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Meuller will arrest trump to prevent these files from being released becuase they know it will cause a Civil war when the goy figure out mossad did it with cia help.

>Meuller will arrest trump


shills are in full force since yesterday

shiil tears

time for you trumpkin faggots to leave

The entire ZOG is coming down. Pizzagate included. Trump is going to end the FED and Rothschild dominion over this planet. Countries are going to simultaneously close their central banks.

After the purge, Trump will unlock the TRUE mysteries of space. Not some alien blue avian garbage.



"Im realeasing ALL the files, except the ones that matter"


Since yesterday? How about since the Zionist-Rothschild-International Finance connection was deduced on /new/ and the Stormfaggots started showing up to caricaturize THAT almost but the same day.

"I traded protecting the rep of HW Bush in exchange for a shit ton of real shit that actually matters."

It's the closest this country has ever had to transparency. Thank you Trump. Time to vote for you in '20, You and Pence. Four more years. Fuck yeah! Make all the liberal media look like fools :)

Anyone got any salt from his twitter feed?

Always hilarious when SJW snowflakes are forced to use “problematic” words

>in order to put any and all conspiracy theories to rest.


T-trump i-is a big goy, he will surely fucking end (((them))).

You're right on that one.

The leftists damage control for this is that these files were due to be released this year regardless of who was president. Is that true? It sounds like typical horseshit from them.

We love you. Thank you so much.

>put any and all conspiracy theories to rest
Welp. Guess we will never know then. Fuck William Greer and fuck the secret service that holds presidents and their families hostage for life.

I swear to God we need to fuck up the liberal media. I want to prove these fuckers will report on anything. Maybe they'll make a report about that Pepsi commercial with Kendall Jenner being an actual protest or some shit

are you pretending to be two persons?

other pres would delay the release

They like to throw in a few shills that appear to be on our side every once in a while. Just to spice things up. Nice LARP flag, btw.

>>any and all conspiraciy theories to rest.

This means the files will validate all conspiracies.

Good on him, but still, files that were turned over by the CIA 60 years after the fact is hardly going to convince everyone.

... Chinese Walkways.




>t. CNN law expert

I think I'm about to organize a fake protest, for no reason, just to get media coverage. Join me?

w-will he finally do it?

>Meuller will arrest trump to prevent these files from being released becuase they know it will cause a Civil war when the goy figure out mossad did it with cia help.

IV always thought Israel did it.

They had the most to lose with JFK in power. He was NOT going to let them develop nuclear weapons.

Probably was a Hillary campaigner.

>Muller is going to arrest trump
>literally no evidence of Trump in danger
>talk about investigation focus on Manafort and Podesta

I hope you are right, user. See my other post in this thread.

I'm litearly shaking holy shit...ITS HAPPENING..............................ITS OVER.

wtf, states have capitals?
This makes the EU look a lot more like the US.

>Trump is going to end the FED and Rothschild dominion over this planet
HAHAHHAHAHA Do you want Trump to get assassinated like JFK did? You don't mess with FED, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, Fords unless you want to be burried 10 ft under ground with 10 holes in your head.

It is but it isn't. The files were due to be released, only at the discretion of the sitting president. I'm sure GHWB didn't think Trump would be the one with the launch codes, so they didnt sweat it.

didnt he already release a statement yesterday? He's trying to change the subject if he's reposting again.

Such a transparent effort to divert attention from the Meuller investigation. The hammer is coming down hard.

A conspiracy is no longer a theory when it's proven. Congressional investigation already poked holes in the govt.'s own story.

Here goes this birch again:

Am I being too cynical?

>trust me guise I studied law online at the university of Phoenix

>original files

Suicidal CIA, sure boy.

>put any and all conspiracy theories to rest

There you go, official story is official.


forgot to take it off, what do you mean by your 1st sentence?

Don lemon, everybody

I have seen shills "agree" with points made and "disagree" with contrarians, only to come into "agreement" with each other by the end of the thread. Thought maybe this was one, and he just forgot to roll his proxy before replying to that other post... twice in a row.

Notice what he posted when he got caught?

this. confirms that there will be nothing.

oh, yeah I too think that's the case

T will release the files redacted for living persons.

A will release the rest right after.

so there was no conspiracy? then why the fuck wouldn't they release these goddamn documents 50 years ago?

Also, why cover up such a nice flag with a commie trash one?


Fuck off Szechter.

for the lulz in some other thread

I hate every single one of you stupid fucking faggots who are excited about this. Let me explain how fucking stupid you are:

>super sekret elite jews take over world with High IQ
>thoroughly document all of their malfeasance
>retain documentation for decades, for reasons
>Willingly give documentation to your greatest enemy who will BTFO you and your families for eternity, undoing thousands of years of your ancestors work in the grand conspiracy

You cunts are so insufferably stupid. You ruthlessly mock a nigger for filming himself stealing yet you simply ASSUME the same level of retardation by the people who are ostensibly controlling the world from the shadows for centuries.

Use your puny fucking brains for half a second and realize that NOTHING or NOTHING BUT LIES will be released.

holy shit this nigger is woke. Bruv please come to my channel all the answers are there we need you we are showing them what they don't want them to know

kiss your mother with that mouth?
and if so, do you not mind all my leftover cum on there?

But isnt the official story they dont have nuclear arms

you talk about others tiny brains but what if I told everything and I mean EVERYTHING you think you know is lies you I could show you the matrix and the truth behind all the lines, show you the magic, you want to see?


>civil war
this fucking guy

If any single deep state agent does anything similar there will be a constitutional crisis leading to secessions leading to possible civil war

>for the lulz in some other thread
The best reason, really.

Rolls for truth

This seems relevant again.

pessimism like that is not wanted

Eat my dubbbs faggot now show me magic truth

fucking quads of god truth it is

that is just the beginning

>923 and 33 are the two most important numbers in free masonry
>Illuminati founded in 1776
>United States founded in 1776
>1776 is used to calculate 923 in free masonry look up what this means yourself
>The last eclipse like the one we just had was in 1776
>9/23 is 33 days after the eclipse
>The next one is 7 years away
>Tribulations in the book of revelations last 7 years
>Revelations written by the free masons
>Revelations is not prophesy it is an eyewitness account of cyclical event prob caused the floods in the bible and Epic Of

Gilgamesh just a theory
>The pyramids mark this exact date not just the Egyptian ones but all over the world including Antarctica
>Free masons built the pyramids
>Israel founded in 1917 because of the faked holocaust in order to fulfill biblical prophecy and match the dates precisely

for 9/23
>Mayan calendar ended in 2012
>Polar shift in 2012
>Antarctica is Atlantis home of this knowledge and technology which they are desperately trying to cover up

What a fucking waste

This times ten!


Go away Anonymou5 you're a massive larping faggot

Trump 2020

Why do people like you assume the enemy are the only smart ones? Why do you assume the good guys don't have some absolute ruthless motherfuckers working for them? And why do you always assume it's the fucking jews?


now here comes the gut punch

This has all been orchestrated for 1000's of years as I said, none of it is by accident or coincidence. They will have to orchestrate the "rapture" for the Biblical prophecy to be complete most likely caused by loss of the Earth's magnetic field during the polar shift which caused the Pyramids in Japan and Bermuda to be underwater and causing magnetic disturbances from this magnetic tech used to build them which causes ship and plane wrecks (Bermuda and Dragon's triangle) and Atlantis to be in Antarctica which happens every 13,000 years or so. This is probably why they created this global warming bullshit based on a bullshit computer model that has never been right and will never be right because it uses a linear function to try and predict the values of a non-linear equation (chaos theory) with a 1:1 relationship of carbon and temperature based on a hypothetical climate effect derived from Venus' atmosphere and doesn't take the Urban Heat Island effect into account in order to blame "climate change" for the geological and climatic events that will be occurring, and to steal money from the West of course they are Jews after all.



Welcome to the desert of the real. It will take some time to get used to your brain is in atrophy because you have never used it. I am God tier red pilled and one of the most dangerous men alive to them, if I had a platform that threatened them I would be dead already. I have such secrets to show you desu We are only getting started ....

Their out boys. Start sleuthing



You fucking suck. Die

sub to my YT channel bruv I will show you how to open the third eye and destroy the Jew

Omg, please god let this faggot get tortured and murdered

hush nigger faggot, showing these anons how to crack the matrix

what did he mean by this?

>in order to put any and all conspiracy theories to rest

Trump thinks Lee Oswald killed Kennedy.

Dude are you from 2012 like you are literally 5 years behind all of us please kill yourself you braindead cocksucker

rofl "us" you retarded faggot when I was posting about the Illuminati and Jews two years ago dropping all the red pills you swallow morons like you were saying it is x-tier. You don't know jack shit but what people like me have shoved down your throat that you got form here because of us risking our lives to give it you when people were still being killed for exposing what I know, fuck off and go to /h/ to beat off, you got no idea what anything in this world other than what people ahve told you to think

JFK Files are released, long ahead of schedule!

Who important is still living besides Daddy Bush?

Wanna know how I know you're full of shit?

you know jack shit and everyone in the world but you knows it, now stfu no one cares what you think
sorry you talking to me?

>sorry you talking to me?
Can't tell if you're playing dumb or really are just dumb.