Its me, Rick. Im here to answer all your politics related questions. Be patient and your turn will come. By the way...

Its me, Rick. Im here to answer all your politics related questions. Be patient and your turn will come. By the way, youre all uneducated idiots.

Morty is not real, you are a faggot

only hi IQ *buuuuurb city people are *buuuuurb are able to grasp this shows subtle nuance.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Your fan base is cancer. Leave my cyberspace alone and kys

Shit on the floor

Futurama 2.0

Wrong. Futurama was actually good


Rick only cares about isreal, everything else doesn't matter.

These uneducated fucks forgot to even ask a question since they are so engrossed with their pitiful self and what they are going to say next. Disgraceful.

>united nations flag

This isn't C137 rick, it's probably some faggot imposter rick from the Citadel.

>By the way, youre all uneducated idiots.
Imposter Doofus Rick detected. Rick is anti-education.

Fuck off Pickle Rick, I hope some roastie finds you and uses you as a dildo so you get AIDS.

Okay Rick, I'll bite, what are your thoughts on the Jews?

I just watch it recently.
honestly from my asian view
it look like got inspire from Doraemon and back to the future but more dark

Your mother is anti-education, clearly. And shes probably a whore too. A whore. Motherfucker.

Answer my question, you dick.


Doofus Rick confirmed.

Theyre decent peoples but somebody needs to bomb th fuck out of them if anything close to peace is to be had in the middle east.

Your mother is a dick, and she sucks one too. A dick sucking a dick. A dick cannibal. That what she is. A dirty old dick cannibal and a bitch.

Remember kids: always /sage/ Dick in Morty: Plebbit Cancer slide threads.

Hypothetically speaking, if I were to get a Meeseeks box, spawn and Meeseeks, and ask it to exterminate the Jews, it would be obligated to carry that out, right?


stop responding to anything that mentions this show Jesus Christ

Yes, but that doesnt mean its the right thing to do.

Wow Morty I-I-I knew you were dumb, Morty, but you're telling me you think *burrp* niggers are people??? W-w-what, what have you even learned in that so called school, Morty? I have the highest IQ of any mammal in the galaxy, Morty, but, yknow, it doesn't exactly take a dimension hopping god (which I am) to see that they're *BURRRRP* subhuman. If I didn't have infinitely better things to do with my time I'd show you Morty, but hey, 22 minutes probably isn't enough to break the conditioning infesting your weak little Morty brain. So, yknow, if you really care that much, go watch The Alternative Hypothesis or something.


I thought there was no right or wrong since life is pointless and nothing matters anyway, Rick? Now give me your fucking Meeseeks box.

But rick, you are uneducated. Said yourself that school was for idiots.

There is right and wrong and being able to distinguish between the two is a unique human characteristic, just not one divined by some god or other. Life isnt pointless, the point of life is to live it, but likewise there is no divine point or purpose of it. Things matter, like food and cars, just not is a religious sense. Bit since talking about these things has been the favourite pasttime of good for nothing pseudo intellectual losers, what you said is equally viable sentiment.

Because I'd much rather see five of the same Lauren Southern or numale threads clogging the catalog.

Sounds like something a Jerry would say.

Yes, so idiots like you all shouldve gone. Intelligent ones wouldnt need to go since theyd learn science faster and better without being disturbed by dumbfucks. But since nobody on this boards seems to be one, school is fine for you lot. Keeps you away from my streets too. Suckers.

Rick doesn't use mental gymnastics to explain himself. Go back to NeoGaf or Reddit or whatever shithole you came from and LARP there instead. You're not even in-character.

Someone red pill me on this cartoon. Why does Sup Forums keep talking about it?

Youre a motherfucker. And a son of a whore. And what the fuck is neogaf and reddit? LARP? You crazy little slut how old are you 12?

Dont know. Never watched it. Never been on this board before either. Watch some clips on youtube though its some proper fucked up shit and really funny.

It's a conflict of interest basically. There's a shitload of people that watch it, see the superficial garish humor, and decide that the people who think the show is "smart" are faggots from reddit. Then there's the actual faggots from reddit who ONLY superficial garish humor and ALSO think that the show is smart because of this humor. The third party, which seems to be rather small, are people who appreciate the show's somewhat more subtle points and think the show is smart but would never admit to it because it makes them sound like the aforementioned redditfags.

It's a decent show, give it a chance. If you don't like it then that's fine. Just try to read between the lines a little bit and you'll enjoy it more.
Rick name drops reddit in Season 3 faggot.

Youre an idiot and only god knows what sort of shit sonsense shit fuck shit you think of while “reading between the lines” you stupid motherfucker coward shit cunt fuck ass little twat!

People just watch it because its on the tv and talk about it because they get bored you fuckfaced dildo!!!

How do I turn myself into a pickle?


Continue whatever youre doing with your life, you dweeb.