Tfw when all of the smartest “white” people in the world are really Jews

>tfw when all of the smartest “white” people in the world are really Jews.

Jews are not White.

How can they be White if they claim anti-jew is anti-semitism?

They consider themselves middle eastern Semitic people.

half his administration is jews. how are 2 percent of the population who dominate a majority of the upper echelons of society discriminated against or oppressed in any way?

Jews aren't white. But then again, neither are Americans, Slavs, Irish, Germans, Nordics, French, Anglos, or Mediterraneans

Because they’re smarter than everyone else.

>Tfw no one is "white" anymore and it's just an uttainable ideal.

Ashkenazi are Khazars that steal from other races and call themselves intelligent

Why do Jews want to be considered white?


why is it always americans posting this type of shit ?

Because they want to always appear like the biggest victims.

I am jew and I consider myself as a white guy.

Jews are not white. Jews are parasites.

unironically i hope your whole family gets turned into soap

I'm half Khazar and I spend most of my free time showing goyim how they're being controlled and that the holocaust never happened. When the real holocaust happens, I'll accept my fate knowing the real Zionists will die with me.

Because they are. Im also black and consider myself white. You dont need to be white to be white

have you no pride in your heritage?
jews are pathetic

The same reason they pushed circumcision. To hide among the population. They are protecting themselves from a purge. They won't consider themselves white when it isn't beneficial to them anymore.

where is the report? I was born in France, all my ancestors are white and European. so why should I be not white by you?

No jew is White.

Why do whites not want to consider Jews white?

Jews arent white.

they're parasites. beyond that what colors they spawn into, do we care? eh!

[Citation needed]*

*Not a jew source