Can we get a George Soros appreciation thread going?

Can we get a George Soros appreciation thread going?

Thanks Sup Forums I knew you'd come through


Based DJ racemixer


Let me tell you the real story of the man who got trump elected.

Let me tell you the real story about the man who made the right wing nationalism a thing again in Europe.

Let me tell you about the man behind the curtains, the man who will be hated by the same people he is trying to save.

For finance people it’s easy to understand him, because we learn that not everything is as it seems to be and if one is doing (a + b) he might want the result to be (xy) and not (c) as everyone assumes it. What would give us the best possible way knowing if he wants (xy) or ( c)?

The results.

The results of his decade long endeavor, he has spend 13billion what has he really accomplished? OPEN SOCIETY? Or are we more reclusive then ever? Search your feelings and you will see has SOROS HAS DONE FOR OUR CAUSE THEN TRUMP

And things are about to get wild in the next years. We are working on giving more ridicules groups funding so they can redpill the masses them self’s like BLM redpilled the silent majority about how fucking dumb niggers are, they have gotten terrible quiet since the election? You know why? Because they have fulfilled their reason. Energized the right base beautifully.

During your time here on this magical place you should have learned that not all is as it seems,what have the BBC posters accomplished? Thousands of you have redpills and ego destroying evidence against the inferiority of the negros at hand just to dump it on them once some BBC anti white stuff is posted.

What has the africentricism created?
What has the Mary-sue normie advertising?
Or even how males are portrait NEVERY where, dumb weak submissive, I promise you because if this you will rather die then to be associated with this image so you will be the strongest generation in a long time.

History works on reactionary basis and not on a Linear Aequals B basis

Open your eyes and join us.

is that photoshopped?

pic related was masterfully executed by georgyboy

Another masterpiece here

story behind this?

Work in progress here

looks like this piece will be his greatest

He makes a great end level boss. I think he's out of his purple health bar now at least.

What rock do you live under?

Wtf I love Soros now

No idea

James threatened to go to media with his bondage cuck porn tape

wtf i love ole georgie now!!!

That's not Soros. That's Raymond Chandler.

Pic related is George Soros in the 1940s.

I would believe it. Throw yourself on the sword in an exaggerated manner because otherwise the (((Rothschilds))) would have done the same to you anyway.

More younger Soros
He doesn't really have typical Jew looks

Even if that was the case, which it's not I'd still want him impaled.

Exactly, if this would be the way to push the liberal agenda more powerful Jewish players would have done it years ago. No one does it like SOROS.

If you look at how masterfully the rothshilds do it.
>absolutely in the shadows
>try to erase yourself form history
>everything that happens is behind close doors\

And the rothshilds habe truly succeeded in fucking the entire world over

Where as what has SOROS done? Nothing but to help us.

He looks Hungarian.

I have been homeless for 3 years and just got back with my family to live with them. been kind of cut off from the world I guess.

yes, orginal here


Reptilian stooge. Still an important position however.