Even Africa is decent with free market capitalism. How could communism possibly compete?

Even Africa is decent with free market capitalism. How could communism possibly compete?

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>How could communism possibly compete?

by leveraging propaganda filled with lies and deceitful rhetoric

what city is that?

Gabarone, in Botswana

It can’t and never has

That's a darn pretty city.

Interesting. Now, How many niggers are in it? Who owns and runs these buildings?

Botswana only has 2 million people and is sitting on a vast supply of recently-discovered diamonds. They've built their entire infrastructure and society without the help of colonialists so Africans are very proud of the country because they did it all on their own. It's got the fastest growing economy in Africa and is also the safest country there. Aside from their HIV epidemic they are doing very, very well.


Nice get

By indoctrinating alienated and economically excluded youth

(((Kikes))) and the eternal Anglo.

South Africans for day to day operations.

no it's not. I looked on google maps, and that city is a shithole


You must not have ever lived there.

The nation is almost entirely black, no large white population like in South Africa or former Rhodesia.

The nation only has a population of 2 million people, it's not going to have a grand capital city. That's like looking at the capital of Wyoming or the Yukon province and calling them shitholes.

but I can't find any pictures of gaborone that look like that. they don't even seem to have skyscrapers. what city is the pic in op

It's Gaborone, just from a different angle and at night.


yeah look at this Africa city

That's Nigeria.

Bullshit, it relies entirely on royalty payouts from international diamond mining corporations. Sort of like Kuwait with AIDS. Can't spend your way to civilization, the shitstorm's a-coming, pic related.

hmm, so it looks comparable to a city like boise. I wonder what the crime is like, and i'm sure if there were diamond mines in any white country, the city built beside it would way bigger and better.

It's not like Nebraska's capital is all that impressive, and they have a similar population despite and oil reserves despite being spread over a smaller area than Botswana.

Yeah but this is a mediocre town in a flyover state versus the pinnacle of development in a continent with billions of black people

>billions of black people
2 million black people actually. You're acting like all of Africa is trying to help this one nation. Heck, if anything Botswana has to watch its back more because its next to unstable shitholes like Zimbabwe.

That's Johannesburg.

As someone who's lived in Botswana a couple of years when I was a kid, I'll tell you what I saw.

This was in Francistown, their second largest city. All the good schools where expats and rich blacks sent their kids were run by South African Boers with a token black teacher here and there. Most big businesses, restaurants, hotels etc were owned and run either by Boers/Rhodesian whites or Indians/Pakis and Chinese. Although Botswana didn't have as many whites/Indians as a proportion of the population as SA, it had enough for them to manage and run the infrastructure for a country of 2 million.

One thing I will give credit to the blacks there though is they never tried to fuck with non blacks and we're relatively more hospitable compared to other blacks.

There you go, African capitalism. Brought to you by ever other region in the world.