Why can't Europe unite like the USA?

I have always wondered why. What makes it so difficult? A buddy of mine told me it's because a lot of European countries have like massive blood feuds with other countries. For example, Poland and Germany probably hate each other.

Why was it so easy for the USA to unite? Are European blood feuds and just overall bitterness preventing them from uniting in a positive way.

It's just so strange when you see two Europeans from different countries arguing. They go straight for the throat with the bants

>Why was it so easy for the USA to unite?
better pedigree I guess, the least healthy people of body and mind didn't survive the journey to the new world.

the usa fought a war for federal control, and the states werent really any different in the first place

Why would they want to?

Because Europe actually has a lot of different cultures.

There are no "white" people in europe. There are Finnish, Swedish, German, Italian, French, etc...

American view of europe and its people is very limited.

So united

Im sure many states would break free if they knew they could without being bombed by Washington


Not really, pretty much everybody wants California gone but that's about it. We like it here

Southern countries are not financially responsible
It s not a enclosed continent like US.
No common majority heritage (IE British)

The only thing that is stopping Europe from uniting are German Elites who still live in XIX century and belive they are rightful european empire.

The EU project at first was the best thing that happened to europe but than, as usual, german elites started fcking everything up.

From V4 point of view german elites are literaly mad retards who are harming even themselves because for example population of V4 countries is lower than france alone, Germany biggest share of trade is with V4 countries, Russia is way way below other countries, and guess what. German elites still values their friendship with russia more than with v4.

Germans are ready to fck up all the central european countries and make them dependant from russian gas just for their personal gains.

You don't actually believe that's how the EU flag works, right?

Where else should we get our gas from?
Everyone is screeching when they hear fracking and LNG is expensive. There isn't that much to chose from.

>Germans are ready to fck up all the central european countries and make them dependant from russian gas just for their personal gains.

because we're not sharing our fish
we have also been killed by unions before

1) There is no need to build additional pipelines as ones that we already have are enough. Nordstream pipeline is built just to remove pipeline going through central european countries what will undermine their influence

2) Russian gas is the most expensive gas in the world for all the central european countries. Even US gas is cheaper than the russian one. The moment Lithuania opened its LNG port, gazprom decreased their price by 30%

3) It is a FACT that most of the central european countries will stop buying russian gas in next few years. Right now countries like Poland are forced to buy gas by long term deal that expires by 2022

4) Where will we get our gas from?

: “The diversification of suppliers and the development of infrastructure will enable Poland to not only completely give up Russian gas supplies, but also distribute gas it imports to neighbouring countries.”

1-> Scandinavian gas via pipeline from denmark
2-> USA/MiddleEast gas - via LNG terminals that were build as Intermarium project (for example in Croatia, in Poland, in Lithuania)
3-> Increased production of our own gas


I predict California will be the first state to declare independence maybe 20 years from now, and for some really faggy libshit reason like being forced to deport spics by the federal government. Illegal immigration is going to be the slavery of 2040. Some other spic states might join it.

Can't wait to get deployed over there and bomb some commies

Because it's never going to work as long as people like Merkel or Macron keep forgetting that they weren't elected to speak for the entire union.

My other question is... do certain European countries really hate each other over feuds that might be centuries old by now? If so, which European countries hate each other?

I also heard talk here of distinct cultures but just how distinct? Different foods or celebrations isn't really a reason to not be able to unite. Is it? I don't know.

Because no matter how hard (((they))) try, we are sovereign nations with proud history living on the continent of Europe. The whole idea of us being """Europeans""" like it's just a bland mass is fucking retarded and also a reason for immigration. It's easier to convince people that refugees can become """European""" with """European""" values than it is to convince the population that refugees can become, say Danish

This guy.

Food is the ultimate blue pill. Let's take in other cultures because look at this yummy food - please ignore all the other problems.

No matter how hard they push, European nations are very different and have different ideas. We should be proud of our own individual nations and our different cultures instead of letting (((them))) trying to control us.

If you've worked with people from a different European country, it really becomes obvious how different we are.


Former yugoslavia / south slavs and generaly this area is constantly throwing shit at each other and is very unstable i think.

Other than that, hmm i don't think so.
For example as much as Poland has full right to demand reparations, Poland wouldn't even consider bringing this topic up if Merkel didn't break Europe.

Well the spanish are butthurt about some rock that we won't give back

>like the USA

Give examples of differences please. Not saying you aren't different but I need examples. Europeans say they are so different but the only differences I might notice are languages.

It's so strange to me. Because in my mind, Americans are pretty much the same through the states. If I say "fuck off" or "gimme a soda" everyone that speaks English as their first language will know what I mean.

Yeah the differences are so subtle, it's like how you guys are pretty much identical to Canadians and beaners aside from some of them speaking french or spanish.

Because everyone one in the eu hates Germany and Germany is the center of the eu (and the most powerful?)

The US has no history

Do you Norway?
Your history is just a bunch of thieves on boats

I mean, we were 13 British colonies. We didnt change much, we just traded one system of government for another. States general have so much freedom to do what they want it is ridiculous. California is basically acting like its own country, making Hawaii a California territory I suppose. The way Hawaii is acting

Europe has never at all, even once, been united. It is a little late for that, the United States did it from the start making it easy.

hahaha good one :D hahahah :p

ragnar lodbrok wanted to establish civilized colonies, its Brits who forced him to kill xD

We have a history of saving your shitty countries more times than you’ve brushed your teeth this week