Prager U Conservatives

>the alt-right has more in common with the left than conservatism

What did they mean by this Sup Forums? Are we all just leftists?

no but they cant be seen looking at the alt right favorably because that would ruin their credibility - they are a still a very good conservative, individualist thinktank

Richard spencer is a socialist.

This. Worse than Bernie desu

>Prager U
>The Israeli Army: The most moral army in the world
What the fuck did you think they meant by this?

Watched the video, it's 100% factual. If you have a problem with it you may have some cognitive dissonance.

Denis Prager is a Neocohen kike.

Pretty accurate actually. I've always been an atheist and collectivist (was a socialist before redpilled). Without religion, individualism is pure nihilism and really bleak in general. I need culture and social unity to feel like things have purpose/direction, being part of something larger etc. I wasn't able to re-educate myself back into the bluepill of Christianity, and belief isn't a choice unfortunately.

>implying we are Alt Right

Another (((Neocon))) think tank, Generation Zyklon won’t stand to this bullshit.

>The alt-right are the REAL leftists
>We are true rightists

>The alt right is athiest
>the alt right is collectivist

PragerU is a libertarian thinktank sponsored by Reaganite neocon globalists that tried desperately to gobble up alt right figures and make it seem like the alt right was libertarian.

PragerU is literally the most Jewish thing there is.

they co-opt Reagan Conservatism and use it as a front for Zionism. I've even seen commie Jew YouTube channels shilling PragerU "Israel did nothing wrong" videos

Their economy vids are good for explaining the basics, but their shilling for kikes is so painfully bland and obvious it kills any value those vids didn't had even on drawing stages

I think I hate 'conservatives' more than I do anyone on the left. Useless garbage that conserved absolutely nothing and have no action plan to stop demographics making a right wing government impossible in the future.

I'm not gonna watch it; is it basically "donut theory: the video?"

I don't really get the whole "alt right is atheist" thing. Considering how many LARP as crusaders and shit

>be conservative
>Nazi LARPers and neo-confederate alt-righters make conservatives look bad
>'they're actually leftists when you think about it'

Forgot pic related

ahh feels good to be gop and not one of those mentally ill retards

Wow thank you Mr. Shekelstein for clearing things up about the alt-right!

>the alt-right has more in common with the left than conservatism
>What did they mean by this Sup Forums? Are we all just leftists?

It depends on your definition of alt-right. If you use the term to describe Neo-Nazis, then yes they have more similarities with the communists. Having argued with both I can verify this.

If you use it as "non-mainstream conservative or capitalist" then no it does not apply.

this is probably the most retarded shit ive ever seen. it looks like its made by a 8 yo

it was actually made by a proud boy. Easy to get them confused.

>Implying Sup Forums is exclusively alt-right
>Watching a neocon YouTube channel



It means identitarians are fucking cancer. Two sides of the same coin.

Yeah I just watched it. Pretty much everything is accurate.

The alt-right are socialist and/or totalitarian, yes. Those who self-identify as "alt-right", at least, for whatever that means. When the term was coined originally, it meant anyone on the right not on board with the establishment neocon agenda. Only White Nationalists took the mantle, and the other groups quickly dissociated from the name.

That said, Paleocons and Paleolibertarians are hardly socialist or totalitarian, and still hold that we shouldn't be importing the 3rd world - for a multitude of reasons.

identity politics is cancer

alt right are a bunch of pussy faggots that are no better than the libtards


Try to hide your shilling better.

We're not alt-right CIA faggot.

Frankly the Alt-Right has evolved into a group of violent neo nazis. And when you start breaking down there ideology, they basically are commie-lights who are very racist.

>the alt-right's favorite philosopher is Nietzsche
>they believe in the subordination of the individual to the collective

this alt-right fellow seems like a very confused person

This. There new age commies - packaged in a palatable new form for Sup Forums Nazi larpers. LOL - it's funny cause its true, and I love you autists.

(((Rebel Media)))
(((Ben Shapiro)))
(((Dave Rubin)))
(((Laura Loomer)))
(((Jack Posobiec)))
Who else?


communist and feminist arent obsessed with race
>ancap think the state controls everything
natsoc are not easily offended lmao. i dont think you know what offended means
kill yourself
the vast majority of feminist dont think you should be judged by your gender. go outside sometimes. communist dont think that what the fuck ?
I dont know about the colbert thing but its probably retarded


On another note, its easy to make any 2 idealogies fit with arbitrary criterias. you could do that with anything really

pic related. its you.

The Nietzsche thing was a little odd, I admit - though through watching or listening to Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor - the two main front-runners of the movement, there's quite a lot of talk about bending to the state. Taylor's last video was on the need for a state-run eugenics program. Spencer basically pegs himself to the left of Bernie Sanders, and fully admits that.

oh and spared me the anecdotal evidence. im saying it upfront because i know youre already on youtube trying to find a video of a feminist or whoever saying something. its what brainlets do after all

((( (you) )))

im not.

Hey its just a cross comparison, and no the state does not control everything, not yet thankfully.

If you don't like your similarities to other undeniableness ideologies thats your problem.

gotta love the conservaTARDS whining about muh large gubmint (not saying you do that)
>pro military no money is ever enough
>want the state to regulate abortion and marriage
>war on drugs yes please
and there's a shitload more. not including that everything a republishit is in power, the gov grows just like under the democrats. they also like big gubmints those conservaniggers. its just ok when its about things they like but very ebil and nathzee when its things they dont like
weak reply just like your ideology

every time a republishit *

Sometimes fewer words are better. More people will have an easier time reading what I write.

Well, yes. The Neocons are just as bad as Democrats in terms of spending and authoritarianism. That's largely because they came from Trotskyite philosophy.

The real Republican party, which originally consisted of Paleocons, completely died in the 80s. It hasn't been "conservative" since then. Paleocons are still out there, waiting for someone to vote for. Anti-immigration, against large government, against foreign interventionism, and pro-constitution.

Have these faggots called out neocons?

>unarchived or unhooktubed YouTube link
>let's you and him fight
>third thread at least in twenty four hours trying to get Sup Forums to hate Dennis Prager
Prager does a lot of unique good work, especially with Prager U, and is with us about three quarters of the way. He will never be with us a hundred per cent, and, as a NeoCon Zionist, he will robotically chant certain mantras as soon as he is triggered, ie by anything that is remotely Nazi-ish. If you cannot understand these things, if you cannot let Dennis be Dennis, if you are holding out for a 100% savior, then you are either a shill or you fell for litmus test bait.
Get this user, we're going to have lots of people on our side, including many Jews, and these people will not see eye to eye perfectly. But tell me again what Richard Spencer has to say about corn flakes and how he came up with the "right wing safety squad" idea, and why Dennis Prager is history's greatest monster for being a normie most of his life.