Atlantic Canada independence

Fellow Atlantic Canadians!

I am the descendant of no less than 150 years of Canadian heritage; and before that, on all sides, no less than 200 years Nova Scotian; some of my ancestors having lived here for almost 300 years, and an even fewer amount reaching almost 400 years (Acadian). For as many years as my ancestors have lived here, we've inhabited this peninsula. Some of our businesses today, and the jobs we have, are older than Canada. The beer I'm drinking is older than Canada. We've imbibed the idea of "Canadian values" for as long as it has been a country, but those ideas are contrary to the original values that we once held, the ideas that many loyalists died for, the ideas that most of my ancestors came here to hold.

Canada itself was originally a compromise between Lower Canada (Quebec) and upper Canada (Ontario). If Quebec doesn't even want to remain a part of the confederation, then what does that say about us, the people living on the Atlantic? By our own namesake alone, we ought to be indifferent to Canada.

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Beautiful flag, Op!
But why use something inspired by the British? I thought you were nationalist. Why associate with europoors?

Also, Atlantic provinces rely on Ontario for their economy to work.

But it's not British.
I designed it specifically to remind us of our original British values and to remind us that we don't have to be like the way they are now.

Also.. We're not dependent on anyone else for a "good economy". We don't have a good economy. We're held down. We could invest in building nuclear power plants, and stop giving money to the Indians; and we could be supporting our local businesses in better ways. We're an ATLANTIC nation; we live on the coast; we have optimal trade opportunity, and we are in the perfect spot in the international trade belt.

What about government? Are you going to rethink government?




The federal government's only responsibility is to provide security to us via a strong military and strong trade policies with other countries, and to make sure that citizens are put above others.
Everything a federal government does can also be done by the provincial/regional government, having the right to control trade between province and the military service between/in province; any additional thing would be paid for by voluntary taxes (such as old age pension, ei, etc)

It would be a common law government; all rights and privileges decided according to the authority and status of the court and jurisdiction.

Who's the leader? Let me guess.. You are, right?

Fuck leafs!!! :DDD

Do you want to be leader?

If you want to be leader of the federal government, you don't actually get much power domestically. In fact, you don't lead; your party does. One running as leader of a federal party MUST have been a high-ranking military personnel at one point, at least federally or provincially.

A provincial party is quite different. All provincial/regional parties must be dynastic (the leader must either be heir or founder). The leader would thus be King/Queen; and the leader of a party not in office would be a duke/duchess. Theoretically, anyone can claim to be Duke/duchess (or establish a party), but an additional title must be added, signifying their estate or county (ex.
Duke of Shelburne)

Atlantic Canada is a gibs part of Canada. What will you do for monies when you separate?


The Nova Scotian mines and fishing went into decline well over a century ago, and only these could support a robust economy there. In my boyhood, I toured those mines, and played in those ruins along the waterfronts. It's sad, but sadness can't bring prosperity. Absent economic activity, Nova Scotia can hold no sway.

The federal government has done nothing but fuck with the east coast financially for years, I honestly don't see how things could actually get any worse by the feds not being involved in East coast affairs if they switched all their business over to bitcoin and dropped the debt load back in Ottawa.

>Cumulative debt is what's choking you guys
>Need a currency that's international and secure and transpearent to still do business in without getting stuck in banker bullshit. Bitcoin.
>You can also cut out the commodity fish monger middle men in Jew York city at the same time and no longer be dictated to on market value. Fish a little less, charge a little more...just like it's supposed to work.

Same thing as before.
The money we make goes into EI in excess, and the excess we use build roads and stuff. Simple.

Switch all the business prices over to Bitcoin and cut out the jew banks.

imagine being so sheletered and spoiled you have no idea how much alberta and ontario do to keep you afloat. Learn about basic fucking equalization payments and come back to us . Jesus christ eastern provinces are embarassing

No no.
Bit coin won't help.
Bit coin is international for a reason; in the end, it will help those who help themselves the most.

Looks good to me
Maybe set the leaf on fire too


Similar situation but I'm of Norman stock and just moved to Quebec City. We need to balkanize and build a fucking wall around Toronto

You have no idea how many East coasters I've got hired in Ottawa.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

The tories in the early 90's forced the east coast to build a lot of power infrastructure for a certain project that they needed. Then they dropped the entire cost of THEIR project on the east people so they could sell subsidized electricity to Americans at OUR cost.

Go fuck yourself and read a book kike.

Let Ontario, BC and whoever else turn into Babylon. Some of our provinces are still salvageable at this point.

And to point out the obvious. It's not like the Feds matter anymore do they? They are all out of 'juice boxes' to keep themselves sustained and I'm willing to bet that all the federal level government dissolve like ash in water.

Ontario gettin clean up, one kike cocksucker at a time. Leave the ones that think they are in charge a bit of room and rope, let them think about their future and their priorities. If they don't get on board. Fuck'em.

We just pull their plug because ain't no here to carry their water. That's the facts of it. It would take very little to push it all over a cliff and you know what?

No one would miss it.

Bump. We're the jewel in the rough of this shithole. Though we desperately need another Halifax explosion, the cancer is starting to spread there.

Nova Scotia has to get away from the Liberals. My grandfather was a minor Liberal politician there, knew politics inside out and wouldn't budge from his people. It was great for the tribal unity of a fiercely clannish people, but what of the future, when the present shows cultural and economic decline?

Join with the separatist frogs, and don't disparage them, as I'm well aware we anglophones do. Use their means to your ends. Fuck the Ottawa cabal. And I would fight to bring that Alberta oil East, and build refineries and make The Maritimes the technocenter for refined petro products for the world. That could be the future, but you have to let go of the past to reach out for it.


My family came to nova Scotia in 1645 as Acadiana.. I say we demand reparations forthe Acadian holocaust!! These anglos will pay!

You don't understand how currency fundamentally works if you think an international currency will help you, especially one that inflates itself at the rate of wasting millions of dollars of energy to mine useless imaginary bits of data. A good economy is one that ALWAYS favors us; and this requires making smart investments, NOT following libertarian/liberal pipedreams.

They don't "Keep us afloat". The only thing it really does is keep us from having to pay a lot more taxes. They don't use the excess money, because we have idiots in government.

Bonne chance.

Do I still get weed and lobster?

Expulsion was voluntary.
Later propagandists would attribute this misconception to the "Genocide of Native Americans".
All you had to do was sign an "Unconditional" oath, giving us your loyalty; and in return, you get to live where and how you wanted. In fact, it was the Acadian/Indian catholics who didn't want to sign, because they were afraid of the British. You know what we did when we got power? Absolutely nothing. We kicked the unloyal ones out. Some came back on generous grants, given to them by us, like the ones that resettled Pubnico. And today, Nova Scotia reflects a STRONG French Catholic population despite the propaganda you've been told all your life, because we (the British) were generous.

Oh, the anglo cabal stripped my family of the gaelic, leaf. They tried mightily to strip the frog of his language as well. You don't seem to understand your own history, common among leafs, I find.

Yes, weed and lobster all around. If the people have a problem with it, it would be up to a noble court in favor of its people.
Most people smoke dope or support smoking dope. We don't need law for that; we just need a common sense system that regulates where there ought to be.

Most of it is kept floating because of pensions...that are broke...and the feds are cranking out money left and right. They can't even match the COLA adjustments anymore because they aren't watching their spending or their trade deficit. To compensate the Federal shithead brokers cheap fuel, electricity and fish on the backs of the entire east coast and the cheap under table deal was to make sure the pensions stay solvent.

Because of that deal the inflation that would otherwise be in the USA gets exported into the east coast. Like a double blade, the east coast gets cut to ribbons by making sure people in the USA have cheap electricity, cheap fish and cheap gas. But the locals take the hit in increased energy costs because a small, tiny, poor population is forced to carry the load of far too many people.

Don't bother listening to Ottawa or Alberta. They are boom bust business places that honestly should stop talking like their business skills are sharp. Right now in Ottawa, ain't no business happening other than foreign thieves looting the shit out of PWGSC again. Remember if they were sharp they wouldn't still be using gas and they wouldn't be dying off like flies from the radioactive bongo fuel they've been selling as light sweet crude*.

It's nearly time to cut that tumour off the country known as the Canadian Federal Government. And again, ain't no one going to notice or miss it when it's gone.

(* all the shale oil is highly radioactive since the shale beds are usually nested with Uranium deposits and you all are breathing it in everyday. There's a reason the practice was considered highly illegal prior to 1982. It's fatal, the studies done on it estimated that if they started doing it, all life on earth would be extinct within 80 years..and of course they did anyways. Hence the reason 'this' is happening.)

The once scottish colony residing in Nova Scotia lost to the Acadians and signed a treaty. Sir William Alexander's heirs to the scottish colony were dismissed, because there were other claimants.
There was a time where Nova Scotia spoke predominantly Gaelic, because of problems in Scotland; this led to lots of immigration from Scotland in the 1800s up until the 1870s.
But also, there was a lot of immigration from the American colonies, as the loyalists were kicked out for being loyal to the British empire.

It wasn't the British that fucked over anybody. The French intermarried with the natives, and kicked many of them out, and converted them to catholicism, and brought them to parts of Nova Scotia that they weren't even native in, just to have them work for the French. The Scottish moved in and tried to establish a claim which they lost to the French, but a later claim was reestablished by the English which eventually helped Scottish people settle in once again (some of my ancestors).
It was the confederation of the province of Canada (A predominantly French Catholic province) which caused a lot of the broken treaties.

You're a typical leaf that simply doesn't understand Canuckistan history, lad. Those of us who do understand it are generally older, and talked to those who lived it in the 19th Century, our friends and relatives. Today, you kids don't have that advantage. The closest you could come is to study the frog separatists of today, although they appear to be bending your direction now, and going cuck.

>Pretends to be oldfag
>Thinks he knows everything because he listened in mikmaq studies class

No, leaf, I was born and raised in Detroit. That's why I'm not victim of anglo propaganda, as are you cucks.

>Born and raised in detroit
>Knows the vast history of people where I live
>Claims I'm a victim of "Anglo propaganda"

Haha I didn't notice your flag there for a few minutes.
My family has been here, on all sides, since before Canada was even a country. I've read historical documents, books written by locals, and even translated documents from French libraries.
There is no "Anglo propaganda".
If there were propaganda, it'd be propagated by the Canadians, the Americans, the Acadians, the French, and the French Canadians. There's virtually NO anglo propaganda; if that were even the case, then the schools would tell a different story than "We fucked everyone else over".

You're cucked and fucked, lad, just like most leafs, I find. The propaganda has done its job for sure. It's worked marvelously well in Bongistan, too, as we see. Such a shame.

Last week I went to PEI for the first time in 13 years. There's so many chinks and niggers everywhere now.

How could you compete le anglo