Now that Xi is the most powerful Chinese since Mao, what do you think about this man, Sup Forums?

Now that Xi is the most powerful Chinese since Mao, what do you think about this man, Sup Forums?
Any proxy chinks care to tell us what it is like to live under Xi's China?

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Dumb fuckin gook

Xi jinping thought on socialism with chinese characteristics is basically supply side economics. The only reason he keeps talking about the dream of establishing communism is because everyone in the country has been brainwashed to believe in the inseparability of party from the people so he cannot destroy the foundation of the government. It would be catastrophic if he ever openly denounced Mao zedong for example but Deng Xiaopings economic liberalisation is literally just a big FU to Maoists

doubt very highly that any other country will dominate the second half of the century the way China will

>what do you think about this man

he wants to see usa collapse and he will covertly fund fat ugly feminists in pussy hats and blm retarded thug niggers to make usa fall from whithin

all the retarded progressives will support all of it

Fuck chinka. (((She))) will bow to Abe.

Well I since Bo Xi Lai got purged and was a full blown Neomaoist I don't see him doing anything radical.

The state still maintains control over most industries and the people; how is that not communism? He doesn't want freedom, he wants control. You're delusional if you think he'll ever give up a single large corporation or natural resource. American corporations built China into a superpower by outsourcing jobs and now China no longer needs them. Xi will continue the economic espionage and one way trade policies, but the question is how he will handle the banks.

You're no acknowledging the actual theoretical basis of Dengism. If you read the academic party literature, they're basically advocating a form of accelerationism. Using different terminology, they've more or less admitted that communism is only possible in a post or near post-scarcity economy, and that the creative power of markets is the only mechanism that can produce the kind of technological advancement that would even allow us to hope to reach post-scarcity one day.

Western Marxist saw the failures of Marxist theory in the 20th century, and decide to abandon modernism and embrace post-modernism to explain (or obfuscate) those failures.

Eastern Marxists doubled down on modernism, an were willing to empirically evaluate the failures of the 20th century. They made very simple conclusions, particularly about the need for a non-labor theory of value based pricing system. They've actually said Mao was wrong about bypassing capitalism, even though they never outright target him as an individual.

>American corporations built China

thats the problem.... china has worlds largest gdp because we shipped all manufacturing there thinking it will save our own environment while driving escalades on rimz

I think China is approaching geopolitics a lot smarter than the U.S. and Russia. The U.S. and Russia establish global power by using force. They bomb the shit out of people while spending tons of money on military. China is establishing global power through economics/trade/investment. They're slowly gaining control of both Asia and Africa without firing a single bullet. It helps them that the U.S. and Russia are constantly having pissing contests in the middle east.

Umm, I like Xi. I think his country is the absolute pits and his people are by far the most obnoxious in Asia but as someone the U.S. has to deal with he seems pretty fucking reasonable. Not bad for a commie. Don't trust, of course, but we shouldn't trust any foreign power... and most of the times the domestic.

Do you have any evidence to substantiate those claims?

What do jews have to do with China?

Well there is lo mein there .....

He lacks face and leads an economy built on sand. See USSR for details

how far south of the wall are you?

I lived in China from 1995 to 2005 and because of this I decided to study political science with emphasis on China and Asian politics.

China usually goes from hardline leaders to reformers, and back to hardliners. From Mao himself to a reformer like Xiaopeng, to a hardliner again in Jiang Zemin, to a reformer Hu Jintao, to another hardliner in Xi.

In my opinion, China is still trying to find a balance in communist philosophy and capitalist prosperity. They want the best of both worlds and have had difficultly in finding middle ground. The explosion of the Chinese middle class certain plays a part in driving their country towards capitalism while the Communist Party certainly wants to remain in control.

Traditionally, whenever the country would get "off track" the Emperor would step in and correct it with an iron hand. Mao frequently did this when he was in power.

However, even though that Xi is probably the most powerful person in China since Mao, he is NOT Mao. This is important to remember.

They're not even close to each other. The only thing they have in common is the power that they yield. Xi is not Mao.

Mao was a peasant with a 4th grade education, Xi is very different. He's lightyears ahead in education and how the world works in reality, whereas Mao was very closeminded and wasn't truly aware of anything outside of China before he took power.

In a month the OIL-Yuan-GOLD futures contract starts trading. Think of the amount of physical and notional gold China must be sitting on to back that contract. Think about fuckers.

What do the Chinese bring to that party? Demand for oil. All the yuan they can print. Massive gold reserves.

Crash oil / cheaper energy, no problem.
Crash yuan / more exports, no problem.
Crash gold / problem.
Spike oil / print Yuan & mine reserves, no problem.
Spike yuan / cheaper energy & gold, no problem.
Spike gold / cheaper energy & reduce yuan overhand, no problem.

Time to sell gold motherfuckers.

Very much so.

ok then you good. GDP good.

Yeah but the problem is their theory. You cant throw money at poor nations and then expect them to pay you back.

and that is the CCP MO

The infrastructure that they build is mostly for resource extraction, and on-sight refinement of raw materials. The only other money they spend is basically to bribe the shitty governments to allow them to do that stuff in the first place. They don't expect that Africans to generate a return. They're buying resources, and agricultural capacity.

basically the Tau

>You cant throw money at poor nations and then expect them to pay you back.
The whole point is that they don't pay you back. If they fail to get paid back, Xi will simply extract enormous economic concessions on them. A large amount of debt will be forgiven, if those newly built ports or roads are suddenly carrying thousands of Chinese goods into market at little to no tariff.

the difference is how the US and China define GDP
> like night and day


If only he could make China a decent place, he'll never be so powerful that he can reform the goverment I think, if he tries he'd just be backstabbed, I think getting to the top has changed him, even if he's done some evil stuff, after a while I think he's become more self-aware of how fucked it all is, the blood on his hands has made him more understanding of that than anyone.

Dude every bit of the CCP is like that. Everyone backstabs eachother.

Trump needs to start getting tougher on China, even with this whole NK bullshit going on

Its Africa man. Do you really think any plan is sustainable when it comes to Africa?

The niggers will simply not send them the resources or will devolve into a civil war. I can expect a plan like this work in South America, Europe or even the Middle East. Africa not so much.

Fingers crossed they side with the states if the nukes start to fall. North Korea isn't worth protecting at this point.

its a race to gather elements of the national security kind. the moon is next. but no nog on the moon so WE WUZ.....

What's the evil stuff he's done?

I know what Im saying is that nigger countries have the tendency to close off their country when the gibs stop. This has happened many a time.

Fuckin chink

Typical strayan shitposting.
That, or you're literally retarded. Read up on the history of colonies.


this thread needs more dole dipping

well said. the question remains......

China doesn't arm rebel groups, and try to topple governments just because they're not Jeffersonian democracies. China will gladly prop up a government that will ensure continued Chinese use of farmland. Many civil wars are the result of power struggles over who controls western aid shipments. China doesn't use aid the way the west does. Ironically, Chinese take African national sovereignty seriously. Chinese deal DIRECTLY with national government rather than going through NGOs. The reason the West goes through NGOs is because they don't trust African governments to get the resources to the people.

The Chinese say: If the Africans are to incompetent and stupid to use Chinese rent money to improve their countries, then that's their problem. Incompetence is not a legitimate reason to subvert foreign sovereign governments in the opinion of the Chinese. The Chinese treat Africans by the same rules as everyone else. They don't feel a need to catch Africans when Africans inevitably fuck up.

If you're still in this thread, would you mind going into further detail about the major periods of reform that China has gone since Mao, because we still have people saying China is communist and I can't blame them as this country's politics are weird to look at as an outsider.

China is a shithole and will remain a shithole.

Prisoners dilemma- no one will sell.

That guy looks like a typical chink. Small eyes, pan-faced, big nose.

We are all indoctrinated my friend

The European is morally smashed by the jew, the vengeance upon them has been the worst

The Mexican and Latin American in general is deceived, uneducated and rampant, this moral oppression of the former Spanish Colonies has taken 2 centuries of violent war and famine trough the continent

The American has been brainwashed since its conception, they were created as a mere tool of the Talmudists so they could fulfill 2 tasks
>The oppression, sabotage and repression of the whole continent, Mexico and Colombia have seen the worst of it
>And spreading of degeneracy as well as the spreading of freemasonry and liberalism

The African, enslaved by the jew, exploited and genocided multiple times, starved and kept under constant repression, this is not the work of Europeans like many have been led to believe, most esclavist and people dealers were jews

The Slav and East Asian have been brutally recked and raped (Russia and China as major examples), the tool used in this occasion was marxism, genocide, famine, usury, death, war, restriction of freedom and many other horrors

The Arabs, once as the most advanced and dedicated civilizations on this planet are now reduced to a bunch of islamist brutes and warlords without morals

The Aryans (Indus and others) were crushed, without Christianity ever reaching those lands the fell straight into a clusterfuck

We are all together in this guys, do not be deceived, we can work together and still be ourselves, we do not have tor ace mix or be "culturally enriched", we can work against these agents of satan

He's going for a third term.

It is communist. It's communist in the way that the US is classically liberal. Marxism is the founding philosophy of the PRC. The country itself evolves according to the principles of its founding. Its basic understanding of itself is through the lens of Marxist theory, even if it's no longer an dogmatic 19th century orthodox Marxist state. The US is much different now than its original founding philosophies, but it still tries to adhere to them in many ways, and see its continued advancement as a fulfillment of those original principles, modified according to circumstance.

yes sir in 5

>Do you have any evidence to substantiate those claims?

yes: if you think the leader of china wants to see usa succeed, you are a fucking moron

>one party dictatorship
>mostly-capitalist economy
Do any Russiabros here wish that the Soviet Union had followed this path?

He will be there for a while. Maybe he knows what happened to tank man....Jiang Zemin doesn't know.

Jiang Zemin is next in line for the 'mysteriously disappeared overnight" treatment.

That chink loves beer.


Why? Hu Jintao is still around.....Zemin is 90+ years old.

Yeah but Zemin at this point is the only person with enough influence in the CCP to challenge Xiping. Makes sense for Xi to take him out while he can. Hes already had him and his family members embroiled in like 20 corruption cases. Hu Jintao isnt really relevant anymore.

We did the whole soft power and economic investment thing for the later half of the 19th century and early 20th. Teddy Roosevelt was all about that stuff among others. That and we spent a century building an appropriately godtier naval building system. The Chinese will never be a super power until they spend the time and effort to build the appropriate ship building infrastructure.

I thought Xi neutered the Zemin faction.

He has. But the guy is still in the party. Xi wont rest until hes out.

Finally a non retarded pseudo intellectual post

I don't think the president of China has that sort of pull.....he along with the party do, but not by himself. Zemin is old. The Chinese seem to care about the optics of everything. Zemin is too old to do anything now.


good post

I think it has more to do with alliances. America's superpower status isn't just its military power, but the many coalitions and alliances as well. It's hard to imagine a future where there'll be nations that would trade American security for Chinese, or a China that would be willing to send its people to defend other nations. Maybe one day those things happen, but there's nothing today that suggests anything like that is likely to occur.

Most of them. The late USSR was making evolution in a semi-party system, but free-marketers went full ooga booga, BOMBED THE PARLIAMENT WITH TANKS and wanted it all.

well you don't live in LA......or a mighty larp

Our alliance with Europe is ostensibly because of the shared heritage of white Americans. Oh, wait, sorry, I mean I am a bigoted, privileged Nazi shitlord who loves to oppress blacks, and an evil racist for wanting to do something about the southern invaders.

dont forget the drone wars

I wasnt speaking from the overall perspective. Just from Xi's.

>Do any Russiabros here wish that the Soviet Union had followed this path?
The USSR would still be a thing if it did. It's honestly a shame that they didn't.

Found one of the unconscious chinese controlled shills

Gambling industry is controlled by jews in china. Richest families in china are jewish.


But muh industry vouchers!


There's nothing that Africans have to send. The whole point is that China controls the entire process - Chinese firms set up and run the mine/factory/whatever, often using materials shipped in from China. Chinese contractors build road and rail lines and ports to get the materials out of the country, and Chinese ships send it back to China. Africans themselves are only indirectly involved in this whole process.

I'm very impressed with Xi. We will see if he can land the plane, because sometime in the next 5 years the free money will start to run out

Yes you can. That is literally the entire purpose of the World Bank, to enslave 3rd world countries with crushing debt.

Xi Jinping has certainly shown to be an ambitious man.

He ramps up his public infrastructure both at home and abroad (Silk Road Project: A.K.A China's turn at the African spigot), has the Chinese renminbi currency become a World Reserve Currency under his leadership, has opened the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank which is an Asian IMF (wonder what that might do in terms of inflation for other currencies being predominantly used for international deals?).

China is an interesting player. It seems to me the Dragon is stretching its new-found courage on the stage dominated by the Eagle and Bear. Only time will tell if this hapless infrastructure investment scheme will help propel them in to further investment and partnerships with foreign nations. European allies have voiced interest at least with using the AIIB to invest in alternative routes for industrial equipment and whatnot.

The country also has a very blunt culture with a Billion people living within its borders. The fact they've been able to make it this far without faltering is either a sign of how heavily they will fall inevitably (but what large Empire hasn't?) or a sign that they're really making change in key areas of government that allows them to propel themselves quickly in to a firm Super Power seat ready for any mid-century fun.




The best part is that they even the payment for the labor goes back to china through Chinese workers. Chinese are even migrating and mixing into the African population, taking up African spouses. They even become "African" through legal processes. The Africans themselves admit that the Chinese are extremely hard working such as waking up to sell chickens and eggs to all the customers very very early in the morning while the Africans sleep, go to church, socialize, etc. When the African sellers finally set up shop, the customers are all gone due to the early selling Chinese. They even admit that they are failing to adopt Chinese skills. All of this leads to the Chinese overly competing against the native population on a fair level, and the Africans can't really complain on fair grounds.
The biggest thing, however, is that Africans are completely fine with it and even happy about it, especially the political leaders (they love the cheap skilled labor like dentistry). The Chinese go "We were just like you and suffered under evil European colonization too, yet thrived. Learn from us, and we'll make you prosperous" The Africans eat it all up, loving the Chinese and disliking the "imperialistic/politically entangling" Europeans.

nice, interesting

A world without scarcity would require the ability to create matter and energy from nothing. That is physically impossible. Marxism will never be successful.

You can have "turnkey" systems generating power that don't require much in the way of human intervention. For example, an automated solar panel production machine that loads the panels onto automated vehicles that install the panels and hook them up to the grid using modular interchangeable parts.

"Scarcity" in western human societies has been steadily abolished since the Renaissance and the age of sail. The proportion of people required to produce food to feed a given population has dropped and dropped, and that's the beginning of the end of "scarcity" more broadly.

That's not evidence you dumbfuck

Many faggots in the world have forgotten the thrill of hunting your own sustenance.
My lord, thank you for blessing me with my community and land. Regardless of what happens I'll be fine from everything, minus Nuclear Holocaust & Weaponized Nanotech Culling Swarms.

Dumping some pictures in the previous national party meeting or whatever you want to call it

Jiang Zemin
One of the three FINAL BOSS in China, including Jiang, Hu, and Xi. Noted even after you retirement you still have a lot of influence behind the curtain. Also he's almost 100 I think.

We need to stop China. Bannon is right about this.

Efficiency and production may be increasing but it won't ever achieve levels of post-scarcity. The price of a meal could cost cents but it will never be absolutely free.
>an automated solar panel production machine that loads the panels onto automated vehicles that install the panels and hook them up to the grid using modular interchangeable parts
You're playing too much Factorio or some shit.

Is there anything where I can read more about stuff like this?

3 final boss, from Hu Jintao,Xi himself and Jiang Zemin

A security guys
>hail Xi?




fuck china
eat shit dogfuckers/eaters

Representatives from all over the country.

You can see that they're proud of their culture and try to encourage it, unlike the Sup Forums meme hurr durr they're destroying it

citizens watching the live stream of Xi's 3 hours long speech on the street
