All races are equal in their ability to achieve, so race as a classification only serves to divide...

All races are equal in their ability to achieve, so race as a classification only serves to divide, therefore it is not a useful classification. Wouldn't you agree /pol?

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>All races are equal in their ability to achieve
but that's wrong. have you ever met an abo?

Australian Aborigine? Weren't they systematically oppressed by the government until recently? Isn't their health quite poor? Is it their fault?

nigger they get gibs

I guess you're right

>All races are equal

>natural iq of 50
>its whiteys fault

guess how I know you've never met an aboriginal

They were regarded as fauna by the australian goverment for over a century and treated as such. And now you expect what, them to be well adjusted members of 'your' society?

>you've never read "The Bell Curve."
All races are not equal in their ability to achieve, (which non-white country would you rather live in?)
so race as a classification only serves to unite, therefore it is an extremely useful classification.
If all whites united, if all races united, you would still get shitloads of money and still make considerable advances towards your goal of globalism. However, you would be preserving the best race in the world and would be guaranteed victory if anyone fucked with you. Russia is our friend. You want muslims to help us, when they cant do anything except rape successfully. Why not let russia help us? Theyre like the niggers of white people, yet theyre still white people. Fuck niggers arabs, spics, jews, and poos. Chinks are cool though, except maybe Norkor, we'll see about them soon though im sure.

A picture of a tribe practicing their does this prove or disprove my assertion?

some cultures are better than others
different races have different cultures
some races are better than others
USE your FUCKING brain!

Firstly, The Bell Curve is widely and popularly disputed.
Secondly, your measure of 'achievement' is likely a narrow interpretation of earning potential or the like.
Thirdly, races have at times throughout history united albeit with destructive results.
Lastly, different religions bring new challenges to a host country which affords them the opportunity to develop in a multitude of ways.

'Better' is subjective.

In your case, it is your fault.

>brings new challenges
rape, murder, robbery, pedophilia, aggravated assault, terrorism, are NOT NEW challenges. They're challenges we were just starting to fix.
>Earning potential
Seriously? LOOK at the countries around the world that are not white. The standards of living are horrible. They have the power to fix everything themselves. We fucking did.
>Races have united blah blah
So, push Muslims onto white people against their will, and take away anything they might use to stop it, even words. Do you really want every white person across the world to turn into Hitler? People do not like people of other races. Germans didn't like jews. You're going about this completely the wrong way if you want a happier more prosperous world.
White people are majority Christian over any other religion. The bible says Islam is the Anti-Christ. Fuck you on that shit.

>better is subjective
rape, murder, robbery, pedophilia, aggravated assault, terrorism,

There is one race. There are many ethnic diversities. Why does no one call another an ethnist? Because Jews, that's why. Jews invented and coined racist which is patently inaccurate.

Don't you think you're being dramatic? Are you referring to some isolated incidents pertaining to the refugee crisis? Well of course it's not going to be easy. Developed nations are strong enough to adjust and persevere.

These all occur in the USA and many other developed nations.

Essentially we are playing a game of semantics but I think I see your point. Though what has it got to do with the Jewish people?

Show your real flag, stop hiding behind a choosable one

What are you afraid of? Show it or you will be dismissed as a troll

The people of developed Nations don't want this, the government and the corporations do. The people have sovereignty and they will not allow this. Will will either vote our way out of this shit, or we'll find another way. It's really all up to people like you. But they way the governments are going about it by locking people up and taking rights and freedoms away is a surefire way of making the people revolt against you.

the left is arguably more hellbent on dividing everyone based on race than anyone else. also sage due to strong faggot vibe

They do, but how many before the 1965 immigration act?
And do we want to add to this type of behavior? or stop it?
whose side are you on, the criminals?

You refer to representative democracies thus the people are free to change the government, so I don't know what you're alluding to. Did they not vote their governments in?

op is definitely a faggot, but maybe i can reach him/her maybe i can finally make them either see, or admit, the truth

nice try JIDF

ill bite again on this low quality bait, youre obviously either fucking with me or a shill, cause the truth is obvious.
Politicians all my life have never kept their words. Now that people have someone who will like Trump, we see the lies for what they are, and the traitors have exposed themselves.

Race is a bipartisan issue.

the races were separated for thousands of years
evolution obviously affected them differently

Trump? Hahaha How much of what he promised have you received?

The Bell Curve doesn't say what you or any other rest of the retarded SJWs and lolbergs think it does.
Whites are still the best cause nature but those kikes want you to think it's a bunch of social barriers created cause muh idiotic bigotry. That book is bullshit senpai.

neither me or my parents or their parents ever directly voted for immigration of non whites,or desegregation or anything else like that that involves race. so in the words of the true king nigger, Tupac, "Fuck you, die slow, my .44 make sho all yo kids don gro."

only because the left made it that way

in that dems know to pander to certain races to gain votes. and they are clearly dumb enough to fall for it

Of course you didn't, you troglodyte, the USA isn't a direct democracy. Move to Switzerland if you wish to increase your relevancy.


So what youre saying is that genetics, brain mass and volume, hormones and so on doesnt influence thinking and behavior?
What a retarded thing to say, leftie.

>All races are equal in their ability to achieve
Demonstrably false.

Africa, which is homogeneously black, has achieved next to nothing. It's economy is a disaster, the total continent's GDP is 3.3 trillion USD (for comparison, France's GDP is 2.5 trillion USD, Germany is 3.5 trillion USD).

absolutely my point. Even conservatives vote against him. He is putting the right stuff forwards, the traitors are not allowing him to do anything. this is exactly what we are talking about. you just refuse to look below the surface of your comment and see the symptoms.

>it's whitey's fault for inbred abo and nigger genes that lead to sub-monkey IQ
And that's why you argument is failing.

I never said they didn't. It's how we should respond to that information that matters.

you can't beat the truth, and race is real.

stop aiding them and let nature take whatever course it takes. its not inhumane or racist if its natural

Race only exists when its used to cuck white people and protect the darkies. Fuck you Eurocuck traitor

>different groups of humans, separated geographically, growing in vastly different environments with different evolutionary pressures are all the same.
That is one massive blue pill, probably a suppository.

It has a rich culture and heritage. Is wealth the only yardstick?

Not all the same but have the same potential.

people who didnt achieve what our ancestors did to give us better lives should not be able to effectively replace us. The ignorant overbreed. The intelligent breed what they can afford, just staistically speaking, everything has exceptions to the rule. Its precisely these outstanding people who should be allowed in this country to stay. We deserve only the cream of the crop, Its what our ancestors and our founding fathers always wanted.

Your're not wealthy enough? Do you want free money?

I'll bite-
who would be allowed in a white ethnostate? Can you give a legal/philosophical definition? I think that race exists as a biological category, but that doesn't have the same rigor as law or philosophy, and hence it is impossible to try to legislate laws about racial purity.
> I would be genuinely interested to see you disprove this

Keep breeding and keep arming yourself. The time will come when shit goes to far. At the end of the day whites are willing to work with minorities by choice. They have no interest in working with us. If you don't like our "white privilege" go back to your country of origin filled with people that look like you.

maybe in thousands of years africa will look like the US, but imagine what the US would look like if it stayed white for those thousands of years.

seriously, do some research
i dont want to have to pay for other irresponsible peoples children.

A white 'ethnostate' is an archaic idea.

Being isolated with an entire continent until British colonialism and wasn't ready to defend homeland means you are fucking stupid. Fuck the old way of nip life didn't last much longer and their martial ability was legend, though useless with the advent of firearms within the area.

Anyone that would not gain special treatment from Affirmative Action in the US. If you look white, youre fucking white, unless you're jewish

Are you insinuating it would be more successful?

no, i am directly stating it as a fact

I was being facetious re the free money.

compare development rates between countries of whites and nonwhites.
Shit africa without our intervention would still not have cars or guns

The United States' success was born out of a melange of peoples working together.

>Not all the same but have the same potential.
potential is an ambiguous quality that can not be measured. Only achievements are measurable.

Why would they have the same potential?

>rich culture
You mean cannibal warlords (i.e. Liberia)? You mean black-on-black civil wars (i.e. Rwanda genocide) ? You mean the rampant HIV/AIDS, malaria and other medieval diseases plaguing them as they fail to develop or even look for a cure?

Let me ask you this, nigger, would you willing go to Africa, live there and raise your family?

Then ask yourself, would you do so for Finland? Iceland? Germany?

You're so fucking deluded in your own illusions about how minimally important their "rich heritage" is that you would actually put a value on their barbaric tradition as anything resembling something anyone would want to live in.

If given the choice to live in Africa or in Europe, everyone, include the very niggers we are talking about (i.e. Migrant Crisis), would choose Europe.

Gas yourself. Or better yet, go live in the "rich, vibrant culture of Africa". You and your children, and then watch the misery of their culture destroy any hope for a better life that they may have.

Well first, I think affirmative action is a horrible policy that should be scrapped immediately in favor of merit and competence based hiring. The second part of your sentence is admissible from a biological point of view, but doesn't really meet the criteria for a legal/philosophical definition. People meme about purity spiralling, but it is true- identity politics is cancerous no matter who it is coming from. Mind you, I would still want to live in a white neighborhood, but my point is that it would be impossible to stand in front of the Supreme Court and try to argue for an ethnostate, because there is no criteria which is objective enough to qualify as a reliable mechanism to sort whites from non-whites. Sure, the Bantus would be easy to exclude, but what about the Iranians, or the Irish, or the Italians? Race is a sociobiological concept, and that's why a white ethnostate is doomed from the start.

>melange of white people
overwhelming majority of those people are what "we" consider White people

I'll elucidate it for the sake of this thread. There are brilliant scientists that are of African decent and European decent. They are commensurate in ability.

Chinese? Africans? Countless others?

exactly so short of deporting 100 million people, balkanization, or "holocaust", there are still some good ways to do it.
Net Negative immigration of non-whites. I'd gladly pay the same amount of taxes i do now for 20 years if it means instead of giving non-whites free food,housing,utilities,cellphones, and CASH because they dont work, or had too many kids and no baby daddy, its being used to give non-whites a flush bank account so they can start over in less developed countries where they can be part of the majority.

So you've had some bad experiences. Anecdotal at best.

are niggers even human? when i see them they are literally retarded losers who dont want to work and only want money for sitting on their asses all day honestly you people are the most disgusting race really you Animals need to leave my country immediately before we really become sick of you nigs and go on a killing spree and trust me that day will be soon

>All races are equal in their ability to achieve
if this is true then why are niggers black?

You seem very passionate, yet uninformed. Why should you devalue others cultures because they don't meet your own 'high standards'?

we literally had less than 1% of our immigrants coming from africa, same for latin america. asians were a very small minority as well. why don't you research the actual facts man? im not your teacher, hell i dont even know if youre white. it does matter, because if youre not i dont really care to try and make you more intelligent. i waste enough of money through taxes doing that already, there's no need for me to do it for free. the only benefit i recieve from this is lurkers seeing how completely illogical and erroneous your arguments are.

What has skin colour got to do with the topic?

I dont think you understand, all the filth that comes out of those boats from Africa is useless trash! you people are good for nothing losers and are ruining my country i dont even feel safe in my city anymore because every time i leave my house i see filthy niggers begging for money and making my beautiful city look like Africa, you people ruin every community you infiltrate

Then I'd advise you to petition your local government and voice your concerns.

Because they prevent human evolution. They prevent the march of progress towards a better life, the literal purpose of humanity as a whole. These Africans aren't even at the top of the food chain in their countries, and you would still consider us, the only Earth-borne organism to have travelled and set foot on the moon, to those apes.

Tell me then, do you believe that certain breeds of dogs are smarter than others? It has been demonstrated that the German Shepherd is far more intellectually capable than the Chihuahua, for example. This trend is found amongst all animals with distant cousins akin to our "races", and yet you would suddenly assume this trend does not hold for humans just to hold on to your failing ideology of "everyone is equal".

Disgusting garbage. Garbage that will be cleansed.

Thank you for attempting to 'make me more intelligent'. Your benevolence is overwhelming.

This is the average black family, im not being racist, ive lived in the south all my life, so i have seen this all my life.
The black women ahve a few different baby daddies by their, ill be generous, early 20s. They dont work, because they cant afford the daycare even if they did, so they get on government assistance, food, housing, utilities, healthcare, and welfare.
Then they have "boyfriends," and im using that term pretty loosely here, who usually best case work shit jobs and do drugs, or sell drugs, paying no taxes, and not married so even if he workes, his income doesnt reflect on hers, making sure her gibs arent deducted.
It's statistically factual that blacks have high rate of single mothers.and that is because the males either truly dont give a shit, or they just know the government will provide for them in his place, so fuck it, he can do whatever the fuck he wants

You're missing my point. I'm against all identity politics, and against degenerates like you are talking about- no matter which race they are from. Would you rather live next door to a white crackhead thief/rapist versus a black neurosurgeon like Ben Carson? I think racial preference is natural, and that racial differences exist, but you can't convince me that race is a solid enough concept to be able to make laws on it. You feel?

I do think that we need to increase the requirements for immigration though. Fluency in spoken *and* written English, letters of recommendation, no criminal record, enough assets to purchase a house and car, devout Catholic, and an in-demand skill or trade. That would solve 90% of immigration issues.

Slide thread 101

>All races are equal in their ability to achieve,
By this thesis all races should have achieved the same progress. I'm not sure that's the case, retard.

Classic Leaf comment

pic related is whats going to happen to us. its already happening in majority black cities in the us, see chicago

>All races are equal in their ability to achieve

If only that pesky IQ thing didn't make it so difficult for niggers and various shitskins to actually do something of value. Curses!

Humans are self aware in ways that are incomparable with dogs, therefore it is a poor comparison. All humans are consciously self aware in the same manner.

we are but the government cant do anything because of humanitarian reasons and to look good in world politics these niggers are just coming in nonstop and they cant even read or write, they are worthless and dangerous the only solution i can think of is the final solution for these animals and i hear people in my town thinking the same things as me, we literally dont see negroids as human we will have no problem exterminating the invaders when the time comes

i have already voiced my position on the exceptions to the rule.
also, if we didnt spend so much money on non-whites, we could focus on those lost white brothers and sisters and uplift them. instead what you want is to LET OTHER PEOPLE into our country so we can uplift them instead.
while the governments gain more control and power and the corporations make billions and trillions off of the average CITIZEN of this countries misery

Absolutely not. The ability to achieve and achieving is not synonymous.

im pretty sure i can find more comparisons between certains races of humans to dogs than others

Learn your place OP, equality doesn't exist, some people are just born with talents, unlike others. That is a fact.

South Africa's chickens have come home to roost. I'll leave it at that.

tall people can dunk in basketball, short people never will

'Value'. If you say so.

I agree that talents are not distributed equally but racial classification is not helpful to anyone.

No, I don't want to be uplifting other people. Re-read my immigration requirements. If I had my way, the only people who would be allowed into the country would be the AAA citizens who become community leaders and models of righteousness. I am vigorously opposed to the enslavement of the working class by the globalists and corporatists, and despise those who leech off the productive and competent. Mass immigration of low skill workers is a plot against the working man and should be called out as such.

But here's the problem; I cannot come up with a legal/philosophical definition of 'white' and hence it is impossible to legislate on that basis. I understand the natural affection that people of the same race have for one another- I live that out everyday. I would not want to marry a non-white, or live in a neighborhood with a lot of non-whites, but I can't exactly pass a bill in parliament saying so, see? Race IS real, but it is a sociobiological concept, not a legal/philosophical one. I wish there was some way to keep them out, but I honestly don't see a way.

tell me why do Africans need to invade my country if they can just achieve a civilized civilization?

It seems your fellow countrymen don't feel the same way as you do, considering how they voted.

You have a prosperous nation and a legal and moral obligation to take in refugees.

>I agree
So you agree talents are not distributed equally, why? Who or what distributes them, since it is unequal?