Would your waifu actually be a good wife?

Would your waifu actually be a good wife?

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No, and this is okay.

Who cares? If she loves me that would be good enough of a wife for me. On the other hand, the perfect wife would be unacceptable if she didn't love me.

probably not but i'll love her regardless

Nailed it.

Of course.

Of course.


Maybe. We could be socially retarded together.



Yes. Her love is all that's needed.


Of course.

Not only that but she would make an amazing mother

I'm sure that your box of tissues have more personality than her.

Of course. Mai is excellent at cooking and housework, is really kind and helpful and gets along very well with children.

Yes and I intend to make her my wife one day

Why would you do that?

No. But her sister would.

>And she would make an amazing mother
>For Jamal's child
>Which I would raise

Frankly I doubt so.

If that is your fantasy keep it to yourself.



Cuck detected

"love" isn't the basis of a marriage

Can she cook?

Can she clean?

Can she bear healthy children and nurture them?

Is she of good breeding?

Does she have domestic skills like sewing and knitting?

Are your personalities compatible long term?

probably not

I don't think so, but that's fine, I don't want her to be anything but happy.

A great wife and mother, yes.


C.C. would be the ideal wife

Do you by chance browse Sup Forums?


My waifu can buy people to do that stuff for us.

No, but I'd have to be one though in order to take care of her.

best waifu inc.


Best lady like wife.

Probably not. My own ineptitude would cancel it out. I'm almost positive that's how it works.



>ruining perfect wife with cringy hats

I'm certain she would.

No, but she's perfect

pic related

I wouldn't have to talk. I hate being the only conversational driver like I would with Rei.

I prefer girls that yammer on endlessly.

What makes a good wife?

too bad she's my wife

Your love for her.

Not being mentally defective

Marriage isn't primarily about love, but the maintainance of a houshold and the production of children.
If your waifu isn't suited for that, keep her instead as a mistress or courtesan.

Stop bullying!

It's all she really wants in life so I imagine so. I'd just make sure that her sticking to recipies without deviation is a requirement for marriage and she'll do fine.

My waifu likes sleeping with lots of other men, so I think she'd make a fine choice.


Love is pretty cheap. It's what a couple actually does for each other that matters.

Yes, Will be fun all the days. Can do magic research for Hobbie :D

Some of them would, which is enough to keep a stable household.

No. Just here and /r9k/.

Of course.

I certainly think so.

God no

She might be a little too strict on the kids but she'll love them in her own way. She'll also make us fantastic dinners.

I'm sure she will be the best.


Of course.

Are you looking for a wife or for your mother?

Yes, she would be perfect.

For lack of better wording, ASMR tickles my head. I don't know if I like it not.

A thousand times yes

That's kind of what it's supposed to do.

I thought I was looking at an egg in a womb for a second.

Yeah deffo.

You bet

without a doubt

She's super wife material.

you're okay

Excellent wife

kill yourself


She'd make a terrible wife but I don't care.

Personality you don't like =/= no personality.

What do you think?

Fuck yeah. My only concern is species compatibility to produce chilluns

Yes, but mostly because is right.

Although she would also be a good housekeeper if she's assigned that responsibility; otherwise, left to her own devices she just wouldn't care to do any upkeep.

But I don't mind splitting responsibilities anyway.

And she would rule as a mom.

Wouldn't the perfect wife actually love you because she is perfect and could make even you feel loved?

You much have forgotten what cuck means. Love is the most important feature for not getting cucked. All that other stuff won't stop her from cheating on you if she doesn't love you.

Don't lie. We all know he's not okay.

An excellent choice.

Perfect wife and mother

She's already a housewife.

Loyalty is all you need and Seraphim is loyal.

Probably not

Yes. She's a compulsive liar so she'll:

1) Pretend to laugh at my jokes
2) Fake orgasms
3) Claim my dick is the biggest she's ever seen, including Barret's