/r/pol is banned

What will I do without my reddits?

go back


lurk moar or leave

Die hopefully

stay on pol or make pol 2 in a few days after spez gets off his period

kill yourself

There's literally nothing wrong with browsing Reddit. It's the userbase that's cancer not the website.

r/FULLCOMMUNISM got a heads up to delete all their revolushuns stuff first.

r/fuckthealtright is still doxxing and calling for violence.


Objectively wrong

Assimilate here or gtfo immigrant

fuck off we have run pol since the meme war with out us you really think you cucks could of got Trump elected ?

>tfw everything on reddit is decided by that shit community

We need to make an r/altrightofpeace subreddit or something. Just post positive, cheezy "love your race" graphics and traditional huwite things and see how pissed off and problematic Buzzfeed and the Daily Beast get.


the userbase is the website tho

Reddit is one of the biggest websites in the world if you claim you don't browse it you're objectively lying. You browse it just as much as I do. So let's get it going..
What are your favourite subreddits? For me it's /r/MMA, /r/boxing and /r/indieheads.

Kys ledditor

I'm with user, we don't need newfags spewing their Alt-Light garbage plebbit loving shit here. Lurk, assimilate or get the fuck out

Yes and the userbase is slowly becoming more right wing as can be seen by the rise of /r/the_donald and other subs. If more Sup Forums users cross posted between the two platforms we could maintain a significant presence on both and slowly take over.


>he thinks Sup Forums hates leddit cos they aren't right wing enough
just fucking lurk more you brainlet dipshit

the_donald is not welcome here. Being a right-wing redditor is like being a well-behaved nigger. At the end of the day, you're still a nigger.

Typical contrarian hipster faggots. (You) telling me (you) dont ever get the urge for some cheeky Reddit posting? You don't post there because you're brainlets and can't handle a superior discussion platform

In place of violence, also just argue for equal segregation, quoting Malcom X. Reddit's brain could implode.


>2016 election
>neogaf down
>now this
What has happened to Sup Forums is a stark mirror of what's happening to Europe. Hordes and hordes of unwashed, walking tumors have flocked here because we had a good thing going. With them they have brought the destruction of board culture, and replaced it with one that mimicks what little it understands but is truly almost social media tier. Anyone who had been here longer than 2 years will notice the unbelievable decline across the entire website as the cancer spreads. Sup Forums has truly lived long enough to see itself become the villain

Rope yourself.

I don't browse reddit, I'm serious

>contrarian hipster
you're not even trying to hide how new you are
if you don't like it here you can git out back to ur shitty website to have intelectual conversations about ur iq and a cartoon sauce

No, I don't.
I will admit I have a few reddit boards I check, mostly to download funny images and see how Bitcoin is doing, but I don't participate in the dialogue, shit is cringeworthy.


duuuuuuubs get

Go to voat.co
It's both.
Even if you filled it with Sup Forumslacks, the vote system takes out most of the fun.

>"There's literally nothing wrong with Australia. It's Aussies who are shit not the country itself."

Reddit is the userbase, it's not the html making you a faggot.

that's not how you get duubs

Mone is /r/kys

By browsing reddit you are part of its userbase. If you don't get an intense feeling of disgust looking at that site then you're a newfag.

voat is an even bigger nigger pit than reddit