Why did Poland remain largely unscathed by the Black Plague? Really, leaving that that small region around Milan...

Why did Poland remain largely unscathed by the Black Plague? Really, leaving that that small region around Milan, there's nothing quite on the same scale. What did the Poles know, and practised, that the rest of the people didn't?
And will the situation be repeated with the Syrian refugees - most of Europe falling victim to them, but Poland being left unscathed?

everyone except Poland thought that cats were the carriers of the plague and killed them all (in reality they were killing the rats who were actually spreading it)

>What did the Poles know, and practised, that the rest of the people didn't?
Just like today, QUARANTINES from infected shits.

good theory bong,
those rat merchants traveling from town to town spread the plague, and whole absolutely whole europe were just killing cats, all of them, thats why there are like 10 of em in every wymyn house in europe

i love the irony of pic u put there
polish "Builder of the Walls" Casimir


Oh, here comes again the I love Jewish devil worshipers thread.
Who's gonna start claiming that jews saved the Poles?
The same jews who enslaved Poles and sold their women to Arabs via Prague when they failed to pay their debt.

Sekrit is: drink a lot and have massive balls. Keeps bad things away.

Poland had a big Jewish population that was well treated by their rulers so they were left untouched by the plague spreaders.

OP's map is not really that accurate. We got hit by the plague pretty hard. A lot of people died in major cities but compared with the rest of Europe we avoided the worst of it.

"Treated well" if you mean that they had special privileges that put them above any other Pole except for the Aristocracy.
They literally charged 43.5% interest for every loan and even made Poles drunk to make them sign the contract.
And they put in the contract quite interesting clauses, like for example if you fail to pay, the jew was allowed to take even your wife and your daughters as compensation. (which they did, they sold them usually to arabs, or they raped them)
People went apeshit over this and that's why the pogroms happened.

We had a lot of Jews and they bathed.


Its not like that. Jews ate much garlic and onion, that are natural antibiotics. (and actually the only available in XIV century) Also, we had spread population across the whole kingdom, so disease wasn't able to reach that many serfs.

Combination of Jews telling us about how plagues can be stopped by quarantines while not telling anyone else and not killing cats

What, it's not historical fact what I just wrote? That they enslaved the Poles with usury and sold Polish women via Prague to the Middle East by the millions?

>Mandatory 2 week quarantine for any person entering Poland.
>Clean alcoholic beverages were being drinked by even the poorest peasant.
>Cats were not exterminated.
>Shitty road network.
>Very ruralized population.
>Trade was sparse since Poland was politically isolated, as usual, because of kraut propaganda (allying pagan Lithuanians and heretic orthodox countries).


>by milions
>XIV century

>shitty road network
still applies to this day

eternal golden strategy
works even now

low density of population and quarantine

God bless this country

Also Poland wasn't really a part of any trade routes / trade centers.

Historical accuracy is a jewish invention.

The first records of Jewish slave traders selling Slavic women and children to Arabs dates back to 492.
The period of their greatest influence and power in the slave trade was from the 16th to the 19th centuries during which they sold millions of female slaves, mostly Slavs, but also Germans to Arabs.
That's why at some point even the pope forbid jews to hold or trade with any Christian slaves. And that's why eventually white men tried to ban slave trade altogether.
But they continued to do it anyway.
And guess what, who is still selling Europeans to Arabs, in particular Russian and Bulgarian women during the 90ties and Ukrainians in the last decade?
It's still jews doing it. They never fucking stopped doing it.
Certain (((Russian))) oligarchs have been banned from Bulgaria to ever return for the gov knows how many of their women were stolen and sold to the Middle East.

And where btw did I write that they did this only in the 14th century?
For fuck sake open some book, retard. They are trading with European slaves for at least 1500 years.

It's almost like the Jews knew where the plague came from and were actually responsible for it.....

The original, real Holocaust was perpetuated by Jews long ago

because we were the god's chosen people's chosen people

Jews saved us.