Did reddit finally BTFO of Sup Forums?

Did reddit finally BTFO of Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>throw out capitalism
The people who are above average will leave and find a new place that values them. After all, it's a global economy goy

>improving the human condition

post scarcity + kudos system is the future GOAT

>redditor wouldn't have the chops to manage a burger king
>here's how we fix our entire system of economy

Money represents value because it's more convenient to use a single currency when doing exchanges, rather than having to barter or have a convoluted system to determine how much something is actually worth. 'Yes, I would like to invest 7 cows and a vacuum cleaner into your lightbulb company'.

>proceeds to set humanity back centuries
>"this really is the only sensible answer"

I mean other than
>Soviet Union
>North Korea

Name one fucking time that communism has resulted in famine and massive human rights violations. I fucking dare you.

Capitalists BTFO

2 things:
1: if such a throwing out of capitalism just takes the form of more progressive taxation schemes and social programs, the above average are unlikely to leave for that reason alone.

2:A lot of commie types argue for a global revolution or some shit so that there is nowhere for the above average to flee to.

Communism will be global, my friend.

When BTFO is in the headline of every other thread it kinda loses it's meaning after awhile.

>redditor just spewing out our own rhetoric while twisting it into the classic "dude nothing really matters maaaan" mentality

Gee we sure got beat the fuck out.

The funny thing is that in a communist system his brand of environmental activism would, at best, be ignored by the other communes and at worst be banned by the central government.

Humans always attempt to maximize wealth generation no matter what system is in place and when you're operating a system as inefficient as communism, you have to cut even more corners to get things done. Commies really should travel to China or Russia and see how effective communism is at protecting the environment.


>the only reasonable answer is to throw out the most successful economic system humanity has ever devised

Or you know, you could ask those with the billions to invest in some kind of infrastructure projects that not only would improve the baseline living standards but also improve their productivity for the company. Like how it would be in the interest of companies to keep ports open and roads in usable states

then they are inherently authoritarian my friend. They are literally arguing for some clandestine group to control the entire world.


Why do you think he chose that name?

>'capitalism doesnt wor-'

He's right, we need to throw out capitalism and work to establish social welfare and social justice using a scientific model, we need the spirit of idealism in every person's heart working to make society better. Socialism is the natural endpoint of evolution.
Here, this person explains it all much better than I can:

This explains the need for money well. Also it allows it's possessor to save the fruits of their labor for period past "when these apples go bad, and i can't barter them anymore"

Sup Forums gets BTFO several times every day, according to what gets posted here. I'm quite used to being BTFO by now.

>throw out capitalism
Unfortunately trial-by-error of history would prove that capitalism is the only long-term and technological advancement focussed economic system available right now.

Agreement with GIBS

then they could use what's left to pay poorer to make more goods, which more people buy, which makes even more money, allowing the process to continue.

The poster is disconnecting value from labor.
That's inherently un-marxian of him, yet he wants to throw capitalsim out the window?
>leftists ever using logic

>hmm i'm not sure how to counter his point so lets just say something generic and humanistic to get people's feels

yeah and humans don't just
>improve the human condition
unless there is something in it for them (money).

sure we would have a utopia if every single person suddenly stopped being an asshole forever but that's not going to to happen.

>Soviet Union
>North Korea

Mindless pablum.

Money is a counter. Where do these tards learn their shit?

>don't pay farmers
>starve to death

Good plan. I hope they put it into practice.

>2:A lot of commie types argue for a global revolution or some shit so that there is nowhere for the above average to flee to.

There will always be a Russia or a China ready to receive the billionaires. Or even a North Korea (the people wouldn't know, of course). Everyone wants billionaires. Only a full-scale nuclear war would leave the world without a place for billionaires.

(((score hidden)))) Thanks reddit

>Like, why can't a council just decide who gets how much food and land and stuff?
The same people who can't run an IRC channel without becoming corrupt think they can run an entire economy.

If I harvest your cornfield how does that get me an iphone x?



>Money doesn't do things

spoken like a true privileged fagget that's never worked a day in his life and sips starbux coffee all day while on his macbook

>Every single person in the world doesn't have everything they want.
>Capitalism has failed.


Money represents both physically goods such as food and clothes while representing labor and services as well.

I can help a farmer out and he can reward me with a fair portion of crops but there comes a point where he would offer me more food than I need. Instead of wasting my time transporting these crops for other things I need and haggling over the value, money is a set value for simple, convenient exchanges. Now the farmer rewards me in money and it weighs almost nothing so I buy food of my choosing and clothes and things the farmer can't offer me in a pure barter society.

Are there any successful societies that don't have currencies?

then it will instantly fail via revolution? you can't enforce global anything you know

Yes, those socialist billionaire investors and UN handouts are what we need.

Don't you dare talk about Warlord Mugabe. He put those white farmers back in there place.

What if everyone was just nice to each other instead? It would work just as well or better.

I can't wait for a "Carrington Event" and/or an economic collapse to BTFO these cityfags.
To any of y'all that are /ourguys/ that are in cities/collegetowns/far-left strongholds, you should think about leaving those enclaves. I know some of y'all have really great paying jobs, are currently students or can't afford to leave/fear uprooting...
Lemme tell ya boy, cities are vulnerable.
Dependency of shipments of sustenance from afar, electrical grid for all essential services, potential riots (mostly an urban phenomena), non-survival/live off the land skills, potential quarantine, etc....
Anyways, these ledditors are fixing to know a world of hurt in the future. Let them kumbaya with their diversity and cultural enrichment buddies in the future crisis.

The people who advocate for the abolition of capitalism are those who stand to benefit the most from displacing the current ruling class. Know that communism, at its core, is the rebellion of the white collar bourgeois against the capitalist rulers using the underclass as their army. Think about who tends to be commies. You never really see the poor or the so-called proletarian espousing Marx or wearing Che shirts. All they want is a steady income, food on the table, a place to live and some entertainment. They don't have time to worry about "class oppression" beyond those rich folk fucking them over.

Instead, you sure do see a lot of communist evangelicism among the academic (both educators and students) and professional classes (lawyers, journalists, etc.). They're the ones with the time to digest and regurgitate Marxist literature but they also hold inherent delusions of grandeur. They see themselves as an educated and enlightened group. They are more plugged in than the capitalist fat cat who is far removed from the plight of the so-called common man. But the reality is they disdain the lower classes just as much. To a Marxist the lower classes, whether consciously or not, are nothing but tools to be deployed against the capitalist class. The Mob is a school of piranha that can reduce the established order to a mere skeleton in seconds if let loose.

Note too how the committed Marxists envision their roles in a Marxist utopia: they continue to hold the non-productive white collar, bourgeois jobs they're used to or expect. They're the enlightened elite, why should they work? That's what those dumb beast proles are for.

Communism is Feudalism with extra steps.

The leaders become the wealthy nobility and "the people" become the serfs.

Name another country that has it, tard.


no they are advocated to end foreign aid to africa, which is completely sound

Yes. This.

I would argue it depends on the billionaire. That aside, the departure of a small number of very wealthy persons from a society is hardly fatal to said society. If Soros fucked off out of the the US forever and withdrew all his assets would anyone really care in the mid to long term?


>Currency means nothing

not this meme again. I completely agree that a dollar bill is just FIAT currency is about printing money over debt and means absolutely nothing over time and we try to give it value while the
Federal Reserve Jews print money and put us into even more debt that it is unsustainable even over the course of time. That should no longer have meaning as society does not truly own it.

But Currency provides worth and is useful, if we did not have a form of currency it would be deathmatch at most in a heirarchy of fighting each other for what food is left. I would suggest everyone move to a decentralized version of currency with Crypocurrency like Litecoin, Bitcoin etc etc. As that provides value that does not go up and down and is not tied to a gloablist federal reserve IMF.

> Money means nothing
> So really we need socialism where I get more of other peoples meaningless money
> Money is so meaningless that I get mad at rich people who have a lot of it

Gee, my neighbor has a bunch of turnips and wants a shovel, and i have a spare shovel but I don't like turnips.

Imagine if there was some way I could gain something for my shovel, and he could gain the shovel, without travelling 500 miles to the closest city to find someone who is able to act as a middle man. Like a medium of exchange or a store of value.

>money does not create food

tell that to the poor people in North Korea who eat grass.

ha ha, terraniggers still stuck on a communist dirtball

The first post was right, the second post is where it all went wrong. Capitalism provides incentive. People NEED an incentive to work, to work harder, and to strive to out compete their competition. Without incentive, peoples work ethic has shown to dramatically DECREASE. Even a notoriously Communistic country like North Korea has begun implementing Capitalistic principals to encourage increased performances among their doctors and scientists.


> Once again, liberals are denying human nature.

Post-scarcity is a literal impossibility. You can't create something from nothing, so there will ALWAYS be a scarce resource. Scarcity can, will and does shift from resource to resource but it will never be eliminated entirely.

This is the fundamental reason why Communism will always fail.

And to the people paid to make food.

Zimbabwe was unironically national socialism.

Money has its use as an incentive, but they have a point as far as what it should be used for goes. Without a purpose or morality, monetary systems are exploited by certain (((groups))) without any lawful rebuke. Materialist newfags advocating for capitalism need to lurk more. Hitler changed the monetary system to be representative of the work an individual did for society, the same thing that is obliquely being advertised by this post. Someone just needs to point them in the right direction.

>go to restaurant

>order food

>pay for food with debit card

>enjoy food

money created my meal, paid for the labor that made it, the ingredients used to make it, and in turn the restaurant makes a small profit used to buy more food, to make more money.

This is babby tier logic you usually figure out early on in life, ignorant of the world around you or not.
What exactly is this kid advocating for?

Shit tier.

What a shit revolution if you move from materialist ideal (capitalism) to another shittier materialist ideal (communism)

That Baitu Desu!!!!!!

Who are these two?