People worried about a Communist/Socialist takeover in America

>People worried about a Communist/Socialist takeover in America
>People don't realize that this is what an average Communist looks like in 2017

Yeah...real threatening!

Other urls found in this thread:

So scared

>underestimating the enemy

These people look physically weak but they are also in positions were physical attribute is irrelevant such as teaching your kids history and social science.

It's not the weak faggots that buy into the propaganda that scare me.
It's the deep state that's pushing the propaganda that scares me.

>implying socialist kikes havent subverted the majority of the media to bluepill your average voter
>implying socialist kikes like pic related arent but small pawns in a grander scheme

fuck off, jackass

Useful idiots

Exactly this.
We aren't worried about physical force, they are masters of deceit and subversion, we have let them gradually tear away at the foundation of our society like corrosive little termites.

You fucking bigots. Do you know what I see in these pics? Huh? Do ya?!!?
I see people capable of being producers of sustenance, okay!?
I see people that have the skills to handle and maintain society's infrastructure and functions, get it!?
I see people that look like they have what it takes to go through attrition against mother nature. Strong of body, mind and soul.
I see people that are SMARTER than the rest of America. That's why we are mostly in intellectual hubs of big cities and college towns. Not in some God forsaken place where you hunt game to eat or have to go through the discomfort of the outdoors (eww). No.
We need our phones, lattes, cute little pets, cosmopolitan night life, diversity and all thing good in our DEMOCRACT strongholds.

Wew lad. That's some heavy duty b8


It's better to overestimate the enemy than underestimate

Right wingers are useful idiots

This. The enemy is very feminine, big surprise that THEY too use cheap female tactics like smear campaigns, black mails to get you fired out your job etc.

This. It is always better to crush your enemy than let your enemy flourish under your nose.

Right wingers hate free speech?

Communists are not human beings.

You're in a thread where the OP is about a lefty who says the constitution is outdated and irrelevant and right wingers are upset about it.

Are you just a really bad troll?

>he still lives in the false dichotomy that is left vs right politics

There's only two groups of people

People who want to be controlled by the rootless international clique and people who don't.

Pot calling the kettle black. Your entire establishment is censorship with the use of political correctness. From online shadow banning, flagging of videos, shutting down websites to being banned from public areas even you have a permit and right to assembly. People gain more sympathy towards the rights each day as they realize how sleazy and corrupt your establishment is.

Che would have bashed this faggot's skull in. God I hate liberals.

no one is ever worried about the whiny faggots who bring the commie revolution, as they will all be executed shortly after. im worried about who comes after them.......

RIP in peace, brodie whose masculinity was stolen by gay frog chemicals and post-modernist "cutting-your-dick-off-is-cool" propaganda.

Why does no one iron anything anymore

You fool, his power isn't in being strong and hunky, he cucks by being cute and sissy and playing in to some men's need to protect the women and the weak.

Don't talk about moot like that even if he is a tranny faggot

Kids larp on both sides of the political fence these days.
This is why adults on both sides need to take back of their particular movements. If they do not, then all political change and process wil fall in a heap.
Kids: Fuck off. You have no idea what you are doing or why you are doing it. Leave politics to the grown ups.
That is all.


I'd rather overestimate my enimes and then pleasantly surprised when I overcome them desu

Anyone find this faggots social media accounts I need to fap - I mean troll him.