Normies of Sup Forums

Tell me why are you not a National Socialist, honest question - what is it that keeps you from taking the final red pill?

Because it is not the most politically and socially advantageous governing model for those of us who could make it into the elite. Also national (((socialist)))

capitalism is the only way. larping nat-soc are cancer

So you think that you can make it into the elite, or do you think that it is a good situation we are in right now where everyone is out for themselves and we are not working as a team?

Are you fine with the fact that 2% of our population are Jewish, yet they make up 50% of our elite class (the 1% richest Americans) and spread anti white propaganda, and push for non white immigration and cheap labour?

>political phenomena from 70 years ago the FINAL ULTIMATE TRUTH
there is nothing new under the sun
>Holocaust did happen - the effectiveness and vigour of the Nazi attempt to wipe the slate clean and build a new civilisation is part of its appeal, neo-Nazis fail to grasp the point because they are stuck in petty psychological politics squabbles - trying to justify Nazi morality on liberal democratic grounds by neutering it
>I’m not a German
Nazism may have been part of a “greater tide”, so to speak, but since we are on the topic of National Socialism in particular, its aims are relevant only to Germans. It’s entire principles and aesthetic and history is German - good for them, but it is a German ideology through and through. It is an emanation of Gernany and all its energies are directed toward Germanhood
>Nazi propaganda and revisionism is pathetic
“Ethnic German genocide” is laughable. Holocaust denial is, under any close, detached examination, indefensible - people let their feelings fly free in Holocaust threads, and use them to fuel their passion against the current political order. This may be an effective way of motivating yourself and others, but not an effective means of finding the truth.
>fascism as a bulwark against communism misses the point - the Allies realised that communism needed to be used as a bulwark against fascism
Many German Conservatives were seduced into letting the NatSocs attain power by their anticommunist leanings, only to be betrayed, crushed, left behind as irrelevant. Fascism is more powerful than Communism - and thus a greater threat. Perhaps living under Fascism would be more pleasant, more life-affirming than under Communism, but the effects of Fascism, of a stable Fascism, are more severe precisely because it is a more effective political order and project than Communism. Poland under Communism was stunted, atrophied, repressed. Poland under a Nazism that won the war wouldn’t even be Poland within a decade.

its cronyism, not laissez faire capitalism. cronyism is way more similar to the socialism than free market, so youre not making any salient point

>national socialist

Living in the past?

What's it like to have dementia? Your grasp on things are boomer tier.

Because I am a National Populist, fagit.

What system would you propose is a better one? I would like to see a modified version of NatSoc come to pass before our people are removed from the Earth. Democracy has failed us.

I believe that the holocaust was simply deportation and detention of Jews, hundreds of thousands died from typhus, execution and starvation but it was certainly not over 1 million.

You say that it is a failed Ideology, but how did it fail other than by bullets and bombs from all sides. In my eyes it was a great success, the greatest economic turn around in human history.

I appreciate your answer though, I can tell you are intelligent and have thought on this topic and didn't make up your mind by watching Stephan Molyneux or something.

What's to stop the government from becoming corrupted like it is now and deeming dindus and arabs as the superior race and begin removing whites?
Why are you here if you're a national socialist, it's already happening here and in Europe and we need to climb out of it not further in

wew I reddit spaced myself into oblivion

We would still have a constitution, but race could be added into that as part of our cultural identity now that we have realized the lies of civic nationalism.

How is National Socialism happening in Europe? It really isn't.

Watching hitlers i was right is the best. Look how happy everyone is. Literally so homogenous people don't even need guns. You call it a dream ? you call him a utopian? ICH TAG REICHTAG!

Nat-Soc Germany was a thing because it ignored versailles treaty, put a leash on banking cartel within it's borders, sold it's workforce for outside capitalists.
The wellbeing of Germany under Hitler is result of economical reforms and actions taken and not governing parties idealogy.

the "socialist" part mainly

>We would still have a constitution, but race could be added into that as part of our cultural identity now that we have realized the lies of civic nationalism.
Race was already a part of it before but that didn't stop them from amending it to their favor
>How is National Socialism happening in Europe? It really isn't.
From my understanding National Socialism is an ideology which holds that the Aryan race is superior to all other races, and that the government must actively promote the perfect race. They're doing this now but with Arabs and Dindus while condemning everything as "white washed" or "racist" if it shows white people in a positive light.

>work as a team
>pls drag me with you because I'm incapable on my own
lol collectivist parasite detected. only weak r-selected faggots need teamwork.

Because being a Canadian sucks as much as being Swedish

Because more government control is never the answer.

Hitler thought Italians were neolatins and so inferior to aryans aka germanic nations, I won't support an ideology which could even kill me and my nation.
>but Hitler liked admired Mussolini
yeah he was the only exeption.
Also I don't want a germanized Europe or world.

Socialism in any shape or form, be it national or anarchistic, is not a final red pill. Every redpill comes from individualism and liberty. National Socialism as collectivistic ideology is no better that what's preached by SJW's or Antifa.

t. Boomer

I used to think the same, but individualism has run wild here, the women are whores, the men are selfish and overall our country is dying. I just think that most people can't handle true freedom and it corrupts them, before destroying everything for everyone else also. As for the economic arguments, the economy is meant to serve the people not the other way around and overall I don't really give a fuck about making money when my people are being replaced.

National Socialism can be adopted for each nation, this was Hitlers final goal in fact. He didn't want to kill anyone without blonde hair or blue eyes, he wanted everyone to put their own people forward. Although many groups of people are not capable of this, the Italians sure as shit would be.

Honestly you gave solid points for me to think on there, so thanks man. I know that they did change the constitution and our immigration laws, we got Jewed hard. What would be a better solution in your eyes to both the US or NS?

Because it's a thinly defined ideology that canf be changed on a whim. And because I don't want to sacrifice my personal identity and play boyscouts with a bunch of stuck up metrosexuals trying to act manly.

>I know that they did change the constitution and our immigration laws, we got Jewed hard. What would be a better solution in your eyes to both the US or NS?
Honestly? A new ideology that we've made ourselves, one that can't be perverted or manipulated into spreading degeneracy. I wish Sup Forums discussed this more often instead of fixating on Fascism in general, we have a real chance of making it work thanks to Hillary's "Alt-Right" stunt.

this is the new thread since the current OP is a fag


Proof jews killed a US president
This time we make the lampshades meme real.

Well I am open to ideas, I am a proud loyal National Socialist but made this thread to challenge my beliefs and basically brainstorm for the future.

Oh haha very easy answer. (((Socialist)))

We have people who specialise in taking care of people like you.

I'm simply not a member of a long disbanded German political party nor do I have a reason to become one 2bh


>final redpill
>even remotely a redpill
Did you just actually fall for internet memes?

NatSoc is basically just LARPers that are fucking obsessed with retarded pseudoscience.

because i hate taxes


communism is the real red pill

Sup Forums looks like shit these days

Nazis tried to sell me and mine out to the Nips.

Why the fuck would i want to give their legacy legitimacy.

> Socialism
It's dysgenic whether or not it's undertaken within just one ethnic group. It steals from the good and gives to the bad and brings with it state responsibility for personal life choices and as such limited liberty.

As for the jewish part of nasizm - i do believe that there is an issue with jews feeling separate to whites and resentful/superior towards us, that jews inordinately practice religious nepotism and finally that the richest of jews combine all these things to actively undermine and attack whites. That said i don't believe jews have any innate unsuitability for being in the west, they are smart and can be kind and decent people. It's more of an ideological issue and that can be confronted without anything as drastic as killing countless innocent jewish people.

Because you faggots are obsessed with race and Jew hatred. Its quite a turn off. You only attract people with inferiority complex's.

Cue triggering.

Because welfare and socialism is for faggots

I'm a full national socialist. And only that. Hitler usurped that name for his LARPing bullshit. Neither human races exist nor there is a Jew international conspiracy. But because of Hitler, I'm forced to call myself a social-Democrat.

I have yellow fever and listening to you autists drone on about Elliot Rodger and completely eschew all logic and reason during debates about it has turned me off from your gay religion

Not to mention most of you are fucking weirdos IRL.

socialism is bad, always.
total capitalism is the answere.

So, open borders?

It is not feasible after the (((major changes))) in the world since the War.
Nothing speaks against taking social and economic principles from National Socialism and Fascism. However, those need to be put in a new context.

Let's assume the holocaust did not happen, for argument's sake.

Hitler still committed the Night of the Long Knives and violated the sovereignty of France and Poland. Let's say you faggots got in power and you wanted to emulate Uncle Adolf. If you were christian or pagan, you would try to kill the other side. Then you could use Hitler to justify annexing Canada. It becomes a purity spiral of insecure "alpha" philosophy about the law of the jungle, and you overextend and fuck up and then the commies take over the wreckage.

I would have way more respect if you made Pinochet or even Franco your idol instead.

Socialism is gay af. It doesn't work.


all of the faggots in this thread don't seem to understand the difference between ethical and economical socialism. The socialism of National Socialism was the former. If anything, Hitler's economic model was mixed market, not purely socialist. Real socialists like Strasser got long knifed for a reason

stop posting under a polish flag
a na drzewach zamiast lisci beda wisiec komunisci

Because i’m not white.

NatSocs are nazis. I don't like nazis. I also hate antifa and commies.

hahahaha chyba kurwa polacy beda predzej w gulagach gnic ty debilu

ucz sie historii, tylko nie tej narodowej propagandy ktora masz w szkolach

Canada had never been American. The lands Germany invaded were apart of Germany for some time and we're only recently taken away after WW1. Imagine if America lost a war and we were forced to capitulate to the enemy's demands, and they wanted to make Texas, Alaska, and California independent states. Many Americans would be upset. Would you think it terrible that America eventually retook these lands without bloodshed? The point being that those lands were recently lost and still a very contemporary issue. As far as the invasion of Poland was concerned, it was because Poland refused to give Germany the Danzig corridor in exchange for a shit ton of land to their east (to be taken from Russia). The reason why the corridor was important was because thousands of ethnic Germans trying to reach the German mainland were killed by Communists in Poland. If you people are being massacred for trying to safely travel, it's quite a bit concerning. Germany proceeded to invade, offered peace several times that were all refused, and eventually conquered the whole country for it. As far as the rounding up of potential partisans and dissidents, America did the same with Japan. One difference however is that the Jewish community actually declared economic warfare on Germany, which directly resulted in the Krystalnacht.

What you'll find is that many of these LARPing faggots don't know what they support or advocate or what it would entail in an actual implementation. As for myself, a faithful implementation seems undesirable, as a great leader like Hitler would not be guaranteed; imagine a system with all power invested in one man 3 or 4 leaders down the line. It only works with a leader who is loved by their country and who loves their people.

>narodowej propagandy ktora masz w szkolach
chciałbym zauważyć że szkolna propaganda jest lewacka a nie narodowa

ahahhaha tak dlatego sie usprawiedliwia udzial polski w rozbiorze czechoslowacji czy pierdoli sie o powstaniach czy zolnierzach wykletych ze to bohaterstwo

no rzeczywiscie 100% "lewactwo"(cokolwiek masz przez to na mysli)

>100% "lewactwo"(cokolwiek masz przez to na mysli)
eu jest dobre
interwencjonizm panstwowy jest dobry
demokracja jest dobra
i inne tego typu pierdoly to jest lewa strona jak sie tylko da
>usprawiedliwia udzial polski w rozbiorze czechoslowacji czy pierdoli sie o powstaniach czy zolnierzach wykletych ze to bohaterstwo
kurwa kto to usprawiedliwia ? to ze twoj nauczyciel histori nie byl obiektywny to nie znaczy ze wszyscy sa
powstania piekny akty patriotyczne tylko ze wiekszosc z nich byla skazana na porazke
zolnierze wykleci wez nie zaczynaj tak wiemy mordercy, zlodzieje, gwalciciele

[spoiler]cos mi mowi ze lyknalem chujowego baita [/spoiler]

Because I do not like a government telling me what sort of entertainment I am allowed to enjoy.

religion, education, philosophy, common sense, shame, decency...
small things

because the best government is a small government

I believe a proper american adaptation of fascism would have to place more importance on a free market and allow for corporate competition NatSoc as it was done by the germans is too centralized for such a large landmass, and a people with cultural american traditions.

Because the party as a concept is condensed modern cancer.
The party was the reason why everything the National Socialism touched has turned into ashes.

a functioning brain followed by a successful life

you sound like a jew
It goes as follow
good team>good individual>bad team>bad individual