Sup Forums BTFO

>Sup Forums STILL hasn't answered back
How can you call yourselves race realists when you can't even answer back to THIS?

for goodness sakes the country is called nigger

cuz that metric is based on our modernization and not thiers.

What he thought he said "blacks are smart, see???" What he actually said: "41,175,700 Germans are smarter than 155,989,640 Nigerians"

>Damn Lies

How many of those "Germans" are migrants?

Not a race
Not a race, Show us the racial statistics you larping faggot

>Germany mean IQ:99
>Nigeria mean IQ:84

It says it right there in the fucking graph.

Since this whole debate started in the other thread that was discussing the link between race and IQ that information would be relevant. You have to remember that Germany has had one of the largest influxes of immigrants in Europe. One fifth of Germany's population is migrant at this point.

clever troll except he said race realist instead of racist. immediately ruined it

Not so fast fella!

That tweet makes no fucking sense.

41 million Germans have an IQ below 99, but 99 is also the mean. Assuming a standard curve, then 41 million Germans are above 99.

Meanwhile, since the mean in Niger is 84, the bulk of people there are below 99. And based on those numbers, 157 million Nigerians have an IQ below 99.

>What do we do with the sub-99 retards

He should already know what the final solution is.

>>It says it right there in the fucking graph.
OP needs to know what a mean is first.

Maybe it's because Nigerians are moving to Germany



OP using a machine to breath


Nigeria: population 186M
Germany: population 83M

This pic is bad because it's already been proven that some of these African values are intentionally using small selective sample sizes- some involving use of non-sub saharan participants(arab and whites).


>Race realism
>Posts national statistics

>Sail around the world selling drugs, slaves and weapons all while supporting dissidence in countries which you were supposedly a guest


Time for the adults to play now (China, India and Africa)

>Taboo scores

Are we feminists now? That's convenient.

>comparing the 30 million smartest niggers to the dumbest 40 million Germans

I thought Germans were supposed to be good at math?

OP proven to be a huge faggot again. Oh look, OP is a lefty. I'm so fucking shocked that he got his facts wrong.

shocked OP.


Half those colours are the same on both ends of the spectrum. Look at Singapore and Bolivia or Mongolia and Algeria.

There's no correlation. Weak.

latvia no

And how many Nigerians are there?

And are those "Germans" you're counting the new kind of Germans?

>der Doktoramt
Isn't that a German sceptic YouTuber, one of the 1-5 people in WHOLE of Germany making somewhat alternative content to the msm?


In Germany even the "sceptics" with Dr. Degrees are literal cucks, that somehow can't think straight when starting speaking about things relating niggers, probably because of all the exited nervousness at the thought of BBC

Even amerifart pleb-tier sceptics like Andywarski would never write shit like that

We are such a joke, nuke us already
Xuckmany needs to die desu

>nigeria's population: 186 million

So, 16% of nigerians are almost as intelligent as 90% of white people.

>comparing total population numbers
Nigeria has 190 million people you fucking retard. Germany has 80.

30 m IQ 99+ / 190 m total pop (Nigeria) = top 15% of Nigerians
41 m IQ 99+ / 80 m total pop (Germany) = top 50% of germans

And so you just proved that niggers are retarded, that the top 15% of niggers are about as intelligent as the top 50% of germans.

>germany worse than usa
can't be right

German skeptics are based! Remember Kraut and Tea? I wonder what he's up to now.

We've got more niggers, but better cops.

>the smartest 20% of Nigerians are slightly smarter than the bottom 20% of Germans

Wow impressive you got us there!

What a fucking dunce. They're fucking unreasonable


OP is comparing apples to apples, niggers to niggers. Niger is 99% niger, while germany is not 99% german.

I bet those statistics are flawed as fuck.

OP learned the art of subtly. Hid the truth in plain sight.

>They're fucking unreasonable
You just discovered that water is wet.

What? Everything race realists talk about is based on normal distributions.

This reminds me of the 20% of BLACK people are smarter than 50% of all white people meme troll

You sure the statistic covers only ethnic germans or it is like " ahh there is no race all people no matter ethincity who live in Germany are Germans ." ?

>30million Nigerians have an IQ over 99
i've been to Nigeria
I met some intelligent people, all Chinese

>parsley in all fields

Wow, It's like higher population means higher normal IQ people. Shocking!

Germany Pop = 82 million
Nigeria Pop = 186 million

German ratio under 99 = 50%
Nigeria ratio under 99 = 83%

So see simple math, most of them are dumb.

>Comparing Nigeria to an Islamic country

Point to where Niger touched you on this list.

>what do we do with the germans
deport them back to nigeria where they came from

Thank you for reminding us all.

Besides 90 is like average right? Did he choose below 99 because otherwise the statistics wouldn't falsely fit with his narrative?

What bigots don't realize about walking into an army ant colony is that there are countless millions of workers who won't even try to kill you. Compare that to walking into a 'nice' little rural town where only a few thousand people at most are unwilling to kill you.

>Fucking white privilege map. Burn this shit

There are 186 million people in Nigeria?

What the fuck. Will Africa ever be cleansed?

>OP posts tweet from idiot that doesn't understand what they're talking about
>gets BTFO by those that do
>doesn't post in the thread anymore

This is why I love you Sup Forums.

It is projected to have twice as many in ~30 years.

Africa's population is exploding at unsustainable rates. Enjoy the global catastrophe by 2050.


Guaran fucking tee that most of those 41 million Germans aren't white and that most are rapefugees

Catastrophe is already here.

You aren't bringing your shitskins here christcuck

>nigerian population: 184m
>german population: 83m
really fiddles my nipples

Is this why Africa is thriving?

Racists are dumb, don't try to argue with them.

kys low IQ niggers, you are a disgrace. You don't even understand where they are wrong.



All 30m Niggerians together maybe

>liberal retard thinks he’s disproven The Bell Curve
>actually didn’t
>Sup Forums doesn’t care
>OP is a fag.



It's hilarious when you're presented with statistics so misleading you can see through them in a matter of picoseconds.


>50% of whites are smarter than 80%of blacks
thanks for the chuckle even though I know you were joking.

It took half an hour for you to be the first one to bring up percentages

Sup Forums is fucking retarded


Starvation, anarchy, civil war and AIDs isn't stopping them. What hope do we have?

The fire rises.

Africa is a giant Orc Army bred by the Jew to destroy us.


>world ranking: 23



7.62x51mm with a dash of .50 BMG is how we contain that.

Throw in Chinese colonization, desertification and Islam and you get the full picture.

Our Shekels, our Medicine, our Agriculture that's allowing the Orc population to balloon.

This is no accident. The Hook Nosed Wizards are behind this.

>population Nigeria: 186 million
>population Germany: 82 million
Not even gonna look up if the numbers he mentioned are right because this alone is already enough to tell him that he's full of shit


Are all the sub 99 IQ germans tanned by any chance?

>They're fucking unreasonable
That's how they always argue. They don't have any arguments based in logic, so instead they try to move the battleground into some bizarro dimension where facts get invalidated.

This, I am deeply saddened by the stupididty of this board. Some one posts obvious bait or something intellectually dishonest and it will get 200+ replies of morons arguing and only a few who actually understand what is going on. take a look at these

Stop posting this shit you fucking dumb nigger

We already explained that Niggeria has a larger population so of course they would have a large number of people with an IQ of over 99. What you need to look at is that number compared to the population.

This statistic means that 16% of the Niggerian population has an IQ over 99 meanwhile this means that 50% of Germans have an IQ over 99.

Does Kraut and Tea's retarded "expert" even know how to do math???

Good chunk of them are Russian orc troop rape babies too.

btw I am watching the trilogy right as we speak

no we wont. if a war breaks out the west just cuts the subsidies and the african population goes back to tribal size

pretty sure OP is either shitposting or braindead

Jesus, China is the worst. Biggest fucking liars of any developing country on this planet.

Amazing isn't it? Thanks to these morons it's possible to spin something negative about niggers into something positive by only shedding light on certain truths. The idiots on our side literally didn't have a retort for 30 minutes.

But you have to remember that the other side holds morons too.

*soviet orc troops
Sorry, i fucked it up a bit.

I wish australia was that whie

Can someone explain the map to me? I'm not good at geography. I just assumed China was the worst because of red and then pale blue.