Guys, I need help. I’m falling in love with a kike. An actual kike. Born in Israel and everything. I should’ve known, but I never asked. Her hair is straight and her nose looks normal.

We’ve been dating and fucking for a while now. Everything is great. She’s hot, sweet, funny… She’s perfect. But now I feel dirty. I can’t look at her the same way. It’s almost as if I had found out she used to be a man. It’s such a turn-off. What the fuck have you done to me?

We’ve been talking politics and she hates Muslims (of course). I was about to reveal my power level to her and tell her about the Jews. How they’re fucking parasites and murderous psychopaths.

Why is this happening to me? Is God punishing me for being a gentile?

What do I do now? Are kikes off limits?

Pic somewhat related. That’s pretty much what she looks like.

Other urls found in this thread:


kill yourself

Go away Asian. Jews are way superior to you.

Blue eyes? She's not a jewess then, just a brainwashed Polish girl.

kill yourself

If this isn't bait I don't know what is....

Get fuckin real dude... don't pull a Julia Roberts and sleep with the enemy....

>How they’re fucking parasites and murderous psychopaths.
I would redpill her on her own people a little more gently than that. But my answer is this:

Redpill her, if she swallows it, its OK and you can scalp that extra IQ for your children.

If she spits it out, dump her.

Thats Costa Rica retard,not Thailand

Kill yourself fucker, you don't deserve any girls, once she realizes how retarded you are, she'll dump you like the sack of shit that you are

Go back to jerking off to anime

>What do I do now? Are kikes off limits?
Kikes are totally off limits to gentiles, so if ya want her you can always say the magic words and join her tribe
Unless of course she's willing to leave her tribe for yours which is highly unlikely, and you'll also have children that have two Jewish grandparents
Or, if neither is willing to convert, what the fuck are ya wasting your time for?

it is actually you who are off limits to the joo. the family of a practicing joo will not allow her to marry a non-joo. if she comes from a non-religious jooish background it could go either way.

oh just noticed, 1 post by this id.

Are you an expatriate or actually a native of Costa Rica? if it's the latter, than you're probably just LARPing because no girl like that will date with some low IQ spic.

The important question I have is how did you ever get a real actual woman?

you've been blessed. why wouldn't you want to marry into the jewish masterrace? goyim of pol are the most tortured- just barely smart enough to see that they serve us, but too stupid/weak to do anything about it. well i shouldn't say "anything," they've made some pretty neat memes about it. the masses will wake up after they see your collage of tweets from 20 irrelevant jewish kids, right fellas?

All these people are the same Asian type to me.

Jews are OK, I don't know what is the problem.

Fuck it, learn her Jew secrets and prosper. If you can't beat em, join em.

Getting tangled up with one of them is a mistake jewish women can destroy you they're vicious

Kill yourself mae
>Costa Rica
Fuck off muhammad

whats the difference?


How does one become this retarded

Racemix her. What goes around, comes around. There are more of us than there are of them. Raise your kids to be conservative.

Hm yeah wow

I'm sure it will be very emotionally difficult for you to see her lined up against a wall and shot along with all the shill collaborators.

Sperg out like the moron you are

Look, These things happen. There's nothing wrong with what has happened already, though it is unfortunate. The desires of the heart cannot be fettered.

What is important is that you chose One culture for you to raise your children in. Do not faulter from the chosen culture. Raise your children in that community with those ideals. If you choose Costa Rica, raise your children as CostaRicans. If you choose Jewish, raise your children as Jewish. Right now, it is not the destruction of race that is the most imminent danger to society, but the destruction of culture.

What happened happened. School yourself on the history of National Socialism. I'll provide a link to a video. The tenth installment has a reading list and sources.

Just choose a culture to support, and avoid globalism at all costs. (Remember, racist Israel only lets in ethnic Jews)


Betray us and become one of them. White people are always going to find a way to fuck themselves over, the earth belongs to the Jew.

Shaddap. There is still hope for true diversity.

Isreali Jew =\= azkanazi Jew
Fuck you for a little bit user, but don't marry her.

I've had my fair share of jewesses, OP, so I get it. It's simple, though -- you've just got to walk away at some point. Have your fun, and then move on.

Make no mistake -- your soul is at stake if you fall in too deep.

Could redpill her with "big Jews vs. Little Jews", Torah vs Talmud jews, moloch cults among the elite (a recurring problem for them)... Also, quietly convert your assets to gold bought with cash, because you can be sure she will have a good lawyer, and an entitlement mentality to boot. Actually this is good advice for all men in the feminized West.

Are you a Christian?

She's a degenerate, that's why she looks at you, a spic.

Did i help you?

with blue eyes she cannot be semite.

I guess you're right.

What the fuck is wrong with you. Is she really any different now that you found out that she is Jewish. She is the same person you fell for yet you seem to think that merely carrying the label Jew means that there is something wrong with you.

Maybe if you were able to see beyond your collective sheep mentality you would realise that there are individuals in all races that are respectable decent people. I hope you learn something from this situation, and if you don't then you don't deserve such a fine woman. Good luck running into anyone like her again, scum.

Everybody makes mistakes. I dated a Jewess for a long time. Thank God we broke up.

This is what Jews do: they will say, "user, we don't have to be religious. We can raise the kids without religion. We will be secular." But what really happens is that everything will be slightly biased for the Kike culture. And slowly the kids will become Jews by default. This happened to my bro. All his kids are secular Jews. They all think of themselves as secular Jews, which is what most US Jews consider themselves anyway.

Jews are stubbornly prideful of what they perceive to be their glorious history of achievement. This is because they do not know the true story of how Kikes subvert and destroy society like soulless cancer.

If you want to be with this girl, you have to redpill her, and she must permanently denounce any kikeness. Otherwise, I would cut her loose and swallow the pain. It's better to suffer now than to create more Jews and suffer even more later.

The fuck is wrong with you?

Put a ring on it and marry that bagel you faggot.

If her mom isnt jewish she is not a jew, and if she is a jew preheat the oven.

>we present info and evidence
The rest is up to you, just as it has always been.

if she's a jew there's nothing you can do.

love is a meme user. grow up.

there's a difference between jews and zionists. Jews are fine, zionists are the problem.

fucking bullshit, the Askenazi Jews are predominately blue eyed and fair skinned, due to Germanic admixture.

This is true. The kids will think of themselves as Jews, never as whatever your half is. And they'll be right since all that matters is if the mother is Jewish or not.

>Jews are stubbornly prideful of what they perceive to be their glorious history of achievement. This is because they do not know the true story of how Kikes subvert and destroy society like soulless cancer.
.. how is it possible to not know that you're destroying and subverting a society, and still be so very good at destroying and subverting said society? Makes no sense. Are you saying Jews are innocent, without personal agency, like actual cancer?

Also, I dated a secular Jew and she would do the white person/Jew switch whenever it was rhetorically convenient. We'd be talking about some issue and she would go on about Us Whi she'd be calling herself a minority. I don't even think she realized she was doing it; it was really uncanny

ashkenazis are not semites retard

post a picture of her asshole. also does it smell?

>trying to un-jew the most jewish of the jews
remove your memeflag, shill, and show us your true Canadian colours.

Impress your Jewess with plenty of shekels. Oy vey.

You have chosen the weakness of ideological simplification, and now you have rendered yourself unable to cope with reality.

cmon norway don't blame us for that bullshit
The russian's the one who started it

I'm pretty sure Jews aren't allowed to date gentiles, she must not be religious. Go for it.

tfw 2nd combo and all my siblings got brown eyes

Russians started what, maple syrup? The old tinfoil theory that the Khazars overtook the Jewish faith and became the Ashkenazim? No, Russians aren't smart enough for that, the Ashkenazim themselves spread said conspiracy theory in order to sow confusion and discord amongst the gentiles.

Don't be fucking retarded user, if you like her then don't ruin the relationship by sperging out about the jews

It depends. If you can redpill her this may work out. Does she look white? I consider Jews, some of them at least, to be white. If she's perfect for you then maybe try and redpill her about Jews and the holohoax. Obviously you need to be very subtle.

But how did you not figure this out? Did she not bring up religion ever? Is she a "Jew" that doesn't care about religion? I'm surprised you missed it.

Remember OP, the average Jew you find in society isn't the real enemy. It's the Jewish elite like Soros and the bankers who are the real threat.

Please don't ruin it. Maybe later on redpill her on the conspiracy, but don't do it in a way that frames the race as a whole.

I always thought yall were overboard with this anyways though. You can hate the jewish conspiracy, but not the jews as a whole I guess.

Pretty aure this is a pasta from a few days ago....cept you cut out the obvious bait part where you say she's super based and has a social degree or some shit.

Was going to bring this up. As long as you don't support globalism things are already better.

Plus, look at the bright side of things. I was speaking to a Jewess who married into our family, and she was saying how her child, even though he is a half Jew will still be accepted by Israel and Jewish communities.

OPs child will be able to gain entrance to Israel, so if he ever needs a safe spot he can head there to all the hot IDF grills.

Whatever you do don't explain to her why you're breaking up.

She'll destroy you socially FOREVER.

She will end up calling you out for raping her or some shit.

jews are ruining the world but jews that are fucking an apostate mongrel like you aren't actually practicing jews except by birth and ancestry
the lord commands: keep gettin laid low creature.

Just break away

Get married.

Raise happa kids.

Tell them they are white, make sure "Jewish Heritage" never comes up.

"White" kids turn into "White" adults.

They use their half-jew 120 average IQ and innate trickery on behalf of the huwhite race.

Sneaky fucker strategy, best strategy.