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>"killing nazis is fine." -antifa
>"we are not murderers" -antifa

Eat shit you commie.

>alt right murdered people
>no one murdered


That fat bitch died from a heart attack. Gif related. Also, if you have any connections to Media Matters it's probably best to get out now.

Killing People is what facists do, antifa are an anti facist Group. Antifa can't kill People, we are the good guys

Did a fucking child make this?

Whabout da librul extramist what done shooted up da senator base ball game?

At the end of the day antifa wants exactly what the fascist wants

Antifa are the bad guys. They hate freedom.

Dylann Storm Roof. Aexandre Bissonnette, Thomas Mair, Anders Behring Breivik.

Nobody cares about her or Charlottesville anymore lol some martyr, maybe if she wasn't a fat bitch who died choking on a ham sandwich she would have actually helped your 'movement'

Day of the blood clot is coming, boomer.

Do you support same-sex marriage?

>forgetting the charlottesville bumper cars champion 2017

>fat bitch whale has a heart attack
>this is the the fault of the republicans

>350 pound lady falls over 10 feet away from the collision
>body can't take the stress of moving more than it has in the past 20 years
>fucking Drumpf

why did antifa bring a water bed to a riot ?

Antifa has too and not even just right wingers innocent people who ran into the wrong street that guy drug out of his car and killed etc

>good goys

Is it true that she wasn't even hit by the car just died from obesity?

Sorry you believe the propaganda from the Alt-left

The "Alt-right" doesn't exist

1 landwhale was killed because she was too fat to survive getting hit by a car.

none of them are ALT-right.


>anyone who is white or on the right and has killed people is alt-right
>nobody who is black or on the left and has killed people is antifa

And the best one

Fuck, I guess Turks and Siberian Russians really are Asians.
...Or are they European?

You would probably have to stomp on her chest to get the impulse to the heart

One murder < thousands of unprovoked punches

where are these from

The sauce is on the pics.

Bruises will heal but that life will never come back.

You're a faggot.

Does this prove that Liberalism is a mental disorder?

Both her mom and the coroner confirmed that Heather Hayer died from a heart attack out of fear before the car even hit her. Not that I should take you seriously with your shitty emoji picture.

>black lives matter has caused the killing of 5 white police officers in Dallas, as well as scattered officer's deaths throughout the country
>the "alt-right" which isn't even a singular organized group that promotes white supremacy ironically killed 1 white woman

Here is one (You) buddy I hope it will help you

The lightest skin/black hair one is supposed to represent Asians. Does this sheboon not realize she thinks she's "educating" white people, when really she's "educating" Asians?

Hate speech isn’t free speech

Not for lack of trying I'll assure you
if antifa truly hasn't killed anyone yet then it's all because they suck at it

Bike lock guy
2017 baseball shooting
Peppersprayed women at Berkeley
Berkeley beatings
Tony Foreman
Brooks Jennings
Facebook stream handicapped kid

>people legitimately think that the people in the red circle are identical to those of the blue circles, and nothing like those right next to them in the green
>what are sub-saharan africans

>killing 1 landwhale with a car is more violent than dozens and dozens of riots country-wide
really tickles the dickles

>terrorist blocks traffic
>another terrorist attacks a vehicle
>vehicle driver gets scared for their life
>vehicle driver tries to flee
>vehicle driver forgot to change to reverse out of fear
>terrorist gets scared and has a heart attack after moving out of the way

Uh huh, and North Korea is a democracy because it has "Democratic" in it's formal title.

1 post by this ID

>Dr. Congo

So doctors and engineers DO come from Africa!

Supreme Court says otherwise.

She didn't even die from the car hitting her. LMAO

I thought they killed some old white dude at a Berkley Milo event. I remember seeing video of 4 or so antifa swarming his motionless body.

That's going to change November 4th, one of them will get lucky. Consequences will never be the same.


Political clapback just brings me to some gay plebbit page with none of these cancer memes though.

>antifa actually LITERALLY has assaulted and murdered people
>the opposition has not
American political and philosophical discussion has turned into a war of using social justice oppression points to get away with projection and egregiously fallacious arguments.

I'm just tired of it
I'm so fucking sick of this shit

They just gotta make shit harder for me. UGH. I'll try to stay away from a metropolitan area that day.

>lefty actually gets murdered in cold blood
>go to twitter and complain
gee i wonder who would win in a civil war

Marriage is a religious institution, government has no right to be involved in any way whatsoever. There should be no such thing as government marriage licenses.

Don't flip the question.
Do YOU support same sex marriage ?

Marriage should be held in a Church with no official government ties.
If a priest refuses it, then it shall be.