You can only post in this thread IF ... your flag has inspired at least three copycat tribute flags

You can only post in this thread IF ... your flag has inspired at least three copycat tribute flags.

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Looking at you, France, Luxembourg, USA, and every other country with a red-white-and-blue flag.


How old is your flag, Clogbro?

Also, shouldn't your flag be a solid orange because of Based Willem?

We adopted the current flag in 1660. A version with orange has been used for a while, yes, but the red flag was adopted soon after.

It's unclear why, red dye could simply have been cheaper, or maybe orange would turn red over time anyway.

Either way, the colors became a symbol for republicanism and were later copied by the French, and you copied it from the French later on.



do former colonies that didn't get rid of the union jack count?

My Protestant forebears were kicked out of France when the Treaty of Nantes was revoked. They chilled out in Holland for about 50 years and then went to New Amsterdam. (Then the eternal Anglo assimilated us, but let's not dwell on that.)

You know they do.

Huguenot refugees from France! Remove baguette!

>Gatos de copiar
>two "!"s instead of "¡!"

This is cringeworthy.

The red bars came from us
The stars cale from USA.


Remove baguette!
Insert McCroquettes!

US/Cloggy Special Relationship when?

I'm not going to hold my laptop upside down to read your garbage language. Sort your life out, Pepperlandia.

Whoa! Our flags are like a "versatile" gay couple. They keep sharing genetic material!


Explain yourself Finland.

We've been pretty clear about desiring a special relationship with our greatest ally.

I'd like to apologize for Nijmegen. We are soooo so bad with geography.

Beneluxusa when?

Can Donald Duck be our trading block's mascot?

Down with the eternal (((((Dagobert))))!

>only three

You are like baby

Sweden,Norway,Finland,Iceland,Åland and Færo

Your ancestors sound like kikes who weren't wanted anywhere they showed up. Oh vey

It's alright. We deserved it after selling New York to the eternal anglo.

Shall we reclaim a nice piece of North Sea for you Americans to live in?

Denmark,Norway,Finland,Iceland,Åland and Færo

Det forste flag med denne udformning var det danske Dannebrog. Derefter fulgte Sverige, Norge, Finland, Island

Nice try Ali.

> gatos de copiar
Really, user?

Yes please. Can you make it in the shape of a palm tree like in Dubai?

Dannebrog is just Danish propaganda, in fact I'm pretty sure Denmark doesn't exist.

Danmark är egentligen bara Skåne.

Putting a potleaf on your flag and calling it Wavy Gravy or whatever is not a country.

You're somehow conversant with Spanish slang idiomatic expressions, Feodork?

MFW I'm from a different timeline


We can make it in the shape of a naked chick eating a hamburger if you want to. Just call it the new new world. With great cities like New Chicago, New New York, and New New Orleans.


ummmmmm not sweetie

Let's go with naked chick cooking a hamburger on a dedicated home hamburger stove.

Follow up request: Can we annex Belgium? I really want that comic book museum.


You peeps have your own flag on Sup Forums ??

Well, shit's official.

I call ambassador to the US!!!!

its not a even geoflag, its one from the dropdown menu

Scotland's next, bruv. Enjoy salmon while you can.

The real question is: Do we want to?