What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

He tried to do the right thing but got himself a little turned around somewhere. V.V. and Lelouch both twisted him around their little fingers at certain points. He shouldn't have resisted the revolution.


Lack of parental figure since a young age.

wanted to change the world by doing nothing and sucking balls

Killed his own dad. What a fag.

>What was his fucking problem?
He's fucking tea culping and can't aim for shit because of it. For fuck sakes, just move the hand in front of the other and adjust the thumb down so the slide won't bite it.

Too much Shinji


He's the shittiest character in an already shitty anime.

Crazy hypocrite

Shit...I stopped at Season 2 Episode 14 a week ago...I still need to finish it, but I'm pre-occupied w/ K-On right now.

He was a filthy eleven

>What was his fucking problem?
He's using the teacup grip on his pistol.

Hes a fucking tool and not even sharp.

Absolutely nothing, based as fuck and a million times better than Ledouche
He is the L of Code Gayass


>muh morals
>muh system
>muh laws
a literal nazi


useful idiot and race traitor. A fucking brit even gave his homeland freedom. He should be the one an heroed

Struggling against odds
Dead gf
Edgelord friend

Killed his father, betrayed his nation and he thought he had the moral high ground

Replace "Struggling against odds" with "Erotic fish self-pleasuring" and you can spell EDGE.

He felt intense remorse and sorrow over what happened with his father and the destruction of his country, both of which he witnessed first hand.

He grew up determined to minimize further bloodshed and convinced himself that Britannian military's lies about being a meritocratic institution were true, and he could thus free his people and bring peace from within the system - which he felt responsible for doing, due to his former status and generally naive and guilt driven mentality.

He found his best friends again. He fell in love with Euphemia. He started to rapidly advance through the ranks. He saw his goal coming closer to fruition faster than he could have imagined.

He lost the love of his life in the midst of a confusing massacre that should have been a victory for him. He was in denial that the woman he adored did what she did. He found out his best friend was the one who did it. He lashed out in rage.

It's understandable and kinda tragic.

Nah he just wanted to prove his father wrong.
He failed and Euphy paid for it.
Finally became a good tool and did what he had to, obey Lelouch.
Not he got all the Nunally pussy for himself.

God I hate this fucking board.

this desu

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.
Go fuck yourself

I enjoyed it when I watched it recently, but I can't help but feel that the second half was just a huge greek-style tragic comedy.

>Every thing was fine and then my tongue slipped and I fucked everything up
>Welp, I dropped the ball and its rolling, all I can really do is keep it rolling

After all that he couldn't possibly say "oh sorry lets forget everything" now can he?

>stop hating what i like

Was there any way to handle that situation? Maybe kill her and just say she tried to kill you? He kinda got caught flat footed there didn't he?

>blaming Suzaku for Euphy's death
Lelouch fans sure love that dead virgin dick in their ass, despite being a tremendous failure until the ending of the series when the two finally join forces and actually get shit down.

Suzaku's father was wrong, rabid yamato-damashii gets ruthlessly criticized and manipulated the entire show. At least there's a Japanese nation left to liberate.

That's the tragic lesson for Suzaku: accepting an end justifies the means taken to achieve it. Killing his father assured there could be a tomorrow for the Japanese people.

He didn't want to admit he was wrong to kill his father. That's why he's been fighting each and every movements which could have potentially created Japan anew and consequently prove Japan was perfectly able to hold his own against Britannia. He killed his father because he didn't believe that could be the case after all. To prevent a war from happening in the first place.

Every cell in his body was telling him to spin

>blaming Suzaku for Euphy's death
Euphy fell in love with Suzaku and that's the only reason why she went against her sister's wishes for the SAZ. 99% it was CCs fault for not telling Lelouch his powers can go medieval any second.

>Killing his father assured there could be a tomorrow for the Japanese people.

Japan was the 11th area. Do you really think the other 10 was nuked to nothing? That's stupid.

That would have made Zero's character lose credibility.

It was more:
>Stop being an oversimplifying retard
But okay

Right back at you, my man

He stopped spinning

Reddit is the perfect place for you.


>Euphy fell in love with Suzaku and that's the only reason why she went against her sister's wishes for the SAZ.
Not seeing how Suzaku is responsible for her dying.
>Japan was the 11th area. Do you really think the other 10 was nuked to nothing?
What does that have to do with anything? Suzaku's father wanted it do-or-die. Britannia's conquest would mean the Japanese people being wiped out or significantly reduced in number.

I guess reading comprehension is not your forte then.

Death Note vs Code Geass which was better?


Remove the dick between your ears and perhaps things will make sense.

About the same.

Everything boils down to your love of the male genitalia.

No, I can recognize a bitchboy from a mile away. Now bend over.

Why so edgy user? Father problems?

>Suzaku thread
>only two spin posts

It's a pain to find anything in my folder.

Thanks for the laugh

Britannia's conquest probably wouldn't have meant the destruction of the Japanese people because those other 10 areas were probably not destroyed, dumbass. It's easy to know what the other user meant.

>Britannia's conquest probably wouldn't have meant the destruction of the Japanese
Todoh literally said that Kugurugi's final stance against Britannian was a do or die suicide attack and if Suzaku didn't kill him forcing Japan to surrender then the Japanese would have been wiped out.

Kill yourself.

>only two
was a spin post in disguise, but I think I disguised it too much.

War doesn't work like that.

>Saying this about a Japanese cartoon with fighting mechanical robots

You're kind of stupid are you?

Right back at you.

Yeah you did, 2/10 nobody got the joke.

You first.

Teacupping is his biggest problem?