrong

yet you call me pointing that out, strawmanning somehow

Do you even know what a strawman is?

> le Christianity made the west meme

absolute insane nonsense

western law system are based off Roman Law, which existed before Christianity existed

western languages are based on indoeuropean languages, Malta is the only western country with semitic languages root

Most of the religious symbolism of the West is pagan as well, christian trees, easter, etc

the american constitution of 1789 does not even mention Jesus anywhere, and has the separation of state and church as one of its most explicit declarations

the founding fathers and most of western people for the last 1000 years have been deists. Whenever someone tried to take Jesus seriously, things went wrong very fast.

>rants like a motherfucker
>lel won't listen to anyone

kike confirmed

>Latin is the official language of the "evil" Catholic church
>protestant niggers still use Latin to justify their heresy

That's Protestantism for you

You "christian" people seem to believe that Paul the Pharisee and Peter the Jew the grabbed their swords and killed the romans that wanted to execute them, come on

They were well aware that their religion demanded them to be submissive to their enemies and finally die to them, that is exactly the lesson they wanted the goyim to learn

Look, I know that you actually don't believe in the whole "infinite treasures in Heaven" thing, so you are trying to justify fighting for survival in this world where you can get actual treasures, but don't try to rewrite history please

Jesus stopped his followers from actually using any sword to attack their enemies, and reprimanded them for misunderstanding. Doing anything else would have contradicted everything else he had said before

Indeed, the only other time Jesus mentioned a sword reference he was VERY explicit against whom the sword would be pointing at

PROTIP: it wasn't to be used against your enemies, but your own damn family: "I do not come to bring peace, but to set a man against his own household"

Christianity is an inversion of reality, and the only way to claim otherwise is to actively ignore everything Jesus said except 3 or 4 quotes entirely removed from their follow-up verses or any context whatsoever.

You really believe that Paul was supposed to slaughter the Romans?? That all those christian martyrs got their own damn cult wrong?

Martin Luther was a Catholic heretic.

>Christians got along without the New Testament for at least 40 years after the death of Jesus.. WITH NO BIBLE.
Yeah, the practiced baptism and the gospel of Christ. SHOCK AND HORROR!

>The Bible had to be created by someones Authority
Yes, God.

>The only church that existed at the time.
You the one created by Constantine in 300 AD? As opposed to all of the independent baptist churches started by Paul and Luke literally all over Europe and the Middle East?

>Faith ALONE will not save you.
Wrong. "For BY GRACE are ye saved through faith; AND NOT OF YOURSELF: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."

Isn't it funny that in Acts 16, someone is SPECIFICALLY ASKING about how to be saved, guess what the answer is? That's right: "BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED!"

>And brought them out, and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" And they said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."

> It was to protect themselves.

There you go again, ignoring what literally happened in the next chapter

May be you have a version of the Bible where the two swords were used for an armed rebellion, but in mine it clearly says that Jesus stopped Peter from using the sword in self-defense then reprimanded him for trying such thing, then Jesus declared that Peter still loved the world too much, and that as such, Peter would deny Jesus 3 times that night

Which Peter did: Peter indeed denied Jesus 3 times when he realized "holy fuck this guy wasn't meming, he does want to be persecuted and get killed for him for REAL"

>Rev 22:19
Revelation 22:19
You and your mistranslated bible

Revelation 22:19Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)

19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from these things that are written in this book.

The King James Bible is a MEME and it not inspired (So say the ORIGINAL translators of 1611)(8 mins)

Faith Alone will not save you

> Christians are NOT SUPPOSED TO have anything to do with that game.

I don't see why you think I am contradicting you

When the Pope says real Christians have no businesses trying to stop the boats arriving to italian coasts or voting for Lega Nord (the one party that promised to sink the boats), he is actually doing what you said:

rejecting the game of life altogether, which christians call a satanic game

>Coptic, Syrian, Greek, Roman churches founded by apostles
>all have same beliefs
>mmuh Luther

But somehow only the Catholics are heretics, why don't you go call all ancient Christian Churches heretical? They all believe in true presence, they all pray for the intercession of saints and Mary, their theology is 98% the same as Catholic. But no, some monk or a theologian from the middle ages is right.

I didn't say I wouldn't listen to anyone. I said I wouldn't listen to kikes or there brainwashed slaves.

As Jesus himself said:

If you hate your enemies, and only do favors to your friends, how are you different to a roman gentile? What great saint thing have you done that deserves Heaven?

If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

>God shall take away his part out of the book of life
God shall take away "HIS PART" of the Book of Life. Did it says "God shall erase his name as written in the Book of Life"? Of course not, it very specifically says, "HIS PART". As I said, we all have a part there, even unsaved people have a part in the book -- but not every name shall be written there.

Remember: "God so loved the world that WHOSOEVER believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life". We all have a part -- will you take your part?

As long as you are a Christian – you need the Jews. Because your “Messiah” can only come as a Jew – you need Judaism and the Jews. You are keeping Judaism and Jews alive. Without Christianity and Islam, Judaism and Jews are again just and only tribal idiots of a tribal religion with absolutely no impact on anything. The moment you are not a Christian anymore – you need neither – you don’t need Jews or Judaism. I don’t need a single god damn Jew telling me what to do, what to believe in or what to say. I am free from his shackles. That is the difference, my Christians.


Jesus disciple literally baptized a black in the bible

> And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert.

>And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of ETHIOPIA, an eunuch

>Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.

>And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.

Acts 8: 27 - 39

Jesus was a Judean Hebrew
Jews didn't exist until 72 AD and the fall of the Second Temple when they followed their messiah

Simon bar Kokhba the Jewish Messiah

"Cochba [bar Kochba] ... tortured and killed the Christians who refused to aid him against the Roman army." - p. 42, Greek Apologists of the Second Century, Robert M. Grant, The Westminster Press, 1988.

"Another Christian apologist, Justin [Martyr], tells how ... Bar Kochba, the leader of the insurrection, ordered Christians alone to be executed if they would not deny and curse Jesus the Messiah." - Ibid.

If anyone can be accused of turning Christianity into a Gentile religion, it is not Paul, nor the church leaders in Asia Minor, but rather Bar Kochba.

>christians practice blood rituals and cannabalism:
This is literally one of the reasons the Jews did not want to convert/hated Christians apart from the main one which was Jesus himself

Yes those baptists here teach similiar.
They come, denounce the traditional church of the region.
They revise history and enable themselves in the most convinient light.

That's their expansion policy. And you fell for it.

They are just a later development of cavinists.

>The Ethiopians were white as well

Not according to the bible or DNA so wheres your proof?

>Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? (Jeremiah 13:23)

Notice it says a Ethiopian cant change his skin, White people can change thier skin when they go out into the sun their skin changes from sun burn to red then to brown, When black people go out into the sun their skin stays black IT DOES NOT CHANGE The Ethiopian cant change his skin so they have to be black to fit that definition

Also according to DNA tests their is no white admixture among the Ethiopian population

Jews didn't kill your Jew God. Romans did. Let me explain:

"Galatians 3:28 King James Version (KJV)

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

You see this verse right here, sounds like some new world order shit for even today's standard. Now imagine saying this in front of a Pagan Roman emperor. No wonder (((christ))) was crucified.

Tacitus and Pliny the Younger on the Early Christians:
The originator of the name Christ was executed as a criminal by the procurator Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius; and "Though repressed, this destructive superstition erupted again, not only through Judea which was the origin of this evil but also through the city of Rome to which all that is horrible and shameful floods together and is celebrated."

Nice hypocrisy.
Carry on, then.

Genetics prove otherwise.

meme translation king james?
it is exactly the same

>19And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

>You and your mistranslated bible
Your heretical Bible literally uses the same words:

>God shall take away his part out of the book of life


>Faith Alone will not save you
If you believe that your works will save you, Jesus Christ will say to you in the last day, "Depart from me, I never knew you." Simply because you believe in a false gospel that teaches that you can work your way to heaven. It's warped.

I mean the Bible literally contains a story just for you: the men who met Jesus in heaven and told him, "BUT WE'VE DONE ALL THESE WONDERFUL WORKS!! WHY WON'T YOU GIVE US A PLACE IN HEAVEN?!" and Jesus responds: "Depart from me, I never knew you."

Why didn't Jesus know them? Because they believed in a false gospel that taught works based salvation.

>Both his parents were Jews because they were observing the Torah.
Luke 2:39 – So when they had done everything according to the Torah of the Lord, they returned to the Galilee, to their own city of Nazareth

>His parents observed the Passover :
Luke 2:41 – His parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover.

>All of his disciples were Jews, he was a Jew, they even called him a Rabbi:
John 4:31 – In the meantime His talmidim (“students, disciples”) urged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.”

John 3:1-2 – This man came to Yeshua (“Jesus”) by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”

John 6:25 – And when they found Him on the other side of the lake, they said to Him, “Rabbi, when did You come here?”

John 4:9 – Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?”…

>He didn’t come to destroy the Law (Torah) or End it :
Matthew 5:17 – Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.

>He went to synagogues :
Luke 4:16 – So he came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.

Luke 21:37 – And in the daytime He was teaching in the Temple, but at night He went out and stayed on the mountain called Olivet.

>He wore the Jewish tassle (The Hebrew noun tzitzit is the name for specially knotted ritual fringes, or tassels, worn in antiquity by Israelites and today by observant Jews and Samaritans) :
Matthew 14:36 – (They) begged Him that they might only touch the tassle of His garment. And as many as touched it were made perfectly well.

>He observed the Passover (The Jewish people celebrate Passover as a commemoration of their liberation by God from slavery in Egypt and their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses) :
John 2:13 – Now the Jewish Passover was at hand, and Yeshua (“Jesus”) went up to Jerusalem.

>He observed the Succot (in traditional Ashkenazi pronunciation Sukkos or Succos, literally Feast of Booths, is commonly translated to English as Feast of Tabernacles, sometimes also as Feast of the Ingathering) and taught in the temple again :
John 7:2,10,14 – Now the Jewish Feast of Succot (“Tabernacles”) was at hand. But when His brothers had gone up, then He also went up to the Feast… Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught.

>He observed the Hanukah (a Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar. It is also known as the Festival of Lights and the Feast of Dedication) :
John 10:22,23 – Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem and it was winter, and Yeshua (“Jesus”) walked in the temple…

>sola fide - you chose God
>sola gratiam - God chose you

How is it hypocrisy exactly?

Bishop Williamson a Catholic Bishop on the Catholic Fight Against Jews (Goto 12m33s)