I am a colored person. Tell me why should i care about you whites "protecting" your "culture"?

I am a colored person. Tell me why should i care about you whites "protecting" your "culture"?

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Are you trying to say that leftists can't meme?

What color are you?

i guess. just needed a pic
does it matter? i'm not white, that's for sure

hes short and blue

You shouldn't
Coincidentally I don't give a single rotten fuck about you or your people's struggles.
Racism builds character, we all need to break down into our smaller tribes.

Because we care about you protecting yours in your ancestral land.


None of your business.

>not white, that's for sure

It doesn't matter what you think because we're going to protect our culture at your expense. Wherever you are, you are an invader and you need to go back.

That pic's real. He'll be protected forever from whatever it is that silver protects you from. But, he probably has to watch out for people trying to melt him down.


slide thread
>in all fields

leave that to us.

>Culture in quotations
>He thinks negroes have a richer culture than Europeans
I though the IQ thing was a meme!

have you taken the silverpill yet, Sup Forums?

You shouldn't. It's actually more helpful if you just antagonize and threaten us.

Who colored you?

Who's gonna pay our welfare? You stupid fuck.

it's their fight, focus on your countries fight instead

Then why should we care about you protecting your culture or race?

You shouldn't even though you wouldn't have a ''culture'' if it wasn't for our ancestors deciding against completely wiping your pathetic culture off the face of the earth and replacing it with our better culture.
Fuck out of here Jamal/Abdul/Raj/Pedro
It isn't unmanageable yet, you'll know when it is.
When the Europid fights, the Europid wins, if he chooses to.


show flag and I'll tell you
sage for now


Lurk more before posting.

You can believe or care whatever you like. I just wish you coloreds would disappear.

Sure, living just like every other filthy nomadic nigger is better than taking responsibility and acting civil everyday

that makes sense. i also want to protect my people

First tell us why we should give a shit about your "culture" when it's produced nothing of value over 2,000+ years of human history. The only reason you're even civilized enough to type on a fucking computer is because white people taught your great-great-great-niggerdaddy how to do more than clap two rocks together to make fire. Fuck off and stay the fuck out of our way or don't cry victim when you bring the consequences on yourself, faggot.

You should care about yours too. You should care about your RACE more than your culture.

A lot of these non-whites for some reason seem to think that our propaganda is targeted at them LOL. Most of us couldn't give two shits what they believe or not, we just want them to go back.

And antifa has tally in hundreds from interwar period

>racism builds character
t. NEET faggot with no character and no friends who resorts to friend simulator for company.

How many times have you come across a simple truth making a top comment on Youtube like "Women are untrustworthy" only to find some commie fuck in the thread typing paragraph after paragraph, after fucking paragraph trying to counter it.

You shouldn't, you should care about protecting your own culture and leave us the fuck alone.

werewolves BTFO

I used to be a NEET about 4 years ago. Went to college, got a job, now own a house. Going out into the workforce and experiencing real life is what made me a racist.

We're the only reason the modern world exists. Without us it'd be set back 2-300 years at least. We're typing on the internet right now on this board because of white people.

Food stamps

If you want me to perform any sort of emotional or intellectual labor on your behalf I'll need you to compensate me.

Here's my bitcoin address: 1BTxqvzsyBYKF7XFH1XTdV6mPis9VRZJuz

Look into Malcom X. Black national socialism is what is needed.

20% of slave owners in the U.S. were Jewish

You're welcome brother.


So then you're fine with deporting Sherrif Clark and Ben Carson and keeping moldylocks and aids skrillex? That's just ridiculous.

You're white.

Because white culture is the only culture that threats niggers with respect

>even considering fascists to be human

Isn't it ironic?
Don't you think?

You shouldn't

Does your wrangler know your using the computer without permission?

Why should we not take back our country from nonwhites? I don't care if you don't like whites, I don't care for nonwhites and I want to organize separation, and deportation.

No. But I do see that humans break down into smaller tribal units all the time.
They band into groups of [insert X identity here] and lobby for power over their fellow man. In a multi-ethnic society, people tend to vote with their race and their religion (e.g. the Philippines, Brazil)

You shouldn't.

Not a nigger
A nigger would have called himself Black.
Not (((a colored person)))

I don't think any of us care whether or not you care

If you are not White you shouldn’t use computer and Internet because it’s a white thing and it belongs to white culture. Are you dumb ? Don’t you wanna go back to your cave, stupid nigger ?

>Literally murdered parasites you know
Fixed it for ya

Your "white" computers wouldn't be possible without the basic mathematics and algorithms founded by Persians, Arabs, and Indians.

You shouldn't and we never expected you to.

Just as we will never care about you.

Because without whites, the very civilization that you take for granted will disappear. We created electricity, the saw that cut the tree to make the chair that you sit on. The drywall covering your walls, the roofing tar and shingles keeping out the rain.

We have created a society of laws and order that when not maintained, will put you back into africa. When your people get into power if whites are gone, then guess what the decision making will eventually turn into? Africa. Look at Detroit for example. When the whites left, you can't sustain even simple systems like the water in Flint, Michigan.

You need us to parent you. Our IQ is on average 105, while your African IQ is ~70 and that's only because of white admixture from slavery days. Care about us, because if your people get in charge, it's going to be Africa 2.0. We evolved in different evolutionary environments and have different brains.

True, anyway the only cultures that doesn't hate foreginers are white cultures (really says a lot about how cucked we are)

>Tell me why should i care about you whites "protecting" your "culture"?
Because the "white culture" made it possible for you to be able to read and use the internet.

Kill whites and no more civilized world with things to enjoy and pass your time.


So what, leaf ? It justify what ? Massive immigration?

You see that meme, I think, was made by a lefty. I think this because his qualifications for a "good" meme are wrong. In the image, the author suggests that lefty memes are better because they have lots of words. He demonstration shows why he is wrong. One cannot even read the words. And if they could, would they even stick around to read them all? I think not. A meme is a highly concentrated abstract of an idea. Simple, but its implications are loaded with information.

By contrast, his strawman on the right is a much better meme. If one wanted to make an edgy contrarian meme that also poked fun at the internets ability to read subtext, this would be a good one.

Are they implying Antifa hasn't killed hundreds in the past?
Are they implying Antifa wasn't started as a communist terrorist group in Germany prior to WW2?