Delusional SHITHEAD John Lewis says Hillary is the President. FUCK THIS

This motherfucker is a Congressman and refuses to acknowledge Trump as the President? Not only that, actual calls Hillary "Madame President"?

WTF? How is this even legal?

Other urls found in this thread:


What is illegal about it?

tweet jumped timelines

Black Caucus

Lol not sure who he is but it probably still stings that she lost and it's sorry of rubbing her face in it


This must sting even more for her.

SO he's the user behind all the Hildawg pepes.

I didn't say it was illegal. I asked how it IS NOT.

imagine the right being this delusional a year after Obama won the 2012 election

Seriously, it's attempted murder on my sides from all the salt.

Why should it be illegal though?


Dumb Nigger.

>being this butthurt over Trump winning


Threatening government officials of the United States is a felony under federal law. Threatening the President of the United States is also a serious crime and a Class E felony under 18 U.S.C. § 871, punishable by up to 5 years of imprisonment, that is investigated by the United States Secret Service. Threatening other officials is a Class C or D felony, usually carrying maximum penalties of 5 or 10 years under 18 U.S.C. § 875, 18 U.S.C. § 876 and other statutes, that is investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. When national boundaries are transcended by such a threat, it is considered a terrorist threat.[1] When a threat is made against a judge, it can be considered obstruction of justice.[2] Threatening federal officials' family members is also a federal crime; in enacting the law, the Committee on the Judiciary stated that "Clearly it is a proper Federal function to respond to terrorists and other criminals who seek to influence the making of Federal policies and interfere with the administration of justice by attacking close relatives of those entrusted with these tasks."[3]

There are three elements of the offense of making an illegal threat: (i) there must be a transmission in interstate commerce; (ii) there must be a communication containing the threat; (iii) and the threat must be a threat to injure the person of another.[4] Threats can also sometimes be punished under the statutes criminalizing assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain United States Government officers or employees[5] or assassinating, kidnapping, and assaulting government officials of the United States.

resisting, or impeding certain United States Government officers or employees[5]

A FEDERAL elected official calling someone who isn't the President, "President". While denying who the actual President is??

Should be fucking hung.


Someone tweet this to him:

>Happy Birthday, Massah

Niggers really are dumb as dirt.

Here's a hint, if you live in a state that was stupid enough to elect that talking ape, RUN!

i hope that nigger gets the rope

People who live in this state just need to spark outrage. Keep calling your local officials office displaying your disgust and distrust of how this asshole will uphold American values if he doesn't believe in a democratically elected president.


Empty barrels make the loudest noise.

Call him out for being senile and when he denies, Force him to explain what he meant.

Consider what would happen if congress decided who the president was, and not the american people.

That's why it should be illegal.

kek and I thought you had to be smart to run a large chain of stores selling overpriced shit

niggers gonna nig

Fuck this ignorant, seditious nigger. These motherfuckers in the media, DNC, and deep state need to be tried for treason and hung.

The American people already do NOT decide who the president is. If they did Hillary would be president. The president is decided by the electoral college.

I think this nigger didn't get beat hard enough back in the 60s

What if I said Jefferson Davis was my President?

You have the right to do that. FYI Jefferson Davis died a long time ago though.

Don’t know it really rustled some jimmies at one time.

Oh, here's the old "muh popular vote" song. If you don't like the way you elect the president, change the constitution.

These are all the same people who were assailing Trump to accept the results of the election a year ago.

They turned out to be everything they ever accused Trump of themselves.

top kek

didnt this guy skip Trump's inauguration?


OP jokes on you


HAHA fool

Shouldn't it be the Hillary fans who are triggered and not Trump fans? Grow up.


kek he probably saw the assange tweet and Sup Forumsacks sarcastic retweets and fell for them like they were genuine.
>your mom is so fat she...


l kinda miss the shitty correct the record memes. They are adorable in how simple they are

ever notice how the niggers in congress all have monkey tier IQs?

Happy Birthday, Mister President

Not my president
Apple apple apple


are you fucking high? that guy is an official. he still believes he has MLK armor but he's about to find out the hard way that people are sick and tired of their shit.

This man has clearly been knowingly undersold.

He will be re-elected in 2018 because his district (GA-5) includes Atlanta and is 60% black. I don't really give a fuck about John Lewis, but people should be able to say whatever they want.

An apple isn't a banana

Maybe he slipped up... she’s the shadow government president... she failed at becoming shadow gov and regular gov president at the same time..

Not if you are a servant of the people.

What a assmad piece of shit lol

do you understand what an official is? or perhaps a representative? he owes his position and power to the system he is now shitting on because he either hates trump or he hates the constitution. you're one of those selective free speech puritans aren't you?

What's the matter, Drumpanzee? Can't handle the truth?

He is a nigger, what did you expect

Yeah really. Du bs confirm. Who gives a fuck what this antique farm equipment thinks? Guy was in same state of MLK when he got shot or some shit? Who cares. He's just a Democrat House Nigger no one listen to.

>their brains are permanently stuck like this


>inb4 he was actually mocking Hilary's happy birthday tweet

see, what's cool about this retarded perspective that it's trumpfans crying about disrespect, is that it betrays the only fucking thing you care about: appearance. it can not possibly be that those drumpf fans get upset over an elected official openly opposing both the president and the system that put him there. that can not be the case, because you can not imagine actually caring that much about the law. therefor it has to be that the drumpftards are outraged because they're insecure and their feelings got hurt. it's a pathetic piece of projection.

He should be immediately removed from office. This is sedition.

Also he's a nigger so he's only 3/5 of a human according to the US Constitution (the founders were being generous desu) so he should never have even been allowed in the Congress in the first place.



What fucking timeline is this goddamn nigger living in?

Ever notice that they keep getting elected anyway? Ever notice that democracy doesn't work when the electorate doesn't give a shit?

It’s not a crime to be mentally ill, though he should resign and get treatment for it.

It's paramount to treason .

What about when Bernie was winning all the primaries by popular vote but Hillary won the delegates anyways? Now shut the fuck up you stupid son of a bitch.

He can't help it, those Democrats beat the living shit out him (literally) all those years ago and he has brain damage from it.

didn't happen, never will


Give me a break, faggot. Since when is the US the Middle fucking East?
If Clinton had won and the roles were reversed, you'd be bawling your eyes out and screeching when someone got hung over that

1st amendment.

and with that you've outed yourself as a retard shill.

I fucking love this timeline, people like this stupid fool make my day

I really wish we went back to the good days where only the strongest, smartest and or both survive, people like this idiot would have been culled by now

The proper past tense of hang is hanged, not hung.

Perhaps he just wishes for him to have a big dick

How many dogs has he consumed pol?

He is American, so probably.

The electoral college has worked properly for some 200-odd years now - 2016 is when the communists didn't get their way and want to throw an autistic tantrum over it.


It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome.

We can now see which lawmakers are mentally ill.

Imagine being so triggered you make an alternate reality for yourself as an elected official. What a time to be alive lads.


>WTF? How is this even legal?
Freedom of speech protects and should protect all forms of speech

As for me I'm all for people announcing their delusions publically, makes it easier to tell who to take serious

I think you posted the wrong image. I think you meant this one, it's more accurate.

Get him committed, not knowing the current POTUS is a classic sign of dementia.

for ci-ti-zens. come on man.

I think it's funny he wants the entire world to know (a) he's stupid and (b) he supports a woman about to go down on multiple felony counts while (c) still towing her line. It's like he wants to be investigated. Okay, John, it's a long line and we've got a lot of shits to lock up, but we will definitely make sure to add you to the list.

Best possible answer

>not including nigger in title
Sup Forums isn't for you

I don't know how retards keep forgetting the fact that all those votes were from illegals and other forms of voter fraud. I guess the only good shill is a dead shill.

There may be no trips of truth bit this statement is true.

>white sounding first name
>white sounding last name that also sounds like a first name
What did his parents mean by this?

>wanting to swear complete obedience to a man who is only in office for 4 years whom you despise while you'll be there long after him

You fucking sad cuckold.

>I don't know how retards keep forgetting the fact that all those votes were from illegals and other forms of voter fraud
And yet zero proof or evidence, this meme is becoming more annoying and pathetic than the Russian collusion.

Common sense why would illegals bother voting and being caught and deported? CA always goes blue, it would make zero sense for them

There has been evodense you fucking mong. Just because it doesn't show up on CNN doesn't mean it isn't a fact. Also king nigger encouraged them to get out there and vote regardless of the legality of their citizenship. Fuck you shill.

Free speech.

There was been mountains of proof. There's the bussing of illegals around NYC to vote multiple times. There's 18+ years of illegal voters in PA recently uncovered. Jill Stein's own investigation turned up illegal votes - for HIllary - in Michigan. Whole counties in CA that had more votes than registered voters, and that's just off the top of my head. And you either already know that (shill) or you want to ignore it (low-info sycophant). Really, it doesn't matter what you think. Kobach commission will uncover it all. Dem's won't win another national election for a long time - no more fake votes.

We will learn that Trump won by 5-10+ million votes in the popular AND that his massive electoral victory was actually even greater.

it's probably against some law against the severely retarded from holding office. laws for everything else, probably this too.

Kek my sides