So what order am I supposed to watch this shit in?

So what order am I supposed to watch this shit in?

Chronological, anyone who says otherwise are just memeing.

Do not listen to this retard, watch it in broadcast order.

No, watch it in chronological order, that way you only have to watch the first five episodes because its a bad show anyway.

You're the retard. Give me a valid reason why anyone would watch it in broadcast order when it's available in chronological order.

Broadcast, just like with every other series.

It made no sense back then and it makes no sense now. Shut up.

I will never watch this show for fear of having the wrong first time experience. Thanks, guys.

Don't watch a piece of shit.

Do you also watch any flashback episodes before starting a show? How do you even watch something like Baccano?

Watch it in broadcast order.
Adventures of Mikuru as first episode makes absolutely no sense

Alphabetical according to the first word spoken by Kyon.

Also watch ALL of the endless eight episodes.

Why shouldn't the pilot be the first episode?

>there are people who skipped the masterpiece called Endless Eight

This, chronologically makes zero sense when you're talking about a show that spans multiple timelines and multiple universes.

Enjoy though OP, in my personal opinion Season 3 does E8 the best.

Because the first episode should introduce the characters and let you know what the fuck will the anime be about.

Season 3? What the fuck are you talking about?

Chronologically backwards. You start with the last episode of S2, and you eventually end up at the first episode of the first season. Then you watch the movie.

I watched in "2009 broadcast order (chronological for both seasons)", and everything made sense. But I guess that's not the most important thing for some people.

The best part of the show was the weird little dances they did in the opening and ending themes.


the season that was broadcaster after season 2

Saw it in chronological order because that's the way they were lined up in my BD batch. Just watch them in broadcast order user.

Broadcast order is obviously superior for various reasons.
1. It has a more even distribution between slow SoL-like and fast paced plot-heavy episodes
2. It has Episode 00 at the beginning, which was clearly intended by KyoAni as an exposition, as you can easily tell by the way they adopted the source material.
3. It has an actual ending hat coincedes with that of the first LN.