How do we fix the American education system?


Tear it down and start over. Also gas the jews.

more chinks and poos.

We let the government control it

dude, education crashed because it became superfluous
all industrial machines are easier than ever to use, any information needed is at your fingertips, whole libraries fit in a keychain

you go to college for years and then some faggot with those years of work experience gets chosen over you
and if youre a doctor, some poo from a diploma mill will get the job, and if patients complaint about dr pajeet being incompetent, theyre reported all over the world as racists

Ban teachers unions. Having unions basically makes the teachers un-fireable, which makes them not take their job serious enough. Also implement school vouchers to open up the market on schools. And get rid of a lot of the school district people, too much money goes to people that do nothing instead of actually going to schools. Also no Jews.

Unions aren't the problem. There are just too many students in the system, and no politically-correct means of separating students by ability. Teachers are forced to devote tons of energy to students who shouldn't even be in their classrooms, and there just aren't enough decent teachers to go around. Schools are already strapped for staff to begin with. It's a nightmare.

So instead we just let people with money put their kids in private schools, while the quality of public education becomes ever more diffused by the growing student population and regulations desperately intended to keep the system running.

The alternative is perhaps even more nightmarish, the Chinese system, which requires absurd numbers of tests that select for cheaters rather than students with natural ability and work ethic

Uniform funding and also funding uniforms.

You have to get parents involved to fix it. Nothing else will work. No amount of money can replace the guidance and discipline from home.

More discepline


They do ya goofus

Deprivatize and properly fund public schools. It fucking works everywhere else. Even if you have to give it to niggers too, you'll still be better off than you are now.

Don't we already pay more per pupil than any other country and still lag in results

Also, demand a real university degree from teachers. Don't let every bimbo who likes kids become a teacher. That's how Finland got such a high score in international rankings.

1. Eliminate teachers unions from being able to protect shit-tier educators, allow swift firing of shitty teachers
2. Hold all students to the same standards, no passing shitty failing kids so you can keep getting more state and federal funding because your graduation rates are artificially high
3. Return to proper teaching methods, remove common core and other garbage that impedes the former levels of progress that students once had
4. Remove communist educators from all positions of employment

Do those things, and in 10-20 years, kids won’t be so fucked.

you are the oddest confederate I have ever met.
do you know that the missouri supreme court ordered Kansas City to build palatial high school facilities for their niggers (including Olympic sized swimming pool) and the new high schools and high-paid teachers didn't change a thing in terms of outcomes?

>Unions aren't the problem. There are just too many students in the system, and no politically-correct means of separating students by ability. Teachers are forced to devote tons of energy to students who shouldn't even be in their classrooms, and there just aren't enough decent teachers to go around. Schools are already strapped for staff to begin with. It's a nightmare.


It's just plain shitty when you hear of classes with 20-30 kids being routine. No teacher could really be giving much attention to the kids during that time.

I have a school near me that used to have a nice field where kids would play for recess that because of overcrowding in the school now has shacks placed on that field for extra classrooms.

A big problem is also just how dangerous blacks and hispanics are in schools, you regularly hear of stabbings or shootings in non-white ridden schools. What kind of teachers would really show up to work in such a place other than those that are just doing it for the paycheck?


remove the jew

(a) Blacks and Browns, by genetic, only want welfare, because they are very low IQ by genetic, on average 80 points, and thus very lowly capable, however, they are too low intelligence to understand this is innate to them and has nothing to do with Whites at all. They continue to scream for welfare, and are voting for the Communist candidates that will try to move America into Communism, however, they will be cut off from it and put to work in factories by us. All able-bodied people will be cut from welfare and put to work. In the meantime, abolish Section 8 housing and move the welfare offices out of your towns and keep them in the big cities only.

(b) Whites comprise only 40% of America because there are 50+ million illegals and because the impudent liars publishing the demographics are including Mestizos as White when they are not. They are presenting false demographics in order to keep Whites from realizing how they are being quickly out-numbered and out-multiplied so the by the time they do realize, the Blacks and Browns will already have sufficient numbers to take over the voting blocks and then completely destroy the America and the Whites.

(c) Blacks and Browns, because on average their IQ is 80 points and that they commit almost all crime in America, put an extremely huge strain on the public systems and are a pretext for very expansive bureaucratic government which is always corrupt and controlled by the Deep State. They must be segregated so that they cannot continue destroying American culture, society, and civilization by chronically immensely burdening the Whites and polluting culture and the political system with their low intelligence and disorderly nature. No words can explain the degradation they cause to American society. This is innate in their genetics and cannot be changed. For every single one that seems palatable there are a thousand disorderly uncivilized unreasonable ones. They completely destroy schools with their presence.

It'll need a full reset. The system has been corrupted by Communist infiltrators for too long. Read "Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt to get a better picture.

>tear it down
>gas the Jews
double yes
>start over
Hell no, government schools belong to the trash heap of history

Letting the black kids stay home like in that cartoon would do wonders.

Yeah, that proves white supremacy is natural and the SJW idea of niggers committing so much crime cause muh lack of proper education is wrong.
Equality is the redpill cause people aren't equal and treating them as such just makes it blatantly clear.

Nigger what do you think we're doing now?


Get rid of brick and mortar schools. Kids stay home and learn via internet. More interesting than listening to a teacher lecture.

Kill everyone in the public education system, they hemorrhage money and embezzle the fuck out of taxes.
Have teachers replaced with tax-paid professors, regulate them on a federal level with a paygrade and benefits similar to officers.

Make uniforms required for students and faculty, have the school pay for a lot of shit through grants similar to the Pell grant, and introduce required programs for each school to have including shop, home ec, and a general life quality class which teaches kids how to pay taxes, balance their bank book, sort their wallet, rules of the road, basic law, and how to study at a college level.
Also include boy scouts and girl scouts into the schooling program, highly encourage children to take part in these but don't make them required.

Eliminate unions, they're communist and decrease the quality of work and life. Similar structures to ensure the quality of job can be put in place without it being ran by greasy kikes and faggots trying to keep their shitty job that they aren't qualified for.
Remove A-F grading, grade based on percentage only and limit passing at 50% or higher.
We spend more on the military than we do on public schools, and barely a fraction of what we do spend on schools actually makes it to them.

Requirements for special-ed must have the parents submit papers which prove the child has the mental faculties capable of retaining and learning information, it should no longer be a program just for drooling fucking retards and vegetables to be lumped into.

If you can't prove your child isn't a fucking vegetable the police come and throw them into a furnace then sterilize both parents.

Put on a separate course for ww2 that it's mandatory to get an A on so that Sup Forums wouldn't have such a bad wehraboo infestation. Apply the same thing for political science so that a bunch of retards won't think that Hitler was a gun toting freedom loving southern dude. Do this everywhere.

I've always had this many kids in my class, and everyone was just fine. But I also went to a private Christian school, so the teachers were held to an actual standard without protection and the kids were white. But sure, let's keep making excuses.

This desu, education should be voluntary rather than compulsory.

they already do you dumbfuck, that's the problem

The education system is doing exactly what it's meant to do.

>The abused and fatherless shouldn't take advise from people who aren't abused and fatherless
Niggers need to learn humility

The main problem is lazy teachers. They get paid more per hour than every profession other than doctor/laywer/ and some engineers, and they only have to work 9 months a year. Once they get tenure after three years, they literally can't be fired.
In the private sector, teachers make 70-80% less than public teachers. And the public teachers and their stupid union still complain about being underpaid.
It's fucking ridiculous. Teachers are paid

>private Christian school

Private schools attract talented teachers away from the public system, and the student body naturally holds itself to a higher standard, since their parents have resources enough to send them to private school.

The public system is too big and is strained by students who underperform due to circumstances outside of the system's control, like poverty, neglect, and abuse. It's not an excuse, it's just reality.

Sounds like leftist drivel to me. I live in Philly, certainly not some rich neighborhood. My brother goes to a public school, and he's doing just fine. You sure it isn't a nigger thing, and not a poor thing?

Deport non-whites.

>#1 Teachers union create a system of upward mobility above the school level in the districts. Providing unnecessary high paying jobs. Soaking up funds
>#2 A utter lack of discipline and consequences. Every child should be in some discipline based ROTC program. Fatties should be made to exercise more exc
>#3 Ritalin epidemic. Recess is cut in elementary and rules encouraged like "no running for safety" Then kids given drugs to pacify them
>#4 Kike food. (part of 3) Kids are given shitty food that has a negative effect on their brain and learning.
>#5 Common Core. Terrible intuitive methods are taught to children.
>#6 a lack of focus on real skills/ math and science. The only truly good school i have seen had a plethora of trade options as well as advanced science classes even aerospace.
>#7 The difficulty has been cut. If a student is not challenged they will quickly lose interest. This is especially prevalent in Math. The progression is so slow that only the lowest demoninator feels any rigor.
>#8 lack of tracking (feeds from 7) Children are put in classes based on age group instead of ability. So very smart children are bored out of their mind while teachers rehash the same idea for the idiots
>#9 Dumb students are not tracked out. Like in 8 keeping the dumb students with the smart ones severely dampens the ability of the smart students to be challenged and learn effectively. Those unable to go the math/science route need to be tracked into trades.

why are you here advocating a "solution" to the problems faced by the education system if you truly believe the public system is fine?

even if you do want to reduce it to "muh niggers", banning teacher's unions wouldn't solve that

>Get rid of niggers
>Get rid of the Department of Education
Just these two things alone would solve 90% of America's education problems.

Execute all niggers, spics, poos,gooks and kikes

This problem has less to do with unions and more to do with boomer fags double-dipping into the system after they retire, and county admins giving themselves ridiculous salaries
Would work in private, but in public schools a world of litigation awaits you the moment you try to make voluntary programs mandatory
Agreed, the system uses Ritalin as a bandaid in an attempt to make classes easier to control
Agreed, the food is garbage, so much cash is dumped into free/reduced lunch programs to get calories to kids who are not fed at home, but the nutrient quality is low
Product of regulations so that even retard teachers can get through curriculum, streamlining the process is intended to ease the burden on staff rather than on the students
Ideologues constantly argue over what should constitute the academic program, that's something that would have to be meticulously defended, simply asking for "more math and science" is a gateway for flashy bullshit that doesn't serve students
Quality of education is diffused by the massive size of the student population
True, but the only option would be to have more staff available to handle gifted students, and in many places there simply aren't enough teachers to do this
See #6, there is more to be gleaned from basic education than math and science skills, but tracking should be improved, and it would be nice if teachers could be vigilant in later grades to encourage suitable students to perform above their station

I don't believe the education system is fine, far from it. But it's silly to act as though the low IQ of blacks is due to being poor.