When Hillary gets sent to Leavenworth federal prison in Kansas what should one send her to help pass the time?

When Hillary gets sent to Leavenworth federal prison in Kansas what should one send her to help pass the time?

Copies of Donald Trumps’ books.

Endless stream of propaganda that would make her a racist nationalist that vows to destroy the jews.

Rare Pepe's

came here to post this

She is not going to jail. If she does it's club fed which is better than most of us have it.

Nudes of Huma

A 6 ft length of rope



A copy of the Talmud. See if she thinks it was all worth it.

My noods

shes going to Angola prison




Cigarettes so she will cough all night and keep everyone woke!


Moonman CDs

>what should one send her to help pass the time?
a letter that explains how you prayed for her demise every time you jerked off

she is already that,

Just one thing.


a noose for defending a fucking pedophile in court when she was younger

A very detailed, clear, photo of my penis. With a casted dildo that mimics it perfectly.

The letter will read "Get fucked."

I'm pretty sure if she actually gets officially charged she would have a surprise "heart attack". If just 5% of the rumors and conspiracy theories about her are true then there are a lot of people with a vested interest in making sure she reveals nothing and they can't control or keep leverage on her if she's in jail.

A Martha Stewart book?

i just searched "lolita" on imagefap.com and i can't believe my eyes what they posted there

I want her to suffer before she dies, but dying knowing that she will go down as the most corrupt woman in American political history isn't a bad consolation prize

a conscience