
seriously wtf so much slide

Is Feldman actually going to do it this time? Are Schneider et al. going to be taken down?

i fucking hope so

Yes but he needs (((10 million))) first.

Alex Jones has been saying this for ages lol

alex jones has a problem with filtering out the mindless babble and controlled oppo crazies


I believe what he says but hes been saying it for a long time,now hes talking about making a fucking self funded movie about it which will take at least a year to be made,just drop some names faget

I guess he's waiting for the big boys to throw down some monnies.

Why doesn't he just write a fucking book?

>their days are numbered.
you mean "his days are numbered".
they're gonna take him out.

Bump for stuff that matters

Gotta say, it's a creative way to name his price.

niggers don't read books honey babe

he is being paid or threatened to do this
him asking for money to reveal these people make it look like anyone who comes forward now is just doing it for money.

I see it this way, it will fail if none of the hollywood regulars chip in money anyways.
if it passes we know that it has internal support.

OH! So we just have to give him some shekels?

10m xD xD what a kikey little cunt.

Wouldn’t you be “naming your price” in order to keep your mouth shut, though?

Usually you don’t name a price when you are threatening to blab sensitive information.

Unless- he is asking for the $10mill as a bribe to shut up and then he will neg on the kickstarter deal, and just absorb the abuse and hatred of the masses in exchange for the money (?)

Even if he does gather the $, I bet the fag will either run south with the loot or make some bullshit story that barely ever happened.

i hope not


10 gorillion. Be a good goy and hand it over

If true there must be others willing to talk for free.

Pirates. So fierce.


He said he had a near death experience last night when two trucks came speeding at him at an intersection. Don't know if I believe this dude, but he's definately a red light in their radar.

He will be either murdered or strongly bribed to shut up

And you're still a faggot.

I would laugh too, but considering he's about to battle (((Hollywood))) and the offspring of Satan, he'll need all the money he can get for court costs, lawsuits, media, ads, etc. He's calling it a campaign after all.

Politicians get millions of dollars during a campaign season, to do nothing in office. At least this will be used to fight the sexual perverts and pedos.

I am more optimistic than a simple minded redditnigger like yourself.

I don't give a shit if you are optimistic of you just finished sucking your father cock through the hole in your room you fat little bitch. I'm stating the truth not sugarcoating it for your faggot cum covered ears

no homo

Why don't his fellow jews give him some money? Oh ...

So he knows of kids getting fucked in Hollywood right now and asks for 10mil to make a movie? This is why ppl hate Hollywood bc they have no moral compass, it's fucking disgusting.

10 fucking gorillion