Why does Sup Forums have such a hangup on trying to legislate morality, like with abortion, or gays, stem cells...

Why does Sup Forums have such a hangup on trying to legislate morality, like with abortion, or gays, stem cells, interacical shit?

Why do you care so much? How would you like it if the shoe was on the other foot and society was forcing you to do something you don't want to do, say like attend a synagogue every Saturday, or to have to sleep with someone of a different race. Everyone has a different philosophy of life that makes them happy.

Why not just let everyone live according to their own happiness, so long as it does not infringe on your own ability to do so, examples would be like rape, murder, kidnapping, and stealing, those clearly infringe on your liberties, but why legislate what one does to their own body or with another consenting adult?

>just let people do whatever they want goys!

>oh shit now we have to import immigrants because too many gays and abortions

Why don't you let us not import immigrants than?

gays aren't going to be having sex with women anyway. if you forbid them from havijng sex, they judst do it under the table. It's not like if you forbid gays from having sex that they go, Oh well now I'm attracted to women. Doesn't work like that.

As far as abortion, you do realize that if we outlawed abortion we would be swamped with blacks and hispanics right? Imagine BLM x 1,000.


And if you're worried about having more babies why not forbid celibacy or the entering of the priesthood if it means no futherance of people?

I'm all for abortion, typically the people having them are the people I don't want to breed. I love it when my enemies kill themselvs.

I am also for stem cell treatments and genetic engineering to create ubermench and a race of neko girls perpetually locked in a loli state.

Not a pedo or a furrie btw, But I would love my loli neko girl soo so much. =^_^=

Yea dude so the alternative is to try and make as many gay people as possible through media and making it look cool. You americans are fucking degenerate retards. You have no idea when it comes to sociology, history, geology, biology, physics, geography. So let me tell you a secret you drug addled, brain damaged piece of shit.

A society is a living organism, it is not a machine. What ever kind of shit you allow effects it directly, all societies have life spans and diseases. EVERY THING effects society and then society directly affects YOU.

Do you get it now you fucking mongoloid piece of shit?

Take a look at rome, or the weirmer republic, get a fucking clue you retarded cuck.

>just let people do whatever they want goys!
>Yea fuck freedom and sheit, unless it's my freedom

>imagine an animal that is too stupid to breed so you have to replace it with another animal

>everything is fine goys!

It takes society to raise future generations. I would rather not see that society overrun by decadent morons that can't see beyond their own instant gratification. By all means, though, these people should be allowed to drown in their own filth. It should not, however, be seen as the standard for human conduct. Sorry if my opinions offend you, but that's freedom, friend.

>why do you care if people murder babies
>why do you care if people perform abominable acts
>why do you care if people perform bestiality

You're so blue pilled it's unbelievable, niggers aren't human. Castrating them is no different from castrating a bull or sheep.

free will isn't what you think it is
why do you think there's so many more fags and trannies? because the news and entertainment industries promote it
people are molded by the society they grow up in whether or not they're aware of it

for every gay unicorn that just wants a happy family there's a dozen promoting public sex and spreading disease
and so on and so forth - undesirable, harmful behavior used to be kept in check just by social stigma with minimal use of legal penalties
but now the people shitting out culture into the public's mouths are malevolent entities bent on decriminalizing harmful acts like spreading HIV, and encouraging children to literally mutilate themselves on the state's dime

So, my wife can't force me to have a divorce then?

>Why does Sup Forums have such a hangup on trying to legislate morality, like with abortion, or gays, stem cells, interacical shit?
Because making it NOT illegal has yielded us this...

abortion doesn't belong on that list

Because it’s something inorganic.

It did not happen by accident, it happened because of the 70years propaganda by Hollywood and the media which both are Jewish/.


>1 post by this ID

>legislate morality
Because its not societies obligation to celebrate and validate every life style on earth what you call "legislate morality" is just someone else shoving down their morality down our throats (like forcing Christians to allow gays to marry in churches when they could just as easily gotten a marriage contract without getting any churches involved) people can generally do what they want but I don't have to condone it and they certainly have no right to force the society to pay the price of their decisions.

It started in Germany, Hollywood was anti communist in the beginning

People don't becomegay they either are or they aren't. I didn't pay any attention to sex until I started feeling sexual urges. I thought all sex was gross growing up, gay or straight, until I hit puberty. I tried dating girls because that was what everyuone else was doing, didn't work, wasn't happy, dick didn't respond to them, actually turned off, only aroused and happy around other dudes.

Yes they do become gay, there's no gene that makes you gay from birth it's a learnt behaviour. Most homosexuals learn this behaviour from being molested when they're young by a homosexual. That's why all homosexuals have to be put to death, you're killing two birds with one stone. One less homosexual, one less sexual predator

We've done that for the last 70 years, look where it's gotten us. Aren't you ready to be so much more than what you are now?

The majority of people don't deserve complete unfettered freedom. Absolute Monarchy is the superior form of government. That's why the Jews financed the French Revolution and led the overthrowing of other European monarchs.

You're an idiot. There's no evidence for that except for a debunked study by a member of the Focus on the Family group. Their research methods were fucked up. A higher percentage of heterosexuals are pedophiles than homosexuals.

Of course a higher percentage are, because homosexuals make up 1% of the population, but that 1% makes up a, at least 10-20% of the sexual predator population. They're way over represented

>That's why the Jews financed the French Revolution and led the overthrowing of other European monarchs.

No. They did that because they didn't want competition.

Not two decades ago officers could arrest a gay couple engaging in sex in their own home, tell me how that isn't anti-liberty, and not shoving your way of life down people's throats. Double standards.

Also Churches have been granted far too much power... exemption from taxes? Are you fucking kidding me? If you want to go into business but avoid taxes just follow the Joel Ostein method. Why contribute to society when you can just preach and enrich yourself tax free from the collection plate. That's shoving if I've ever seen it.

Sheer volume is different that percentages. Yes there are less homosexual pedophiles because there are fewer gays but a smaller percentage of those who are gay engage in pedophilia. Have you ever taken a course in statistics or are you just stupid?

Thats 110% false, you just don't want to be hanged so you're trying to defend your sick sexual fetishes. God says you're an abomination and your blood is upon you, since our governments refuse to follow Gods word instead you'll die a slow painful death with the AIDS virus

Approved for non whites.
who cares about them?
>stem cells
>interacical shit?
There should be put some sort of tax or maybe a toll for it.

You're a canuck trying to legislate Bibilical values.
If you legislated the bible word for word you'd more than likely be stoned to death by the Government for disobeying your parents or fornicating or spilling your seed.

The people who want to legislate harsh rules from the bible generally speaking have not read much of the bible and don't realize that they would also be damning themselves with such a position.

Awww does someone need a kiss or some hugs? Stressed out? Why don't you come lie your head in my strong arms and let me hold you and comfort you.

>the goal of every species is to reproduce and pass on their genes ensuring their continued survival
>why is abortion wrong?
>why is being homosexual wrong?
>why is diluting your genes by crossbreeding wrong?

the only thing up for debate is using stem cells, everything else goes against nature

I'll be very soft and very gentle and very loving and you'll be in ecstasy as we explore each other's wonderful bodies that God gave us. God gave us life so we can feel joy, let me bring joy to your man hole. and to your cock and balls .

t. Triggered homos
Why don't you just get AIDS and die already?

Cause when a bunch of internet autists, degenerates and perverts are more sane than the actual society, it is our job to fix shit before it collapses and kills us all.

>just let people do whatever they want!
The left legislates morality all fucking day long. That's their entire argument for affirmative action, diversity quotas, and open borders you faggot.

Why don't you hush and let me cuddle you and then ravish your body all over tasting licking kissing and sucking and probing. I'll bring you to the top of the world.

I'll be having you singing It's a Whole New World and begging for more by the end of the night.

I'm not triggered, I'm horny and I recognize a soul that is distressed and in need of love and the warmth and embrace of another body.

Churches are non profit organizations and typically donate to multiple charities or use the funds for maintenance if you demand that churches be taxed at least be consistent enough to demand taxation of all non profit organizations.
The states involvement in the private lives of individuals is inherently immoral just because I oppose one form of violation of privacy does not mean I condone the other.

Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Educate yourself, you were brainwashed and probably sexually assaulted by another homosexual.

Leviticus kek, thats Jewish law, Im a gentile.

Matthew 5:19
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven