What happens when everyone old enough to remember WWII is dead?


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At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

That won't happen. There will be holocaust survivors for until 2050. Then after that, they will plead that the children of survivors are victims and so on.

they already got that covered

All the people care about now are social injustices those men fought for people who don't deserve freedom.

We have World War III.

We'll tear down the monuments for being representative of the Cis white patriarchy.

history will be forgotten and it will repeat itself

We break free from the jewish holocaust mind spell.


Funny how THAT "passes on" but IQ/Intelligence does not.

This article is chocolate cures cancer tier
Any idiot can tell it's bullshit but it takes a particular kind of idiot to think this ability makes them smart

This kind of idiot

This, already no one truly gives a shit about the shoa.

So what? I wear Army Verteran stuff just for "Thank You"'s and the mild attention. I never even served.

History get's rewriten duh,
>The US army will have
>all niggers
>500 pound feminist hambeasts

Don’t be ridiculous. I’m sure we’ll have holocaust survivors past 2050.

The jews will dance and spit on their graves while sending americans to die in their new war to expand their banks and media in North Korea.

According to this book we will do it all over and based on how the worlds been going...

Stolen Valor is a felony.

didn't you hear?

science has proven trauma is genetic

i'll have some of those gibs for crimes against my dna plz

The world will be a better place

Nobody cares. Fuck your gay ass uniforms, bitch.

The myth of the war will be even further perpetuated, causing even more extreme portrayal of the events of both the 6000000000000 side and the holohoax side.

I wear some surplus zogbot uniform so I can get a discount at wendys

>old enough to remember WWII
>until 2050
american education

nah it's just a fashion statement.

Tldr please

Your military will have nobody to look back on nostalgically who was a real soldier

We will get to spread our narrative

Shlomo will get more creative with his lies.

you didnt know some victims of the shoah were born in new jersey in 1967 you antisemite


I feel that many will forget what happened much like how we kind of forget about wwi

They will remember WW3

Dumbasses will start praising Nazis on anonymous image boards.

There will be no one to get personally offended about the holocaust and the truth will come out.

Then it will be
>Sheeeeit we saved da witepeeple


We gas the Jews for real this time.

The question that matters is when does the Zionist Occupied Government run out of white Good Goy enforcers to push race mixing and mass immigration?

That tipping point matters because (((they))) won't be able to sell forced integration to a white minority that has to deal with darkie enforcers on a regular basis. Think about it. Europe will be swamped with non whites and self hatred. The can't send too many troops to America without losing control over their own diversity. Who else could send troops to the USA to beat down whitey? Fun times ahead.

The Jews will never forget.

Here are patterns in human behaviors

Essentially going back at least to the late 1500’s. Western society has gone through several cyclical periods each phase of the cycle is roughly 20 years

1. Crisis of society that establishes a new institutional and cultural order (think ww2)
2. High as the new order establishes itself (ww2 to mid 60’s)
3. Awakening- new ideas that crituique the excesses inperfections of the paradigm (midn60’s the early 80’s)
4 unraveling the ideas of the awakening wage a long ideological struggle against each other (early 80’s to early 00’s)
5. Crisis an event sets off another crisis period the old order can no longer meet the needs of the culture, ideas of the awakening come to the forefront and the society battles it out for supremacy


This happens every 80 years give or take


In 2024 the oldest Baby Boomers will turn 78 years old which is the average life expectancy of an American male.

fps with rocket boots


>black children need gibs cuz dey is impoverished cuz dey wuz raised by ppl who wuz raised by niggas who maybe might have been slaves

didn't you hear, black children of today are less privileged because their parents weren't raised properly because of racism so no one could have made it fuckin whitey bix noods

there will still be thousands of 135 year old holocaust survivors

Yeah we are already several y aes into the crisis m8

Some people think it began on 01 some thing 08

If we find ourselves living in a new trump innitiated era by 2020-2022 then I think we will call 9-11-2021 the “crisis”

If instead this national upheaval, war and crisis continues until like 2025-2028 then it will be 2008 crash as the impetus