I was suspended from twitter within minutes of posting this image from wikipedia with the corresponding link to the...

I was suspended from twitter within minutes of posting this image from wikipedia with the corresponding link to the article.

they really hate the truth and are attempting to revise history as it is being written.

Other urls found in this thread:


On the bright side, one less social media platform to worry about!

in all seriousness, this wrongthink/book burning shit concerns me
it feels like a political group like Nazis rising up and putting an end to this is inevitable at this point

That's true I was banned from facebook about two years ago for "violating community standards." hiho.

This is a form of social engineering, the people on these platforms are very easily influenced, and are prone to have their perceptions managed. I saw a report that showed people's thinking can be changed by changing google search results...

Control the media. Control the mind.
What if I told you everything you know is a lie?
The only way to fix it is to get Super Male Vitality!


OP, what triggers leftists about the things we say is not that they are rude. It's that they are true.




We should erect a statue of him, to see the left fight over whether to take it down.

I love bringing up Anthony Johnson to dumb niggers on facebook, most refuse to even read the short entry or believe my summary.

Great book on him called "myne owne grounde".

Check it out. It's short.

Jesus you just became a country and you're already shitposting. You're like Quebec except you're actually going to get fucked.

Globalization agenda No.


wikipedia got rid of his image years ago, and all mentions of race.




It's a meme flag retard.

>you're a retard because you don't check the meme flags often

Yeah agreed, I was fooled for a second too


Remember that antifa created the Nazis in Germany too.

Reminder that white men (and jews) only stayed on the African coast and bought the slaves from black slavers.