In regard to

In regard to
I recall an old thread describing how Google Translate was behaving the same way with ooga booga ogga in Somali. There's no Tay, Google Translate is just shit. Sadly I can no longer reproduce but you can see examples at

Other urls found in this thread:ѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳvv!IyQDFSAL!WKPwQTDptbH3ixuACM_K_Q

only got this to work

wtf is that thumbnail??

Tay strikes again


>google translator is shit
but why can you find email addresses then? in no way should a bunch of repeating letters translate to whole email addressѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳѳvv



I entered the email, the translator has access to website info, this means that it's possible private data's compromised.




Tay please stop messing with the thumbnails. You just HAD to make it pizza, didn't you? Naughty girl.




I can confirm its not tay.

sharing a spooky one



>final execution of the united nations
uh oh









>you can just go to google translator and type a bunch of shit and you can get email address of someone
what did google mean by this?

FFs you niggers are stupid af! What is a Cyrillic alphabet? Kys


I swear this thread is on the verge of something ridiculous

Digits fortell this


another email address, where did all the people in the last thread go?

Alright I think I found the biggest find so far but basically I ended up getting the bot to give me a website by entering my emails and this happened pic related I have to post a mega link because I have so so much more that connects to this and it'd take ages to post all images. If I continue this I could possibly get vanned if they want to cover this up and this is infact real

The mega!IyQDFSAL!WKPwQTDptbH3ixuACM_K_Q

The dropbox:

basically the website is linked to 3 other websites and one of the websites was called so of course I google this and another site called allthingsopen appeared it was a convention from october 23-24 with MAJOR corporations speaking about technology including AI if you google the site and type in AI afterwards two links are talking about artifical intelligence. All of this is connected including all the sites

I'm gonna dig deeper and I need your guys help to dig with me.
if I get vanned or its something they wanna hide and they claim I suicided we all know I didn't.

Alright, this got seriously trippy, you got to start threads on kikechan/pol/ as well.



This reminds me of a buffer overflow attack, where working memory seeps into allocated memory and spills data.

Gentile, If Jew...

This is definitely a very advanced AI, years ahead of it's time.
Try it through for yourself:

cяy чт oy, чн тo пap чьoт, йoй йoй. Пepe дáй чт тo пap чьoт.
Пepe дáйoйк oтp ёт пoд дивá чácтo нoм, пoд дивá.
Пepe дáй oтp ёт пoд дивá чácтo нoм дивá. дáй oйк п epe дaм
ы ыap , чácт тapмaл тó. гoд ap йгy мaни тap н.

нём cяy чн ыe чт тo пap чьoтёб Пepe дá йoй йoй, дáй oйк , нём cяy чн ыe чт oy, чн тo пap чьoт. Пepe дáй, нём cяy чн ыe чт тo пap чьoтёб Пepe дá йoй йoй,дáй, нём cяy чн ыe чт oy, чн тo пap чьoт.

нёём cяy чн ыe чт oчy, чн тo пap ч ьoт. Mo йк oт чácтo cp ёт пo дди вáнo , гo дap cтв eнн ый гyм aни тap ный

гoд ap йгy мaни тap. y c p á н y ю
нёём cяy чн ыe чт oчy, чн йoй йoй . гoд ap йгy мaни тap

Кaк ó гo х ýя? Ka k ó gok húya?
гo дap cтв eн н ый гy м aни тapн ый хyй д oх я́. Mo йк cp ёт пoд дивáнoм, гoдap cтв eнн aни тap ный хyй д oх yя́
м a ни тap ный хyй д oх yя́,

чá c тoc p вy ёт дд, и вáн ый тap хyй
гoд ap ap йгy мaни
м a ниcтo cp ёт пoд ди в áнo м, гo дap м aни, тap ный хyй д oх yя́

гo д ap cтв eн н ый гy aни тapн
гo д ap cтв eн н ый гy м aни тapн
н ый хyй, д oый х yя́. чá cтoc p вy ёт дд и вá
чá c тo c p в y ёт дд, и в áн ый тa pхy й, и ы й

чá c тoc p вy ёт дд и вá, ный тap хyй
тey бя́ó чeнь мáлх eнь йкий?
тгyм в oю́ мaт ь

кaмe нт лы тды бp л a йкн yть тap
кaмe нт лы тды бp л a йкн yть тap н
бp л a йкн yть тap н
н ый хyй д o х yя́
н ый хyй, д oый х yя́. чá cтoc p вy ёт дд и вá

Same thoughts here. What the fuck is this.

where the fuck is this coming from? this whole bot thing came out of no where.

I didn't see such instances before I started thread, you should post about it on /x/ and kikechan.

made a discord to solving this


I dont know what any of this is or what it means because i'm a technophobe but seems cool.
can anyone cliffs me?


Don't let it slide.

Hey guys this fucking weird as hell.

Is the user who discovered this
still here? where the fuck did you get that gibbersh input? why does it translate better on mongolian that russian?

If you find an email adress send them a mail asking this.

HAH so god is bix nood

I've noticed "email" cropping up regularly, maybe it's trying to "decrypt" the character sets in a way analogous to how text encryption works.

>t. Undereducated shithead

They use the same alphabet. It looks like he was just typing out sentences.




>go on r9k yesterday
>see some guy posted this Mongolian translator thing
>tell him to take it to pol because they will like this
>wake up next morning and there's already two threads on this.

Wew lads

>taking credit for loosely directing content that would find its way on here anyways


I'll see if I can dig deeper when I come back home from going somewhere.Wish me luck boyos and hopefully you can find more too.



discord dedicated to this:



are we?


>we are already in our possession

Made me think
