How do you get to the mindset of communism? Obviously communism is wrong from any common sense standpoint...

How do you get to the mindset of communism? Obviously communism is wrong from any common sense standpoint, but I'm trying to figure out how someone could get to such a warped view of the world.

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This is why Communists in Western countries are universally the biggest fucking losers in the world.

Selfishness. They want handouts. They, ironically, do not see their own selfishness, call the rich selfish, but think humanity as a whole can be selfless.

>t.low IQ rural cletus retard

Hey man, cmon. It's late, I wanna argue.

I know you how to be a low IQ retard to believe in communism, but that doesn't really answer the question. What's the mindset that put them into such views?

Romanticize people sharing especially when they don't want to in order to support people they don't care about. Communism wont' work because people are selfish narcissists.

A mix of narcissism and self hate.

Look at ANY of your commie friends. How many of them take adderall/SSRI/anti anxiety meds?
Don't listen to these people when it comes to human nature.


Theres the question of "How do you make the world a better place ?"

One of those potential answers is freedom, and ways to achieve the betterment of society through freedom, often in contrast to the opposite, coercion, that is , achieving the betterment of society through force or being coerced. The latter is more often achieved with whats labeled as communism.

But when you really think about it, this begins to question the nature of freedom and choice, is this something people even have in a free society, and so forth.

Because they are morons. That's literally it.

Marx had a brilliant critique of capitalism but his solutions were unworkable.

This was because he was supported by his rich friend Engels his entire life, never worked a day. It's why he was brilliant, and why his followers have all failed. Because he could not understand *WHO* he was writing for.

The only person I know who might be a bit of a commie/definitely a fucking bernout is unironically always depressed and has never had a job for more than $12/hr

guy is a total loser so it's not surprising

Marx was a NEET who leeched off his wealthy relatives. When their money dried up, he wanted other people to pay for him to live instead of making a living honestly.

i hate lazy people
right, although i think he had some intellectual and theoretical insights, sadly out of touch due to the ironic class difference of his own views

Here is the way i look at it.
You have one planet, and one source of finite resources. The only way we are going to survive in the long run, is to push forward for the greater good of the commonwealth. A basic form of living is implied in the beginning, but though work and trust in ourselves as a collective unit, we can achieve the highest standard of living. Yes, communism has never really worked, but it is not a bad idea, really. The human condition makes it not work, we all know that. But what if only one group of liked minded individuals ruled it all with no opposition.

Paradise my friends. Paradise.

The same way people fall for Sandy Hook or 9/11 conspiracies: it's a very easy way for a non-specialist to acquire what he thinks is a deep and perfect understanding of a complicated topic.

I know a commie friend. Other than being a Slavoy Scheizak or whatever that lispy faggots fanboy, it seems he is overly concerned on what is "fair" to a ridiculous extent. Up to and including having the entire system be an unworkable dystopia, only as long as its "fair". Also included in it is a blind belief that all people are the same. The most i could get a concession from him is that retards are slightly less able, but in all other ways its all equal and no person should be awarded more for harder work if he is more capable.

If you want the mid-set, forget and deny every single bit of evidence about human biodiversity, and then start to think about on how to make everyone equal. Also only think on scale. If your ideas are about running the world, not your local stsuff, then its true communism. Communism doesnt exist in small scale ever.

>How do you get to the mindset of communism?

Jealousy. If you talk for long enough with the wannabe commies it always boils down to them thinking they deserve what someone else has. I have yet to meet a single commie who actually cared about "equality" for everyone, if you kept poking them for long enough they always ended up with stuff like
>We need 100% inheritance tax because those children never performed the work that earned the money so they shouldn't have a right to receive it and live on it

It's "gibs me dat" taken to the most extreme level, literally the ideology of mental niggers.

No too hard to see why someone would be so desperate to believe communism can work. Imagine a college grad who is a trust fund baby who has had everything paid for them, never worked a single job, picked a shitty degree that won't return their investment. They live in their parent's basement and are conditioned to have every whim provided for them and communism promises that. You'll get someone else's shit. So moral of the story, lazy dumb people like a lazy dumb ideology.

Sure, he's intelligent, he has the capacity for complex abstract thought, but it's mostly nonsense and he wasn't an economist.


hey, they're the bean-iest

Socialism in general appeals to the lowest impulses of a human being, most prominently greed and tribal aggression. People who subscribe to any kind of socialism rely on their instincts and animalistic impulses to guide them trough life. Socialism is inherently anti civilization and probably a reaction to how the modern lifestyle is different from the primordial, brutal existence they desperately want to return to.
In short, these people an evolutionary precursor to the modern human race and should be hunted like the animals they are.

Marx's father converted to Christianity and Marx accused him of being a sell-out and abandoning Judaism only to better his business.
Communism was Marx's revenge against the goy family, community, church and nation to which his father assimilated.
Marx abused his own wife and everyone who knew him thought he was an asshole.
His labor theory of value assigns as much worth to a man who works all day building a sand castle which is washed away by the rising tide as to a man who works the same time making something other people actually want and would freely choose.
Communism was designed to deny man the possibility to dream and to achieve and to kill his soul.
Just look at the soul-crushing brutalist architecture that commies love so much - communism hates beauty

Person 1:
>I would pay $3 for that automobile.

Person 2:
>I really like BMWs, I would pay $5 for it.

>That's interesting, but the value of this BMW is determined by the socially-necessary labor time spent producing it, and the use-value you derive from driving the car is irrelevant to the fact that I spent thousands of dollars on raw materials, the means of production, and labor itself in order to build this particular good.

>How do you get to the mindset of communism?
By not being good at anything.

They realize someone is fucking them and the system but can't connect the (((Dots)))

That's also one thing all the commies I know have in common (apart from being depressed and on medication):
They suck at everything. Every couple months they try to pick up something new, try it out for a while and when they don't immediately master it they give up again and spend the rest of the time wallowing in self pity before the cycle begins anew.

Concept is novel, but can never work.

Well technically it can if you want to be really "Communal", but it means going back to the most basic of human civilizations, this means no central government, no central economy (Everyone must share resources), ethnically homogenous, etc. You would have to remove various factors that cause social cohesion erosion.

Many of these retarded liberals do not understand that what I described is the only way for the system they wish to implement will work.

The acceptance of Marxism is inexorably tied to te general decline in the Classical Greco-Roman virtues of honor, truth, & justice, combined with the Industrial Revolution's gift of vastly increased family sizes and decreased infant mortality for low-IQ human populations.

When people get dumber and they multiply, while simultaneously losing the capacity to resist envy, impulsiveness, and ethical homogeneity, dangerous ideologies spread like a virus in a weakened immune system.

No God + no morals + more idiots + more idiot children = cultural AIDS, and all the fun secondary infections that come with it

Except of course, that the "value" of the BMW from a labor point of view does not factor in to the subjective value that people place on it, and any man overcharging his customers with an insistence that what he is charging is the "true value" of it will be laughed at and will lose his business.

>can't connect the (((Dots)))
Not even that, the brainwashing goes way beyond that by now. Fear of social ostracism if you blame the Jews has pushed people to the point where even when they connect all the dots and fully understand who is fucking them over, they will violently reject it as a form of self-defense mechanism.

I only knew one person from grade school who was openly communist, and he was the product of a single mom; a sperg that always posted political shit on facebook.

You'd have to ultra high IQ to understand it

The uniting factor among people who vote leftist is their ultra high IQ.

So everyone who votes left wing has a high IQ?

Any sources to back that up?

Reductive materialism is appealing to tards. Simple as that. Most tankies you see on social media are either threatened by those mean peppy boys or oblivious to society's current existential crisis.

You can't effectively combat nihilism with Free Stuff™ and forced labor.

Marx makes a distinction between price and value.

You guys who trash the commies often overlook fundamental points.

Communism concerns itself with scarcity and the distribution of goods and services within a society with finite resources.

In your example lets say there are just two people in the world and just two hamburgers.

The person who can pay $5 per hamburger can buy both burgers while the person who can afford only $3 goes without. In a starvation situation this is of course of critical importance.

This is the sort of imbalance that communism seeks to address.

Communism's main objective is for all people to work equally towards the common good with the equal sharing of resources and products. That's pretty much it, boys and girls.

Like it or not, Communism is in fact the most Christian of all political ideologies. Which is rather ironic, dontcha think?

The trouble is that it doesn't work in practice because it tends to go against human nature, which is usually motivated by self interest rather than group interest.

In addition Communism has been perverted and twisted by thugs, like Stalin and Mao, throughout history. In this regard it is a weak ideology in so far it produces fragile political systems, which are highly susceptible to being taken over by demagogues who corrupt and debase its ideals.

Just take a moment to think. Every time you and your mates go out to do an activity, be it camping, having a barbecue, organizing some event where you all pitch in and work towards achieving a common goal with out thought of personal reward, you are acting like communists. Yes, you are. You filthy commie scum you.

Scientifically disproven, in multiple studies. However, with the modern infestation of far-left ideology in Post-Secondary University systems in the Western world, it would naturally follow that it is easier to advance in academia (the unfortunately common social marker for intelligence, after the IQ test battery was found to be too racist) if you are left-of-center or further left than that. Getting through college as a right-winger, culturally insensitive to the progressive social engineering campaign, is a surefire way to tank your grades and lose any and all opportunity for beneficial references from academic heads, basically consigning you to an ugly curriculum vitae for the rest of your days and ending your attempts at climbing the academic ladder.

t. college is a waste if your IQ is over 120; just trust me on this one.

>Which is rather ironic, dontcha think?
Not really, Christianity is a slave religion.
>Oh yes, never act against your oppressors, it's not your place to punish them, only god should be allowed to do so. Love them instead.
It's as fundamentally flawed as Communism and the only reason Europe did so well with it was because it didn't have pure Christianity but a mix of their pagan religions and Christianity.

Ironically, right-leaning humans are, on average, slightly more intelligent, but even more ironically, much more physically fit.

Had both studies saved recently as pics, gimme a sec to find em.

>How do you get to the mindset of communism?
Remember that Marxism is a Jewish enterprise

Then step back and look at the big picture

Marxism = jews pulling the strings of useful idiots ("liberals", socialists, the alt-left etc.)

>IQ statistics are racist and false
>Until they support something I like

OPs image made me hungry for a burger :)



I'm far right but I've been on all of those

To be fair you have to have a very high iqs to understand Marxism

You should read Marx first and realize two things:
>He lived in Industrial Era England which was a totalitarian shithole.
>He him self wasn't a communist/marxist. He simply stated that the dumb masses of workers as they get smarter will carry more political clout and that crooked capitalism (''free market'' interfered by the state) will be the breedinground to facilitate this political movement gaining clout. He him self never published most of his books. Engels did that after heavily editing them and the translations to languages other than German and English were terrible.

Anyway the person you should hate for communism is Engels who distorted the analisis of society, market and politics propposed by Marx.
Marx him self worked for newspaper organisations arround the world by sending in his own analysis of economic happenings.
Sadly he had too many kids and the work he did was too unstable to provide for his family.
It's said that on his death-bed he got him self baptized and a confession to a priest...
So yeah Marx wasn't a terrible person that is to blame for communism. Engels is.

>How do you get to the mindset of communism?

>I don't want to work
>society is rich, surely it doesn't need further contribution!
>I don't want to work
>people (read: I) would live better if someone who worked gave his money to them (read: me) instead!
>I don't want to work
>I'd be able to contribute to society if I didn't have to work!


>guys if everyone dies except for >105 IQ whites communism can work!
No shit Sherlock. After a millenium of White-only civilization we could implement communism, all menial work would be automated anyway. Any system at all would work then. But for now, it won't work and marxism is the biggest cancer of humanity.

On a homogeneous high IQ white civilization anything could work. But for that we need to exterminate the parasites. And that is also why the ones who still cling to libertarianism are retarded. We need an ethnostate, fuck civic nationalism.

IF there's only two burgers a high price must be put on them so there's incentive on the production of burgers, profit is very important because it signals the most demanded goods in the economy, it also estimulates inovation and the use of renewable resources due to ever decreasing offer of non-renewable resources, wich would lead to hiugh production costs.

Imagine being a drug addicted lazy fuck with daddy issues and zero useful life skills and you can get to communism fairly easily.

>What's the mindset that put them into such views?

The mindset wasn't a desire to better the world though utopian claptrap. Anyone with an intellect above nitwit knows Marxism is nonsense.

The motivation was to sack and pillage the West from within by launching never ending strife because Marx despised freedom and the manifestations birthed by it. In short, vengeance.

I don't fault any of the original communist thinkers for the failures of the implementation of their ideology. In their time, it was in vogue for academics and intellectuals to pen radical treatises on political theory and put forward novel ideas or incendiary rhetoric in a Europe caught in the grip of massive social change and vast access to increasingly large markets of well-educated middle, upper, and lower-middle class consumers who grew up on the radical politics of French revolutionism, atheistic anarchism, the upheaval of ancient monarchies and the slaughter of aristocrat classes and the subsequent political uncertainty of interregnum periods and even post-regional war political minarchism in almost every European nation at least once, if not repeatedly from the late 1700s to the mid 1800s. Keep in mind the people who read Karl Marx watched America go from a backwater property to the most vibrant economy on Earth, they watched the French monarchy literally beheaded and replaced with radical, yet nebulous and ultimately useless, post-monarchy government, they watched Italy/Hungary/Austria/Poland/etc overthrow occupation armies and reinvent themselves, they saw the strange mixtures of seemingly incompatible and ideologically opposite systems become workable governments (i.e.Holland, Scandinavia), and they even watched new nations born in their backyards (Prussia). Marx, Engels, hell, even the printers of their treatises are not really guilty of the sins of their followers. I'm sure the same bloodshed would occur if the Manifesto was superseded in popularity and clout by any of the prominent French atheist-anarchist thinkers, or of any of the proto-Nationalist authoritarians of central Europe who lost favor following the Great War.

The ones to blame are those who are too ignorant to see the holes in the engine of the car before they place their families in the passenger seat.

TL;DR The idiots who bought into shiny pop-intellectualism are to blame.

That's very classist of you.
To the gulag with you, comrade.

t. Political theory uni student wasting study time getting laid with a 6/10 bae I met at a punk bar who won't shut up about ska, and now smoking her weed while she sleeps naked from the waist down, just so I can see her nasty tattoos that'd look good on her if she lost 10lb and got some sun and tried to act like a biological woman and not an antifag-loving radical with infantile political views

>stop to think about what i wanted to be as a kid
>wanted to be in the army like my dad
>changed dream in HS to become a CIA officer stationed in weird overseas posts, spying and shit
>spending uni time doing drugs and having sex
>can't remember what dreams and goals feel like
>now just want to illegally acquire as much $ as possible and live on the edge, where life still feels like living


>How do you get to the mindset of communism? Obviously communism is wrong from any common sense standpoint, but I'm trying to figure out how someone could get to such a warped view of the world.

>I don't want to work.

>But others should work to pay for my life.

Being dissapointed in the work market.
>Either having taken the wrong step in education, having a bad career or simply because the state is interfering in the free market and crooked capitalism has taken roots.

And finally.
>Blaming others for your own failures.

Many people grow up in poverty and see them selves exploited or have made bad life choices they don't want to aknowledge.
Most of this can be resolved with good parrenting and a family effort to put your family members on a good track.
It's no wonder that the most radical communists and socialists advocate for the destruction of the family unit.
Even Hitler was on board with that by promoting single German women getting pregnant with German dudes they don't even know and raising kids by getting financial help from the state.
Remember Hitler was also a socialist.

You just need to be resentful of people who are more successful than you are

I only have one legitimate communist friend. He became a vegan like 3 years ago and slowly became a fat fuck.

Naive idealists that loves the idea of a utopian paradise society where everyone shares, but neglects how badly things go when you put human beings in charge of said society.

I love the idea of communism, but it doesn't fucking work because you can rely on people to be selfish assholes. Your paradise government needs to incorporate real human nature into how it works. Otherwise you get unimaginable corruption.

You sound like you have issues to resolve.
How about:

>Starting to go to the gym or just jogging.
>Getting a job with decent work hours.
>Changing your diet to not ingest soya and do detox with green tea (grab some natural laxatives once per week). Eat mostly eggs, chicken, fish, fruit and veggies. Reduce bread and pasta to a minimum.
>Drop anything related to drugs. Seriously it's bad for your brain.
>Spend less time on your PC or at least spend that time doing something usefull like learning a language or reading a textbook for some trade jobs you could use.
>Call your parrents and have a nice chat with them from time to time.
>Go out and get a hobby. I reccomend Archery since it's relatively inexpensive or Rowing since it will get you fit(big) as fuck. Otherwise just drive your bicicle.

Most importantly JUST DO IT faggit (No not the crime thing. I meant you should follow the advice above).
No use sitting arround talking about it.

Also clean your room.

While you're looking for that...
>Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated

It seems to me that communism was borne of people who weren't quite achievers, but were intelligent enough to see the plight of those who were truly useless.
For whatever reason, these people didn't succeed in life themselves. They lacked some crucial attribute that made others successful -- personal goals, individualism, determination, will, persistence, work ethic, etc.

Being moderately intelligent, but lacking the other tools to succeed, they look for other ways to derive self-worth. The answer? Virtue-signalling. And that, in essence, is at the heart of the commie mindset.

>Wouldn't it make sense if we all shared the wealth?
>Wouldn't it be just awesome if no one had to go hungry?
>Wouldn't it be great if everyone had an equal share?
>Why should some have so much when others have so little?

But how to achieve this utopian dream?
Take from those who succeed in life and distribute it among the population.
Then everyone would be provided for.
How could that be a bad thing?
What could possibly go wrong?

you're onto something here, please elaborate for a tard like me?

People who are drawn to communism are often the lowest dredges of society. If you own nothing of value, are unproductive, and do not have the capacity to be successful, then it makes sense to try to bring down the rest of society to your level. This is why people will 'mature' into republics once they grow up into adulthood and own their own home and start a family.

sounds great, now why does the state need to own my property to accomplish this?

>How do you get to the mindset of communism?

step 1: be liberal
step 2:remove brain, place up own ass
step 3: dye hair

resentment and a desire to destroy everything around you because things haven't turned out perfectly

interesting how low IQ retards are what commies have left in Russia, after slaughtering everyone who has two brain cells to rub together and ask questions.

>How do you get to the mindset of communism?
bullet works the best

>i want stuff
>i make reasons to take your stuff

It's baffling that Americans hate communism because they see it as people trying to take the wealth from people who worked for it, when that is literally the central feature of capitalism.
The most 'successful' people in our society earn little or none of their money from working. They earn money by owning capital, which allows them to profit from work performed by other people.

>They earn money by owning capital
And that capital appeared out of nowhere

Yea, like all the ultra high IQ liberals who take social sciences and liberal arts.
Their genius intellect of 115 IQ.
That's literally too stupid to do anything of substance like programming/engineering/science/maths.

Give me a break buddy.

Greed. They want free things.

Just think how taxation came about and evolved.

1. Everyone pays into it and we all get roads and government services.
2. Oh the poor shouldn't pay, they can't afford it.
3. The rich should pay more, way more they can afford it.
4. We can't afford to have everyone sucking off the government titty, we'll have to do a means test and if you're rich, you're out of luck even though you paid for most of it (like social security) --- you don't get any of that cause you're rich!!

Essentially they are brain washed into the Robin Hood fantasy of stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor. It's government redistributing wealth any way you cut it. Let's let government own everything and divide by "need". Yeah government can never be corrupt. Yeah people can never get corrupted or naturally be greedy and help themselves and their friends.

Of course not. So?

Even if someone worked hard to get rich (which is by no means the only way it happens), that doesn't change the fact that they are then able to sit back and profit from the work of others.
Are you saying you are okay with other people taking your money, as long as those people are already rich because rich people probably did something great in the past and therefore they deserve it?

>Are you saying you are okay with other people taking your money

Yes, so long as I receive adequate goods and/or services in return for my payment.


>Has high IQ
>Is communist
>People die of hunger and rot in prisons for wrongthink

the overwhelming majority of scientists lean liberal.

they believe that the entirety of history has been a class war

you don't want to be a class traitor, do you?

Those are some pretty weak arguments. While breadth of experience and adversity might help in developing ideas, it's certainly not required.

>Even if someone worked hard to get rich (which is by no means the only way it happens), that doesn't change the fact that they are then able to sit back and profit from the work of others.
>Are you saying you are okay with other people taking your money, as long as those people are already rich because rich people probably did something great in the past and therefore they deserve it?
You are a fuckin moron.

Are you talking specifically about calories burned? Because if my son is a shitty, unworking boss then the factory I left him will fall apart and dissolve among the low skilled pimple poppers in a free market..

You advocate totalitarianism in perpetual serfdom.. so many like me will need to be shot

The people who espouse it see themselves as replacing the existing elite.
Swapping the bourgeois class with their own political class.
At no point do they ever see themselves as the proletariat or workers.
And yet they'll (aim to) carve off the biggest chunk of the power and resources after the revolution.
This is why the actual winners of these things execute the intellectuals and politick-fags as the first order of business.
They're nothing but selfish, self-serving, disloyal troublemakers and never-happy brats.

I think the commie mindset normally only happens in people who dont or haven’t worked hard for something in their lives. How many commies don’t work or shit themselves away in low paying wage cuck jobs. Obviously it’s the capitalist system keeping them down.

exactly. both systems often end up being just another system of social control by an elitist hegemony on the basis of whatever appealing metrics that the local population will subscribe to.

i swear to god we need to throw you commie faggots in literal ovens. fucking retard.

>Obviously communism is wrong from any common sense standpoint
What is obviously wrong from any common sense standpoint is Person2 paying $5 for a $3 burger.

>that doesn't change the fact that they are then able to sit back and profit from the work of others.

Comunism in a nutshell lol

>How to get in the mindset of a communist

Be weaker and less talanted/succesfull than the avarage person. Don't try to improve yourselve, instead just blame everyone else for opressing you.

Now demand to pull everyone down to your level.

>such a warped view of the world
That's called materialism. Strangely enough, you probably don't find it "warped" when it comes to everything but the science of society.

Lefty/pol/ BTFO forever

Fuck, just 3 away from quints.

Too be honest i dont think most people who lable themselves a commie, understand true communism. I dont think most people do, i dont even think Stalin did to be honest.

For one simple example, I see tards in here talking about how commies dont want to work or are lazy. No, a true communist knows they have to work and have to work hard for the greater good of the state. What a commie doesn't want is to work next to somebody, doing the same job with the same skills being paid more then them just because they can suck off the boss really good. Also commies wouldn't want to working to just make one man rich. They want to work for the greater good of the state, they want to help build that utopia that they may never see but know it will one day happen. In a communist state if you didnt work you would be a signed a job and if you didnt like that you would most like be put up against a wall and shot.

Communism never works because their leaders become greedy because they are human.

>muh conservatism
Literally trash. Other user was talking about right wing ideologies, not "conservatism".