Terance McKenna

Was he redpilled? What does Sup Forums think about his theories on reality and the use of psychedelics?


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>What does Sup Forums think about his theories on reality and the use of psychedelics?
i think hes a pseud philosopher that hobbyist drug users seek validation from. he was one of the OG pop scientist like neil degrasse tyson and bill nye before bill nye went senile


he knew a lot about the origins of consciousness, and studied the fuck out of plants. now, in narrative terms, the chaos has always been depicted as feminine, and the psychadelic experience is a chaotic experience of nature. nature is also depicted as feminine. So i think where his theories fall short is his inability to admit and discuss the harsh negatives of the feminine and nature. He speaks of them both as nurturing homelands, which is only half true. Nature is brutal and destructive as well. Just listen to this talks with that in mind, and you should get a lot out of them

Ok, so you wouldn't agree then with his philosophy of living a free life free from what is known today as "cultural norms"?

Sam Harris seems to be coming from the same sort of philosophy as him.

We wuz drug users: the "philosopher"

sam harris is retarded compared to mckenna IMO.

but mckenna missed the mark on plenty of stuff, I wont sugarcoat his biases. He is self admittedly obsessed with hallucinations and thinks humans will evolve beyond the need for spoken word, but I think thats nonsense

Is chaos feminine? Are there other people who came to the same conclusion? And why is it female?

because out of it comes both the potential for great value and the potential for great destruction. Presumably regarding the potential of the child.

I picked that up too, seems like he just likes getting high

its not "other people" as much as it is the narrative analysis of chaos. jordan peterson discusses this a lot

He literally advocated for white genocide. I mean literally, openly. He said brown people having babies don't contribute as much to global warming so they should have as many as they want, while whites should be restricted to 1. He was also an open borders pinko.

And to top it off he thought mushrooms came from space. Guys a fucking quack.

yea. It depresses me to listen to those parts of his speeches. But i think all of that comes from his inability to face the evil that can lie within the psychadelic experiences. He says very often how he always runs away from what he calls "the meat locker"

i believe "the meat locker" held the things he was too scared to face, I.E. the evil of man and the negatives of nature.

I do not know who made the connection originally, but it's widely held conclusion that chaos is feminine and order is masculine. There's probably an elegant explanation for it.

he was a marxist drug abuser

You know spores can survive in space right?

it's always been the mushroom cult vs the adrenochrome blood ritualists


He was a wanna be Huxley that turned into a Tim Leary by breaking the cardinal rule about psychedelics.

Don't talk about fucking while tripping.

Is this part of the "Jesus was a mushroom and Christianity is a fertility cult" theory?

He was pillpilled

its in his talks about the mushroom. he often starts it with "how do we solve the population problem" as in, he asks the mushroom for an answer.

he then goes on to say its the "honkies", not the brown people that are generating the most climate damage. But he doesnt take into account the hell that some of these brown cultures bring. not to mention, he totally forgets that the eternal struggle is "man v. nature" not "nature and man vs other men"

Very few species and only for a limited time, like hours at most. Tardigrades can too, doesn't mean they're space aliens.

You wanna learn about fungi you look up Paul Stamets. He's the real deal. He was an actual mycologist.

all this being said, mckenna was more of a poet than a philosopher. He was on the money with some things, and completely wrong on others due to his fear of facing what he told others to face. his brother dennis has an interview where he expresses the same sentiment, think its called "terrence needed to take his own advice" or something

Probable something about "birth", that is something that in contrary of the academic culture of 1st world universities, only a women can do.

You could say that mother nature (feminine) / chaos is the one that give birth to reality.

And god( masculine)/ order its the one that gives it order and meaning or something like that.

lulz, he was also divorced despite preaching to work things out and not let desires take over

It doesn't take a superman to see the ''dark sides'' in our nature, yet somehow so many seemingly big thinkers are unable to do it.

Everyone will always fuck it up in some way or another, it doesnt mean that the other things this guy said weren interesting.

Theres some value in some of the other subjects he speaked about.

You could say that dont trow the baby with the bath water.

>he was redpilled on drugs destabilising society. see "food of the gods"

he was also very red-pilled on television.

His brother and even his admirers say he was initially brilliant but quickly became an insane druggie burnout

Extraordinarily high level of verbal acuity. Much can be learned from his lectures. But he was also a drug head and promotor of various forms of degeneracy and was an advocate of returning to a matriarchy. Also worked with the esalen institute and was likely an intel operative. He was half good and half subversive.

Very liberal to appeal to Berkley-esque audience. Feeding them what they wanted to hear, but he did do some neat stuff, him and his brother.

Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”

This, oh this. His talk on monogamy was interesting. People justifying their actions

A world without cultural norms is a degrading one. You can't have billions of valid ways to live or you just get chaos. Cultural norms serve as a barrier to chaos.

"The great evil, in my humble opinion, which haunts our enterprise, and I say this realizing I'm setting the fox among the chickens... The great evil that has been allowed to flourish in the absence of mathematical understanding is relativism. And what is relativism? It's the idea that there is no distinction between shit and Shinola, that all ideas are somehow operating on equal footing. So one person is a Chaos Theorist, another is a follower of the revelations of this or that New Age guru, someone else is channelling information from the Pleiades, and we have been taught that political correctness demands that we treat all these things with equal weight.
Because we have no mathematical ability, no logical ability, we don't know how to ask the questions that expose some positions as preposterous, trivial, insulting to the intelligence."

Dude was WOKE

>mckenna was more of a poet than a philosopher
I like that description. Makes sense why my retarded fb hippie friends who hate chemicals yet love to take some dose love him so much.

Good example. Chomsky-esque vagueness. Different drugs have a huge amount of variable consequences. He loves drugs and then calls TV a drug with negative implications?

Also daily reminder that R Gordon Wasson developed the Stoned ape theory not Mckenna

100% a twat

“The cost of sanity in this society, is a certain level of alienation”
― Terence McKenna


Do you think life was created on earth?

“If the words 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on.”
― Terence McKenna

“The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.”
― Terence McKenna

Mushrooms are a major thing we just a bunch of stones apes

“Television is by nature the dominator drug par excellence. Control of content, uniformity of content, repeatability of content make it inevitably a tool of coersion, brainwashing, and manipulation.”
― Terence McKenna, Food of the Gods:


As much as I like his talks and thinking I still like to highlight the importance to come to your own conclusions about things and that's something McKenna also talks about. And you can do this without psychadelics, look deep in yourself, meditation and self reflection can be very effective.

ayahuasca for all

“Not to know one's true identity is to be a mad, disensouled thing — a golem. And, indeed, this image, sick-eningly Orwellian, applies to the mass of human beings now living in the high-tech industrial democracies. Their authenticity lies in their ability to obey and follow mass style changes that are conveyed through the media. Immersed in junk food, trash media, and cryp-tofascist politics, they are condemned to toxic lives of low awareness. Sedated by the prescripted daily television fix, they are a living dead, lost to all but the act of consuming.”
― Terence McKenna, Food of the Gods

Cool guy but not sure I'd call him redpilled. I was a big McKenna fan. The one thing he shares with NeoReactionaries and Dark Enlightenment fans in particular is his penchant for old books. Terence, though a Berkeley leftist in the 60s, hated modernity to a large degree and said any book less than 100 years old just wasn't worth reading.

In this regard he shares a lot of impulses with modern far right wing individuals. Aside from that though he was pretty much a leftist, but then again he died in 1999, and didn't live to see how insane the left would become. He wasn't a communist, because he realized commies didn't like drugs either, and someone like Terence could only come to prominence in the USA.

I think he was right about some things but wrong about others. He excelled in telling stories and that's how he should be remembered, as an excellent storyteller. He was a master of the English language, and for that he deserves respect.

His stand against relativism is very important as many of the faggots that do psychadelics for the first time come out of it saying "DOOD BRO, ITS ALL RELATIVE BRO"

but theres no fucking utility in it, and he knew as much. he would be staunchly against the new left for sure.

bingo, here's (you)

He was a drug addled moron.



Literally the same thing can be said about books. It just doesn't hit in the fee fees as hard.

He's a liberal philosopher- what do you expect? Have you never agreed and disagreed with one person about different topics?

He said it is possible that mushroom spores arrived on some space rock because they for a fact can survive the cold dark vacuum of space. Open your mind up to POSSIBILITIES.

Some people are so fucking dense.


It's things like this that make me think he would have not been a new leftist. If you teleported him from 1999 to now I have no doubt he would be redpilled like us. But if he lived that long, and slowly changed over time, it's hard to say. His mind was half polluted with leftism, you just don't go from a berkeley leftist to a redpilled individual, but he was better than most left leaning people.

What are you experiences with them?

>He wasn't a communist
He did, to his credit, often speak out against communism. He was legit an anti-communist.

True that

“Alcohol is used by millions of people, both men and women, and I will make no friends by taking the position that alcohol culture is not politically correct. Yet how can we explain the legal toleration for alcohol, the most destructive of all intoxicants, and the almost frenzied efforts to repress nearly all other drugs? Could it not be that we are willing to pay the terrible toll that alcohol extracts because it is allowing us to continue the repressive dominator style that keeps us all infantile and irresponsible participants in a dominator world characterized by the marketing of ungratified sexual fantasy?”
― Terence McKenna, Food of the Gods

Strangely enough, the leaf speaks the truth.

makes sense

If he can be pigeonholed into an ideology it would be that of most heavy drug users: Libertarianism

He disliked communism for the same reason he would've said he disliked Nazism or conservative American drug laws, and that reason is authoritarianism. Wouldn't matter if the authority is left or right wing, Terence would rebel against it if he saw that authority as seeking to control his consciousness. And that is something I can get on board with.

He was being succinct, not vague. When he says ideologically damaging, it's assumed the listener would be able to derive his meaning, being amphetamines, heroin, cocaine etc.
While Terence recognized that psychedelics can very easily cause psychological harm, it is virtually impossible to overdose on Mushrooms, DMT, LSD, etc. So obviously those aren't the drugs he was referring to, or he wouldn't have used the words addicting or physiological. You need to work on your reading comprehension.

Useless poophead scatterbrain who contributed nothing except "do dmt" and muh machine elves.

“Part of what psychedelics do is they decondition you from cultural values. This is what makes it such a political hot potato. Since all culture is a kind of con game, the most dangerous candy you can hand out is one which causes people to start questioning the rules of the game.”
― Terence McKenna

“What civilization is, is 6 billion people trying to make themselves happy by standing on each other's shoulders and kicking each other's teeth in. It's not a pleasant situation.”

unironically based as fuck

I mean he isn't wrong, the biggest polluters historically have been white countries. Only recently has it switched to India and China.


“Feminism is a tremendously underestimated force, viewed in the present context primarily as a woman's concern. The understanding has not yet percolated throughout society that the advancement of women is a program vitally connected to the survival of human beings as a species. The reason for this is simply that institutions take on the character of the atoms which compose them, and what we are most menaced by in the twentieth century are dehumanized institutions. If women played a major role in policy formation and execution on the part of these institutions, I think they would have a far more benign and ecologically sensitive kind of character. So I see feminism not as a kind of war between the sexes or any of these stereotypic images, but as actually a kind of effort to shift the ratios of our emphasis that is expressed through our institutions.”
― Terence McKenna

See, this is the type of chomsky-esque Mckenna phrasing shit I hate.

>ideologically damaging
>psychological harm
>not the exact same fucking thing.

I don't think I need the reading comprehension senpai.

“The reason we feel alienated is because the society is infantile, trivial, and stupid. So the cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation. I grapple with this because I’m a parent. And I think anybody who has children, you come to this realization, you know—what’ll it be? Alienated, cynical intellectual? Or slack-jawed, half-wit consumer of the horseshit being handed down from on high? There is not much choice in there, you see. And we all want our children to be well adjusted; unfortunately, there’s nothing to be well adjusted to!”
― Terence McKenna

What is this argument that psychedelics are good because they make you "question" things?
Are people this retarded that they can't think or reason correctly without a shitty drug entering their system and affecting their brain?
Imagine the ancient greek philosophers before discussing, creating, or writing their ideas: oh I can't think correctly, we need to eat da mushroom!
This just shows the degeneracy and degradation of our culture.

what he failed to realize is that these chemicals help deconstruct non moral cultural values so that you can more fully see the important values, I.E. the hero narrative and the process of bettering ones self

This is an example of where Terence was misguided. It was a time well before feminist politics had taken hold in Europe or the US. Where feminism was still essentially a utopian ideology.

Terence was something of a "nu-male" not totally but he kind of was. Short, ugly, effeminate intellectual dude. I love the guy but it's true. No doubt he got 60s hippie pussy at Berkeley by being a feminist, it was the thing to do. Frankly I agreed with some aspects of feminism until I saw how it was being implemented and used to silence free speech.

He's not wrong, but glorifying that destruction of cultural norms is just another cultural marxist, jewy jew thing. Fuck that guy. Psychedelics will just ruin your ability to identify with normal people.

Modern feminism is controlled by MEN.

You would all be infinitely better off reading Wilhelm Reich...

for me, psychadelics pulled me out of nihilism and much closer to Buddhist and christian values. 1 gram mushrooms dose was all i needed and it was like a fucking clean slate, washed of all that nihilist bullshit i had been peddled

Psychedelics return the minds state to that of a child; dramatically increasing its plasticity to understand new perspectives.

>Imagine the ancient greek philosophers before discussing, creating, or writing their ideas: oh I can't think correctly, we need to eat da mushroom!

It was mushrooms or ergot contaminated rye...

Like many other lecturers in Berkley et similia he had contacts with the CIA and FBI, reason why he managed not to be arrested when he came back to the US after fleeing to South America due to drug trafficking charges. He probably dealt with the agents during his stay in Perù (?) as he probably alluded during a speech in particular (definitely not the German businessman mentioned in True Hallucinations).

“We are asked by science to believe that the entire universe sprang from nothingness, and at a single point and for no discernible reason. This notion is the limit case for credulity. In other words, if you can believe this, you can believe anything.”
― Terence McKenna

what are the Elusinian mysteries? Psychedelic drugs often provoke people to think and examine reality on a deeper level. And yes most people are kind of retarded.

Think of the George Carlin quote/joke about voters.

"Imagine the intelligence of the average American. The most middle of the road, perfectly average person you can imagine. Now, realize that half of the people are dumber than THAT! And they vote!"

So yeah, most people are probably so retarded they never question if society is set up in a beneficial way unless they take a drug like acid or mushrooms. If they do realize this otherwise, it's likely a result of travel or being exposed to another culture or way of life. Hence the description of psychedelics as "Taking a Trip"

450ug LSD here

tryptamines are definition of a redpill
you can either handle it or go insane

“No other drug can compete with cannabis for its ability to satisfy the innate yearnings for Archaic boundary dissolution and yet leave intact the structures of ordinary society. If every alcoholic were a pothead, if every crack user were a pothead, if every smoker smoked only cannabis, the social consequences of the ‘drug problem’ would be transformed. Yet, as a society we are not ready to discuss the possibility of self-managed addictions and the possibility of intelligently choosing the plants we ally ourselves to. In time, and perhaps out of desperation, this will come.”
― Terence McKenna

He's not wrong but he made a good point about culture. The same psychedelics that led people to rebel against the "normie culture" of the 50s/early60s can also get people to rebel and drop out of the current liberal culture.

The only way for this not to happen is to finally figure out what the fucking deal is with psychedelics and either regulate them through a state sponsored religion or rite of passage. Otherwise they will continue to lead to cultural destruction. Of course, they can also be used for building new cultures.

But you get out what you put in. Some kid taking acid today has grown up with a completely different set of values than someone taking it in the 50s

No, he's a goofy blue-pilled idiot posing as a rebel.

"I would be very interested in seeing a set of social policies, tax incentives, medical policies, insurance policies, put in place to limit male birth" - Terence McKucka

“The war on drugs was never meant to be won. Instead, it will be prolonged as long as possible in order to allow various intelligence operations to wring the last few hundreds of millions of dollars in illicit profits from the global drug scam; then defeat will have to be declared. "Defeat" will mean, as it did in the case of the Vietnam War, that the media will correctly portray the true dimensions of the situation and the real players, and that public revulsion at the culpability, stupidity and venality of the Establishment's role will force a policy review.”
― Terence McKenna, Food of the Gods

“There is no question that a society that sets out to control its citizens' use of drugs sets out on the slippery path to totalitarianism.”
― Terence McKenna, Food of the Gods

“Our estrangement from nature and the unconscious became entrenched roughly two thousand years ago, during the shift from the Age of the Great God Pan to that of Pisces that occurred with the suppression of the pagan mysteries and the rise of Christianity. The psychological shift that ensued left European civilization staring into two millennia of religious mania and persecution, warfare, materialism, and rationalism.
The monstrous forces of scientific industrialism and global politics that have been born into modern times were conceived at the time of the shattering of the symbiotic relationships with the plants that had bound us to nature from our dim beginnings. This left each human being frightened, guilt-burdened, and alone. Existential man was born.”
― Terence McKenna, Food of the Gods

He literally admitted to being a marxist

do you have a source user?

television is a Marxist weapon why would he speak out against it?

"I would be very interested in seeing a set of social policies, tax incentives, medical policies, insurance policies, put in place to limit male birth"
--- Terence McKenna, Speaking the Unspeakable

A lecture he was giving. I don't remember which one but its on youtube somewhere. I was into him about 5 years ago, He is an interesting guy.

“My faith is with technology and with psychedelics. Politics aren't going to take us much further. We're awakening as a planet to the very good news that all ideology is parochial and culturally defined, like painting yourself blue or scarifying your penis. A culture is a limited enterprise. How could someone be so naive as to imagine that an ideology, a thought system generated by the monkey mind, would be adequate to explain the universe? That's preposterous. It's like meeting a termite who tells you he's a philosopher. What could you do but smile at the very notion.”
― Terence McKenna

Marxism is not a centrally controlled conspiracy, there are differences of opinion

Still he did not take niggers into equation and a solution to the nigger question, naivity due to lack of nigger exposure at best, yet the problem remains because according to the un by 2100, 40% of the world will be nigger, and we all know niggers cant sustain technology and society, just look at africa, detroit, etc.

“Authority will lead you into ruin.”
― Terence McKenna

he was a feminist and socialist, that should tell you everything you need to know