Sup Forums philosophers

I'll start. Augustine of Hippo

Other urls found in this thread:

Sean Goonan- The Ultimate


Sofi Oksanen. I hate her feminism, but I love her anti-Communism.



Martin Heidegger

> feminist
> woman
> philosopher


> A philosopher is someone who practices philosophy, which involves rational inquiry
> rational

>would probably have opposed genocide
Probably not Sup Forums

>the entire point of "the city of God" is that it's impossible to create an utopian state on earth
CERTAINLY not Sup Forums. He would oppose the totalitarian, utopian regimes Sup Forums favors.

How can you be a feminist and at the same time oppose massive state intervention and forced equality of outcome?

My favorite.

Friedrich "Übermensch" Nietzsche

Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a book about how bugmen are doomed

Nice try sweetie, but Hebrew Mythology and Philosophy don't mix.

When you subordinate truth and reason to faith, you're out of the game.

but nietzsche was a bit of bugman himself, let's be honest.

Diogenes ftw

>not posting the only philosopher who actually reads Sup Forums

DIdn't he win some calvary riding contest? Plus no bug man could grow that mustache.

This, too bad his philosophy is hard work to read and understand, people like things served on a dish pre-chewed and spoon fed

1000% yes, Augustine is incredible


Before Phenomenology became infested with Marxism

Yes and no. I wouldn't necessarily trust anyone who lived their life like this, but I think his work is extremely valuable for the western canon.

I submit: Kierkegaard, Guenon, Plotinus, Plato, De Maistre, Burke, and Hobbes

>need I say I am experienced in questions of decadence?
He admitted it


Oswald Spengler

The prophet of decline



> philosopher
Aristotle, Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Edward Feser and any of the neo-scholastics

Thomas Aquinas.

Who isn't in a decadent society though? The reason Sup Forums rails on ad nauseum about nu-males and bugmen is because they're uncomfortably familiar with their ethos.

This chump.

You just list the people who argue for the existence of God. There's much more to philosophy. Personally I'm a Plotinus and Vedas guy myself, but come on you just laid a brief genealogy of prove-God-exists. Sup Forums wants more than that.