OPERATION 2nd EDEN: Sup Forums Saves the World

OPERATION 2nd EDEN: Sup Forums Saves the World

>This thread contains the designated “Sup Forums ThinkTank” Dedicated to Defining and Addressing the Looming Cataclysmic Social, Environmental, and Economic Threats to the Future of the Human Race

What are we going to do Sup Forums?

Whether you like it or not, the actions of the next several generations will determine the survival or inevitable extinction of the only intelligent life in the known universe, mankind. Violence, Greed, and Pride have always been in man, a craving for self destruction that has festered since the gift of consciousness. How are we to overcome an instinct that has been wired into us since our passage from beast to man and preventour destruction? Resource scarcity, over population, and environmental disaster are an inevitable path to strife and conflict that will crumble the already cracked foundation of civilized society. You sit in comfort, but your children, and their children, will bleed and know unimaginable hunger & violence as a direct result of YOUR complacency and shifting of responsibilities onto others.


Other urls found in this thread:


>Are we fucked? Probably, but if we aren’t the answer resides in the entirely uniquely creative and incredibly powerful force of the Sup Forums community. Hear me out.

We are the answer Sup Forums. Sup Forums is the most powerful social think-tank in the world. If there is a solution, it's up to us to find it. Many of the people on Sup Forums will one day be in positions of power that will provide the opportunities necessary to enact change. You'd be very surprised the people that anonymously lurk these boards. If you discount the outlier IQ’s, several boards on Sup Forums consist entirely of 120+ IQs. Hundreds of thousands of highly gifted people present in one virtual room with no boundaries for engagement or societal pressure to self-censor ideas or questions. Sup Forums has effectively replaced what University once represented, THE foremost forum for independent thought and exchange of contemporary ideas on a mass/global scale (negating the cancer/containment boards of course). I can also attest first hand to the fact that many sons of diplomats, politicians, and captains of industry find solace in the anonymity this place offers. The leaders of tomorrow lurk among us, but unlike any forum of thought in known history, personal identity or prestige cannot boost the validity of an argument or discount the assertion of another. Like death, Sup Forums reduces kings and beggars alike to the same level of validity and power, none. The only way upward being the truth that person chooses to assert and the reasoning behind that truth.


(This isn’t on topic, but if you still don’t believe that Sup Forums is an incredibly influential force, it’s an absolute fact that pretty much every commerce industry you can think of has a division of trend-influence marketers watching Sup Forums like hawks to search for shifting trends relevant to whatever industry/products they represent, because unlike in the past where these companies had to go out and search for atheletes/music industry personalities/celebrities to pay millions of dollars to represent their brand and then hope the gamble they made pays off in terms of sales to consumers. However, with Sup Forums, boards and threads are perfect focus groups of defined target markets that will represent exactly the way consumers on a whole will react to a shift in brand message/product line/ whatever. Now, a trend marketer can spend a couple hours on Sup Forums and the archives and get valuable consumer data without spending a fucking penny. Which they then report back to their client, who then uses this information to get ahead of the market by evolving their products/services/strategy to align with this hypothetical future trend. In short, billions of dollars get shifted around every year because enough people meme’d about something, created enough posts against or for something, or for a more specific example several mainstream energy drink companies amended their future overall advertising campaign objectives and marketing strategy in direct response to those faggy /sip/ threads. MILLIONS OF FUCKING DOLLARS were reallocated because some fag-ass retarded 12-19 year olds found it entertaining enough to consistently meme about carbonated caffeine drinks on fucking Sup Forums. THAT’S the power of Sup Forums.)


>So what? Get the point across faggot

The first step is moving the discussion away from the common scapegoats (Jews, Muslims, Liberals) and unenforceable solutions (Genocide, Infinite War, Provocation of Violence) since these are either accelerators to the underlying problem we face or infeasible to enforce. We need to breakdown the problem from “We’re all fucked and I’m going to die anyway so who cares” into definable chunks which we can then target for influence (Lack of or disinformation being distributed to the general public, getting past identity politics, fight against the destruction of individual heritages/cultures/customs…etc..)

I will periodically make a thread for discussions centering around this topic in the hopes to coordinate a cohesive and effective propaganda campaign utilizing a number of advertising and public relation techniques directed towards prominent social influencers to create “buzz” in the mass media and secondary influencers in the New Media (Social Networks, YouTube, Podcasts, Content Creators, etc..). which will hopefully lead to mass exposure, and a platform for our message in due time. It won’t be easy. There are absolutely very well funded groups operating today that are in exact opposition of reaching solutions and are entirely based around causing chaos, destabilizing beneficial social institutions, and instilling unease/mistrust in the public a.k.a black lives matters, sex liberation groups, antifa, third wave feminism manipulation, etc.. (*cough*Soros*cough*). They have money, but the people who pull the strings of those groups are confident their activities will not only go relatively unchallenged (as they have since the 1980s) but that victory is a foregone conclusion and frankly speaking they are not ready for a intellectual assault directed at the pillars of their subversion.



Once we have enough people on board, we’ll be able to use our numbers in a brute force fashion to gain public exposure through the “loud minority effect”, where very few in number can make an agenda mainstream through persistence and perceived outrage (Recent Example. Bruce Jenner has sex change, 90% of people don’t even care enough to have an opinion, but 10% of people made such a ruckus in condemnation or congratulations that it was a leading news headline for weeks with several months of updates on the story, and a Woman of the Year award for a washed up track athlete who’s biggest accomplishment after being an entirely inconsequential character on his daughter’s reality show, is his daughter’s ability to take black dick). (Side Note: This effect is also the usual reason happenings on Sup Forums seem like a big deal at first, then fade away without leaving any type of lasting impact. Whatever it was usually effected very few people directly and while the initial reaction might have been voluminous, as soon as the next thing comes up the last thing becomes almost entirely inconsequential [See: Las Vegas Shooting a.k.a most deadly domestic shooting rampage in history or the largest terrorist attack since 9/11 hits Somalia a week ago and is already entirely out of the news cycle) It really only takes a few very opinionated, and very vocal people to make a big splash into the mainstream narrative. Staying relevant is another story, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

The power to build a second Eden starts and ends with you user. We got this.

fap furiously before going to bed, and repeat the process each day. hbu?

Try to making enough money to fill my existential despair and contemplate revolution mostly.

Literally foundation
T. again Based Asimov

I'm white, and very proud of my ancestral culture as well user, but even if a return to ancient belief united the race...then what?

Will the Asains unite under this foreign faith? Will the Africans? The Arabs?

Or would it just further the divide between these groups we have no other choice than to coordinate with to ensure our overall survival?

Culture is important and needs to be preserved. All culture, even lesser evolved cultures. However, the main goal should be something everyone can get behind (in my opinion, your thoughts?)

>Will the Asains unite under this foreign faith? Will the Africans? The Arabs?

who gives a fuck what they do. I certainly don't. Hopefully they die off, would be my preference.

If they can survive, they can do whatever the fuck they like as long as it doesn't lower my quality of living, which right now it is, so fuck them.

If violence was a feasible solution I'd be 100% with you. However, ruling what's left of the nuclear cinder Earth will become after a world conflict seems a bit like slicing your own throat to deprive the devil the satisfaction of collecting his due.

When the solution has not yet revealed itself, the foolish response is to act without contemplating long-term effects.

Change yourself before you change the world.

I make art.

>inb4 artshit

Art is culture. Without it, society lacks a wholesome core of creativity and beauty, if you like pre-modernism, that gives purpose to people beyond just consuming media.

Stop consuming, make something, ANYTHING, just make it, and make it yours and share it with your friends.

Expand on that if you would user. What are we fixing, how are we to fix it if we are the architects of the very flaw we mean to amend?

Can man reach idealism when his very nature is a constant state of imperfection and uncertainty?

First of all I propose we start using paragraphs. That shit will stop my eyes from bleeding when I read the pseudo intellectual drivel posted here.

Rabbits. Moringa. Chinese cinnamon yam.

you all join the cucks.

invites only.

Well said user. The decline in the cultural importance of art (and the abandonment of the pursuit of beauty by artists) directly mirrors the overall cultural degradation we've experienced since the meridian of the 20th century.

The masses have discounted the raw inspiration viewing art can have on a man and replaced it with organized sports, celebrity worship, and material obsession. This world feels so empty.

In order for a strong, withstanding society to take root those seeking to implement such a society should themselves seek to remove from them the qualities in which they abhore in another and live by the virtues they preach with devout resolution. Though humans operate at a higher level than apes we are not infallable to mimicry and all that we wish to conceal from a public eye doesnt remain veiled. Me must not preach how man ought to live but we should live how one ought to and let others follow as best suited to their abilities.

I'll take that into consideration user. Now do you have something to say, or did you stop by just to rub shit in my cut?

>strategic nip slip

Step 1: Take the Redpill
Step 2: Take the JBP pill and clean your room and sort yourself out
Step 3: Join the dominant political party in your area and subvert it with wholesome Sup Forums policies
Step 4: have a dozen white children and raise them right

>god forgives no traitor
>literally a religion about being traitors to your entire ancestry, culture, and heritage for the veneration of a Semitic messiah

The absolute state of Christcucks on Sup Forums

>g*rmanic symbols

shit thread. g*rmans are not white.

Only whites are Romanians and Georgians. Everyone else is a disgusting mongrel.

>What are we going to do
Accelerate the collapse, the age of Kali Yuga must come to an end. All who do not support the end of Kali Yuga are to be considered traitors and cowards.

"Modern art" is a CIA plot to suck in creative types and channel thier work towards pointless crap before they can have any influence on culture. Not even tinfoil status, its documented fact the CIA created modern art in the 60's.

See, influential intellectuals and artists and such were beginning to question whether we really needed a vast permanant miltary industrial complex. They were beginning to wonder if maybe all the endless wars and arms races really had a point beyond dividing western societey. Naturally the CIA wouldnt stand for this so they began comissioning pointless "modern art" pieces for huge sums anonymously. The idea was they would draw these people into a sort of intellectual treadmill where nothing was ever actually accomplished.

By rewarding talentless hacks with vast sums of money a market for meaningless pointless """"art"""" was created. By anonymously creating a market for such idiotic meaningless pieces that rewarded (((((artists)))) such vast sums of money they used a "the emperor has no clothes" style mindset.


The current cultural wasteland that is the arts is 100% intentional and its not even some unproven bullshit. Google it. "Modern art" was and probably still is a CIA social engineering program.

tl;dr OP has no close friends IRL or circle of quality guys in an online group anywhere and thinks he can just create an organization out of nothing in a random thread

Well we should decide what the worlds problems are and then rank them.

I can feel the sadness and bitter anguish behind your post user. Shitpost or not, Why are you afraid to connect with me user, with us. We're all here on a Friday night, and despite our differences we all share a want for acceptance and inclusion. I accept you user, you are loved.

Spooks always turn up as agents of instigating chaos. They may have permanently damaged the integrity of human expression itself, as old as handprints on the walls of primtive cave walls and for what? A minor dissolution of a group of beatniks they deemed "potentially subversive". A true tragedy.

Will art ever make a comeback in your opinion?

This is good.

I would say problem #1 is the prevelance of commplaceny among first world citizens. Even if we know every problem, and how to fix it, nothing will ever come of it if no one gives enough of a shit to take action.


Your post is 100% correct friend, and yes I do.

Every inferno begins with a spark.

Not while a black lesbian muslim f2m tranny can get paid 30 million to menstrate shit and vomit on a canvas.

If its that profitable even good artists are going to continue to be pushed to make pieces that mean nothing but sell for fortunes. Art is supposed to evoke emotion, represent or stand for something, and make the viewer think. It requires intelligence.

"Modern art" supresses thought, all one has to do is don an adequatley bohemian outfit, get good at staring intensely and repeating empty pretentious phrases like "so powerful...." "its so deep!" "It evokes such ideas"

You dont need to be smart, you just need to be good at conforming. By claiming something can mean anything you essentially render it utterly devoid of meaning.

While our societey still fosters infantilism and worships pretention over understanding and profit over quality good art will continue to be supressed.

I agree. There is also a lack of a moral consciousness, which most reasonably came from the decline of Christianity.

We can stop the cycle user. Nothing is inevitable, and a return to glorious Renaissance starts and ends with the distance we are willing to go.

I mean, it depends on what part of the art community you're looking at. Not every artist in the 60s were abstract expressionists. In fact, most of the people who moved into 'modernism' era were still part of the 'high class' art
and hyper-realistic painters were stagnant for years and then rendered obsolete with the advent of the camera. To complain about works that were literally pieces that can literally be summed up as two guys drinking beer and driving a pickup truck over a sheet of paper (I can't remember the name but two artists actually did this and made bank on it).

But then you'll encounter those who basically mocked the whole high art culture, like Marcel Duchamp's Fountain, and Artist's shit by Pierro Manzoni. Dadaism was just fun and nonsensical.

whatever the outcome, i believe we wont be living in a world of billions by the time its over

The catalyst for the decline of Christianity is directly linked to the advent of the Internet and the internet personalities that pushed the atheism meme without understanding the majority of the world isn't smart enough not to indulge in excess and degeneracy without a defined set of "divine" rules (a.k.a Christianity)

We could try to convince the major atheism figureheads to recant their statements. But nobody even gives a shit about them anymore so it wouldn't do much even if they complied.

We could make the Church more accessible to this new generation maybe? How would we go about doing this?

We need to be the change we want to see in the world.

Really it all comes down to a group attempting to take an ideological majority, and I think there will always be a new group.

Expand this. Soundbites and tumblr-tier platitudes have no place here.

I saw this in germany for the 2 years I lived there. NOBODY I spoke to outside of a few retarded college kids wanted whats happening to germany.

NOBODY VOTES THERE. EVER. They bitch, day in day out. "Fuck immigrants, fuck merkel, fuck the EU, germany for germans, ran by germans"

Nobody. Does. Shit.

Why? Because at the end of the month the welfare checks show up, the food is dirt cheap because its subsidized to fuckin shit, and thier doctors shoveling them pills are free.

You know what happened when I told a doctor I had trouble sleeping? He literally just handed me 3 months supply of valium.

The people grumble but they are too comfortable to act. You wanna see change? You gotta make shit intolerable so that the cattle stop moaning and start stampeding.

Only way to do. While we are comfortable we are complacent, only catastrophe motivates.

We must return to the perennial philosophy. Our mission should be to restore the Aristotelian-Thomist tradition within the universities- otherwise we have no hope of defeating the ills of atheism, modernism and postmodernism.

Edward Feser's blog is a good place to start. The rabbit hole goes DEEP, user, and the destruction of Christendom is almost complete.

Christianity needs to be appealing.

The opinion of the church needs to be stern and its image needs to be strong. More like the traditional church settings, not these Joel Osteen sing along, self help lectures.

Well we should start by refraining from using degeneracy to promote our cause OP. Plz delete that picture.

Our people have one God

user, you don't understand, Christianity today is NOTHING like the Christianity of old. The Catholic church protected us against the Muslims and the Jews, but we abandoned the metaphysical foundation of Christianity. Not because those metaphysical foundations were wrong, but because thought leaders in the university were seduced by pride. The atheists do not attack classical theism, they attack a theistic personalist straw man, aka the bearded man in the sky. To get to the root of the errors of the modern and postmodern age, we have to go back to the precise moment when our thinkers and leaders abandoned Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. The errors of Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, and others have become embeded in our our language and our patterns of thinking, to the point where people no longer understand why something being "against nature" makes it wrong.


The body of a woman and man is sacred and embodies the very meaning of the endless beauty humanity has to offer this world.

Michelangelo's "David" doesn't have a loin cloth for a reason user.

It really didnt take long for multiple anons to bring this right to Christianity.

If anyone wants any easy read about living in a post-christian society this book is pretty good. It doesnt go into really deep detail but it gives a good overview.

Well it doesn't help that in the the current 1st world. It's so easy to be complacent. Never in human history has so much variety of entertainment been so easily accessible. Some of that I'm sure is on purpose because someone in charge has seen the usefulness of keeping your population sedated. But I also believe most of our problems today are because of good old fashion incompetence.

QRD? I haven't read it, but I have heard it mentioned a couple times. I gather it has something to do with the 'new monastic' movement in the spirit of St. Benedict's communities in the 5th century? Basically a
And hence the need to establish self-sufficient/distributist traditionalist Christian communities in order to ride out the collapse?

On Rod Drehers Wikipedia Page:

Views on Judaism[edit]
Dreher's emphasis on intentional Christian community have caused him to express admiration for Orthodox Jews. "We Christians have a lot to learn from Modern Orthodox Jews," he said in a 2017 interview with The Atlantic, "They have had to live in a way that's powerfully counter-cultural in American life and rooted in thick community and ancient traditions," he said. "And yet, they manage to do it."[17] In an opinion piece on The American Conservative blog he added, "to readers of this blog who harbor anti-Semitic views: don't even try to post them here. Anti-Semites are among the vilest people." Later in the same post he expressed support for the American–Israel alliance, writing: "Personally, I strongly believe in the US–Israel alliance. But it is not unlimited and unconditional...".

>Be a good goy, follow the jews are doing it right!

this could honestly be a good idea.
good luck getting off though

I agree 100%


I'm afraid it's all over boys. Enjoy the chaos and await death.

It’s already here. I was talking to some random guy visiting my office from across the country. we both used ‘comfy’ and then both our body languages were like “oh”. Another time was with a black user who made the Sup Forums joke of ‘looks like he asks if you have games on your phone.’

It’s already here user. The wave is beginning to crest.

Nobody is perfect, user. Traditional Catholics are some of the most hardcore counter-semites you'll find
> See: Mel Gibson
People meme on here all the time about wanting an ethno-state like Israel has, so don't get so ass mad that someone takes note that they have somehow managed to maintain their traditional way of life in the face of atheism, liberalism and secularism.

>Sup Forums joke of ‘looks like he asks if you have games on your phone.

Exactly, you probably dont need to read it, no great plan is laid out or anything. But there is something to be learned from every book, and like I said its an easy read.

I am with you. Whenever a thread is made, no matter the meme flag i use, you will know me by my question.

"Did your daddy fuck you? Did you love it?"

Right, well if that is the main thrust of it, I will say that we have a major problem with abandoning the cities, as they continue to be the political, scientific and commercial centers of modern life, and no counter-coup against the modern world would be complete without an attempt to re-take them. Hence why I argue that we must first take back the universities, which means we must first be able to coherently argue for traditionalism 'in the town square' which necessitates becoming reacquainted with the traditional philosophy of the West as articulated by Aristotle and Aquinas.

Jordan Peterson was right about one thing- the only way out of the postmodern 'progressive' hellscape is to dive deeply back into our history to understand ourselves and our society. We don't understand our own institutions, our own history, or our own books so long as we continue to be severed from the perennial philosophy.

Bump as I'm reading your full posts and eating dinner, user. Looks like a promising thread.
By the way, your pic is literally my dream. I suspect that there are a lot of girls that love the idea of being a farm-like girl. Even if it's on a psuedo level. The only problem is that many people's ideals are guided by the popular media of the time they are living in--and as of now our popular media is promoting a lifestyle that is in caged cities with no ranges and looking flashy for social points. This message gets repeated and this becomes the object that is talked/thought about by many (not just girls, men as well).

Hopefully soon there can be a narrative shift. I'll probably post more random thoughts on how media is beginning to shift and it's freeing people to look into other possibilities for themselves. It's a natural counter reaction to the mass push and awareness of the pushing from media.

I look forward to your imminent presence in the near future user. Welcome to the resistance.

God forgives everyone who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, God manifest in the flesh, whoe died for our sins was buried and rose again the third day. All you have to do to be forgiven is to believe and to ask, but if you believe only it is enough

Conservatives are pretty much fighting for exactly what you want, not all of them are on a spiritual level but they are certainly closer than the progressives.

If we can make conservatism mainstream for the youth (and the left is currently helping) and gain a wider majority than a few percentage points we could make a push for restoring christian values.

user, no one is going back to the Church after centuries of corruption. That doesn’t mean the doctrine is meaningless, but much like everything else it’s the centralized power that always ends up corrupt.

I wonder (((why))) that could be?

are you black pigeon, you speak like him

>Resource scarcity
>over population
Stop parroting kike lies

Reminder that while we want to end war in the long run, war is important for the short term.

No "revelation" or "revolution" will begin when everyone is apathetic about everything. Men are weak, the women weaker in moral standing, and no one is pissed off or brave enough to take action. People are happy. Why would they need to do anything? They are happy NOW, and NOW is all that matters to the masses. They get their food NOW. They get their livelihood NOW.

Unfortunately, things are going to have to get a little more bloodier before they start getting better. It's a case of having to stoop just a little lower before we start rising. Of course, in the end, it will eventually reach that point, but at that time there will be too little good men left to fight the fight.

What we need to do is bring upon hard times, and fast. War is perfect for this.

War is what will make men strong again. We will lose many people, but this is the price we must pay to bring back what was once ours. You may die. I may die. But we must realize that hard times create hard men. We are currently in a state of "Weak men create weak times." But the decline is so slow and subtle that we are simply a flame burning out.

Instead of slowly melt the wax, we need to topple the stick over and set the house ablaze. After the war is over, and hopefully with little to no nukes involved, society will return, or at least be in a state where they will be more willing to learn of hard truths. They have already seen the hardships of war, and the absolute worst of human kind. What will be presented to them will be things that they want to fix.

This is the fix. Men will take their women back, and listen to those who speak a voice of reason.

It's only a matter of when and how much. At this rate, we will need a massive war (World War 3 levels) to have a good chance.

My background is media based and I completely agree with your assessment on the harmful effects of popular media. A perfect example is the myth New York City as some romantic-esque urban utopian melting pot where "anyone can make it". This myth has been perpetuated by countless mainstream TV shows, novels, and prominent musical personalities and has been spread around the world.

Go to Hong Kong and a vendor on the corner will have a " I

There is nothing everyone can get behind. Members of different cultures start out with different and often mutually exclusive axioms about morality and epistemology. Culture, DNA, and environment all interact with each other in a constant feedback loop. Our "winning" means other groups losing. Belief in one-size-fits-all solutions is a warm, fuzzy lie for globalist foot soldiers. Once you get past that hurdle, you can start asking who your people are, what they need to do to win, and with whom they can cooperate to make that happen.

If we let Catholic priests marry, they wouldn't fuck young boys, who then in turn become Priests who fuck young boys, etc..

But you're right. Institutions rise and fall, but once fallen they almost never rise again. We could focus on efforts meant to steer people to a similar institution representing the same core ideologies, but while there are several ideologies/institutions that overlap several teachings consistent with the church, nothing comes close to what the Church once was. It was basically a comprehensive guide to unification of people that covered all questions or issues a person might have.

We need another Bible.

Keeping nukes out of it is an issue though. We do not have many options in relation to keeping WMD's from getting used. If WMD's do get used, the chances likelihood of further escalation means we are all fucked, and will not live to see whatever rises from the ashes.

I agree with your final points very much. It only takes a relatively few to steer the ship.
As for the propaganda push; there is strength in numbers like you've already mentioned. The more anons try and push the ideas/ethos/values we come up with, the higher the chance that something will be picked up and possible stick. If a message is repeated often enough and loud enough, it will persist in the mind of people. But first it would take prioritizing what ideas/ethos/values should be promoted.

This is what I'd suggest:
I think we should create a prioritization list. Something that covers the top five (at least please) ethos to focus promoting in order to help future generations be prepared to thrive.

We can go through and rate these lists and from there we can evaluate what should be a priority.

Now, OP I don't want to hijack anything, but if you think my suggestion is okay OP, then I think the goal is to come up with the ideas (ethos/values) to be promoted first. THEN maybe in another thread we come up with the fabricated talking points that can guide people into believing those points/values.

For me I think the ethos to be promoted by some new movement should be:
>3.Sustainable living (similar to self-reliance but focuses on how one off sets their consumption of resources)
>4.Critical thinking (expanding ones knowledge base and promoting healthy skepticism of ideas and other people)
>5.Gaining practical experience (not having "life experiences" but professional experiences to become more well rounded in one's skill set

No. Just a concerned person wanting to start something bigger than himself and disappear back into anonymity.

Exactly, but hopefully a country would realize that using Nuclear Weaponry would only result in the total devestation of themselves.

Well said

Also what do I have to do to learn what you've learned

Sounds right. Really comes down to it all being a war of narratives. I'd actually like to hear more about what you'd expect this process to look like and what you're hoping the results would be. You mentioned influencing content creators and the narrative. Is there anything else you view worth sharing regarding your thoughts for this?

OP your shit is definitely tl;dr but here's something I thinnk is really important:

Genetics and the genetic health of our populations.

Here in the west we do not pay nearly enough attention to the quality of our genetics. We have some of the highest quality genetic stock of all races, but we are so careless with it. Our leadership doesn't even think twice about importing and mixing high quality genetic stock with low quality foreign gibsmedats.

This is one of the key issues facing us today. Our populations' genetics and the quality thereof. We have to start planning, breeding, fixing, and improving our genetic stock.

Here is an idea for the think-tank:
since non-internet/non-Sup Forums people are as powerful(if not more in RL) and important as us + for diversifying the demographic => why don`t you take sheets of paper cut them up into small pieces, write *by hand* on them short red-pill or just enlightening statements like:
"Only by moving in curves can ye escape them," or "geographical centre of Earth?" etc to move people to think + search,
and just plainly hand them out folded. Make sure to strike the balance between veiled(so as to avoid instant blue-pill inoculation reaction) yet catchy/provoking statements. You can also categorize the statements, ask people about their profession, etc and hand them the most adequate piece or even hand-make statements on demand on the spot(judge people by their questions first and foremost).
The plan here involves donning(over my clothes) a white blanket like a toga with neo-style sun glasses(+ probably a false beard) and a sign - "Free wisdom" or whatever and going down to a central location(the future Sup Forums forum off-shoot). Here, there is a statue of Sophia with a crowded subway underpass directly under it, which would seem a fitting location for initiation. Sick of wishing I was born in Ephebe, time to create.

There is no hijacking user, if I wanted to claim ownership I'd make Youtube videos like those hypocritical opportunists only out to personally profit off movements of people truly trying to change things for better. We are no one here, and this will be our greatest power.

I can see your goals align with mine and therefore your vision is my vision. I agree with your suggestion to break our desired outcome into definable goals, as well as the continuation of the thread in subsequent threads. Anyone who would like to perpetuate Project Second Eden has a right to begin a new general thread. I will enter and post as just another user looking to make things better than they are now.

Your list is certainly a great start for self-improvement, which I think is the perfect place to start before trying to tackle any kind of global tribulations. After all, what's an army but the strength of it's soldiers.

Do you have any suggestions in terms of research (books, articles, studies) for myself and anons to investigate in preparation for a future discussion?

I like it user. If the conversation doesn't jump from us to the normie population at some point, there will never be enough demand to enact societal change.

Creativity and outside the box thinking are paramount when it comes to grass-root movements, and you have spades of both my friend.

Just make sure you don't Sam Hyde your idea and come as over the top, because you will labeled as crazy by the normals and once labeled crazy the validity of an idea means nothing.

As for my personal involvement refer to
I believe the main obstacle we have to overcome before moving onto the next step (injection into the media and public perception) we need to establish a definitive and easily understood set of principles which support our current targeted goal which then can be essentially forced into these media outlets (traditional and non-traditional) using classic Sup Forums troll/harassment tactics of the repetition of a message to relevant parties. My work is media related and this is where I, and anyone else part of this effort with similar connections, can push our message into the eyes of the public.

However, for tonight I will be retiring to bed. Goodnight my compatriots. I will see you again soon.

your butthurt is showing us your newfag

Thanks user, for a second there I was worried no one had accused me of being a newfag the entire thread and it just didn't feel like Sup Forums.

Goodnight Deuce

Jesus fucking Christ all the hippies and left wing lunatics are out in full force tonight. FUCK INCLUSIVENESS WE WANT WHITE COUNTRIES FOR WHITES AND THE MORE YOU PUT US DOWN THE WORSE ITS GOING TO GET SO SIEG HEIL OR FUCK OFF.

> “Catholics” - lists one catholic.

Why are you left wingers so fucking retarded pol isn’t a place where you can make vague assertations of platitudes. We see through your kikery. Now fuck off back to lefty pol before we get mad

There's a great book I've been reading called "Abundant Living" by E. Stanley Jones. It's older, Christian based, and filled with topics/subjects.that it gives great insight in. I'd also recommend /out/, they have great general threads that have resources for gardening, tips, what you could do with plots of land, etc.
Pic related.

It's over mate. Normies will never breed enough to match the rates of Ahmed. Done and done.

We don’t meme about israel having an ethnostate we want. We meme about israel building an ethnostate for themselves while simultaneously destroying everyone else’s white more forwardly. How many shekels you getting paid tonight David?

Say what you will about Christianity, but from what I've read so far the book is great and straight to the point. Would recommend to all anons.

Very good, thanks bud!

The sexbot threads got about 5 times the traffic these threads get lmao

May be more productive to move more substantial discussions to other forums (ie infinite chan) where threads don't get slid so quickly but be prepared to get ass blasted for being a newfag/shill/kike if you post prior to an adequate period of lurking.

my winky

>the age of Kali Yuga must come to an end. All who do not support the end of Kali Yuga are to be considered traitors and cowards.