GET IN HERE: Ontario Makes It Illegal to Protest Outside Abortion Clinics, Reddit Happens

Jesus fuck this thread is hilarious, complete with a psychopathic leaf.
>inb4 you have to go back
It’s called knowing your enemy fag

Other urls found in this thread:


You have to go back

Unregulated abortion is murder.

>illegal to protest outside abortion clinics
Well it's time to start protesting inside them then.

>It's okay because those people aren't protesting, they're harassing people going into a clinic
>Yes harassment is illegal but it's hard to see who is harassing you in a mob
>This is okay
>What do you mean a bunch of feminists harassed collage students going to a lecture about male suicide and how to help friends that are depressive, they were just exercising their right to peacefully protest
So because canadian police are fucking incompetent they should just restrict freedoms, but hey it's something we agree on so no problem there fuck rights.

Leafs should be fucking burned. They are retards and are fucking proud how their constitution literally say they have no rights if the government says so.


>wants to be left alone
>anti-sjw efforts are bad


Its not illegal they just increased the distance eg: you have to be at least 200 m away from the clinic. I dont know the exact number



>you're only allowed to protest if it doesn't bother anyone.

Nice strawman faggot

Pretty hard to get an abortion when you need one with all those non-vagina-having protestors outside thinking they know anything about women's rights.

we have free speech
The faggot is (of course) mentally deficient
I am the CIS white male that if I see him doing his gay fucking shit in public I will tell him to stop, if he does it with kids around I will force him / them to stop. If they don't stop I will beat the fuck out of him.
That faggot is a inner city faggot likely in Toronto.
There is one place in Toronto that does except that kind of faggot behavior and it is right beside Toronto red light district. I would not tell him there as it would be me in their area. I wouldn't bring my kids into that area.
Funny thing, the CAS (Canada CPS) is right in that area and we have a big problem with faggots who work for and adopt kids touching them

It's murder.
Don't confuse me with a Catholic. This isn't a religious thing. It's just murder. Click the gif.

>we have a big problem with faggots who work for and adopt kids touching them
As opposed to what? Being molested by your blood parents and being sent to a foster ho-- welp, never mind then.

>doesn't understand hypocrisy
He's glad he can't be disapproved using words by 'Christian nutjobs'

its still part of you and you can choose what to do with it if it is not a legal citizen yet, ie: has been birthed

>Too much value is placed on free speech

They mean not enough. Free speech was the greatest thing ever conceived for the common man

They could get jobs, or find something else to do with their lives, and learn to mind their own business.
Just a thought.

>User name: IsConstantlyLying

>I'm gay
>I have the right to live peacefully
>stop hurting muh feelings

what a faggot piece of shit


this fag takes zero responsibility for his actions and thinks society should shoulder the blame for his morbid fetish of sucking dicks

literally destroying society is being claimed as a right


>people kill themselves over being told they're garbage
Sounds like they're thin skinned cunts and don't deserve life.

I wish I wasn't IP banned on pretty much every high traffic reddit board. I kinda miss being able to trigger that sodomites, cuckolds, fat roasties, and other reprobates on that site.

Canadians are absolute cancer and deserve to get nuked. Like a fucking northern Swedenfornia. I have never met a Canadian that wasn't a pretentious libtard faggot or a spoiled pasty numale. I don't even think conservative leafs exist and if they do they're nothing like conservatives here, they will still shill for fag marriage and fight against racism. What a sad and pathetic race of soyboy subhumans.

>being a perpetually ignorant faggot is ideal in this /u/'s mind.
Sounds about right.

Quiet fatty, no one cares about your greasy obese opinion

promotes abortion

No, user, have hope. The leafs can always turn to the right color.

The response to that wall of text should be simple and blunt.
KYS, sodomite piece of shit.

Fucking sodomites

It's okay. This opens the door to the gummint banning protesting other stuff too and then the joke is on them.

Fuck those religious smacktards. They have zero say in someone's decision to not ruin their lives by having a kid.

Back to lebbit with you
KYS and stay there.

> I am gay, I am glad that this country doesn't let nut job Christians tell me I'm going to hell in public. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIVE PEACEFULLY.

You don't get to call me a nutjob. Thats mental health shaming hate speech.

> Honestly, who is hurt more? The people who are against abortions, or the people getting the abortions being told they're garbage? Which is worse?

The foetus is hurt more.

The murdering is worse.

> I don't deserve to be told I'm a sinning pile of crap by people I have done absolutely nothing wrong to

You just called people you dont like - 99% of which who have never met you - "nutjobs".

> Sometimes you godda silence the jerks so others can have decent lives,

And who gets to determine who the "jerks" are? Oh, your side and only your side?
20 years ago the mainstream opinion was gay people were the "jerks". You are saying this while your side is in power, though you would violently oppose this principle 20 years ago, and likely will again if you've lost power in 20 years time.

> stop giving opinions on things you do not understand.

Good idea

> People kill themselves over being told they're garbage

You are garbage

>people kill them selves over being told they're garbage
>probably beacuse they actually were garbage

Abortion was snuck in illegally.
Abortion is murder... a nations laws do not apply in this circumstance and never will.

You're a fool, Americans are subhuman. The Canadians were and still loyal to the crown. Only apes would dare swear an oath to royalty to break it, separate from the rule of George III (peace be upon him) and become the pinnacle of classic liberal falsehood, like libertarianism, freedom, etc. True born Canadian ascend the word "Human" because we are one with the motherland (England). Check out Galatians 3:28, "There is neither jew or American in Christ Jesus" God Save the Queen! Rule Britannia!

>I'm glad that this country doesn't let nut job Christians tell me I'm going to hell in public

Two things:
One, why single out Christianity when plenty of churches bend over backwards to please homos? Surely the religion the throws gays off buildings would be the most appropriate target?
Secondly, why do you care if a Christian tells you you're going to hell? If you're not religious why would you give a fuck and if you are and have rationalised your beliefs to accommodate your homosexuality why would it bother you that someone doesn't hold the same views? I suspect it's because deep down he knows it's wrong and being told he'll go to hell brings those uncomfortable thoughts up.




It's alright, just breath this gas deeply, it will be alright soon.