Why do transgenders at a higher chance of commiting suicide, cud do with some sources on this one

Why do transgenders at a higher chance of commiting suicide, cud do with some sources on this one

Because they are faggots

Fucking up your whole body with its intricate chemistry is not very healthy for your mind.

they mentally ill

i know what im talking about i have ocd and shit tons of phobias

but at least i dont mutilate myself


Because they realize too late that they have fucked their body by injecting themselves with hormones, chemicals, and cutting off their dick.

Because no matter how much lie they've been fed, deep inside their mind sitll understands that there are only two genders, they have grievously crippled themselves for the sake of lie and there is no way they ever become real man/woman. This shit in combination with destroyed hormonal balance and physical inability of procreation induced by various (((gender reassignment))) body horrors can break everyone.

because treating mental illness with hormones and castration doesn't work for some reason
but don't worry, we'll keep trying, it'll definitely work this time

Because they're men.

Because they are mentally ill and pushed into getting permanent surgery to obstruct and mutilate their body.

They realize after they are physically a mess and they can't go back.

they realize no straight men want anything to do with them so having defined their entire existence around their sexuality and realizing that they will never be a real woman they just kill themselves.

The further you drift from reality the more you fuck up. Herd immunity. Though we in the west are fucking that up.

need sources niggers, got some cunt im arguing with asking for sources

Being a tranny sucks and everyone hates you. I think it’s alright but I’ve always been anti-social.

Turns out mentally ill people tend to kill themselves.


Tell him that there probably haven't been any credible scientific studies on the subject because enabling cunts like him vilify the slightest criticism as "trans-phobia." Imagine the backlash from research that highlights the ugly truth, that dares suggest that there is scientific evidence that this is unhealthy behavior. Who would fund the research to create the sources this guy is demanding if not the very community who desperately want to avoid the truth in the first place?

Beautiful mixed-race cutie right here.

everyone thinks they're edgy to say that a transvestite/crossdresser is mentally ill.

but that's very weak, they are mentally retarded. you can't change your sex.

notice that none of them say they are transchromosome. until they kill themselves every single cell in their body will have the chromosomes that they were born with.


it's the anti depressants that kills them.
Probably the same that turns them gay.

Because they are complete freaks

Because once in a while they have a moment of lucidity.

They're already mentally ill as it is. Society can pretend with them that they're the gender they're not, but deep down they still know they're not that gender. It eats at them everyday until one day they decide they can't stand it anymore.

Because they finally realise that they don't have a real pussy, only an open wound that does not lubricate mangled from their dick that must be dilated a few times from every day to stop it from closing.

They have high suicide rates because their brains are fucked. Also because chopping your balls off is stupid and most people eventually realize this.

I still don't understand the point Raimi was trying to make when they cut to this guy.

Get convinced by a community that you need to become what you are. Believe the bullshit, go through operation, wake up in fucking pain and have to live for the rest of your life putting things up your pus hole and convince yourself it is a pussy hole...Find out after op that people in the think you are not what you used to be.

Commit suicide cause the pus hole is a lie.