In 2014 oil prices were 112$ for the most part, saudia arabia made 205.2 billion from oil profits that year...

In 2014 oil prices were 112$ for the most part, saudia arabia made 205.2 billion from oil profits that year, they officialy produced 9 735 300 barrels but must have sold 1 832 142 857 barrels to make 205.2 billion at that global price, just how much fucking oil does saudia arabia really have?

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Not much, they're drying up. Keep your eyes on Saudi policy and you'll see that they're becoming less and less isolationist,this is because they're starting to understand the important of not putting all your eggs in one basket. Our lifetimes will see Saudi Arabia fall out of relevance when it comes to oil.

>mfw that is made of sand
>mfw that things is better than 99% of modern art
>mfw it is probably already destroyed
>mfw a graffiti-tier nigger face painting was sold for over 100 million dollars

that's a basquiat you art tard

It's commonly accepted that they lie to opec on the reg about how much they have.

>if the nigger is famous his garbage graffities are worth money
sure, I wonder how much cocaine that jap bought


>thats money laundering you non-criminal

Not much because they are using most of the profits to spread Islam globally.

Its failing miserably as the retards they sent to Europe are pillaging and raping the continent and now you have to be braindead to not hate Muslims.

>Its failing miserably as the retards they sent to Europe are pillaging and raping the continent
>implying that wasnt the goal

Well the young Sauds are way more socially liberal than their elders, which is somewhat of a double-edged sword for Saudi Arabia. On the one hand it means that they will no longer be reliant upon their single, quickly evaporating, income stream but on the other hand it means they're about to step over the edge in to an era of social liberalism that will no doubt see domestic adherence to Islam suffer.

Would pol rather be giving oil money to the saudi mudslime terrorist sand niggers or the tesla elctric commies in california?

Id rather invest in the commies tbqh senpai

I'd rather have a change of policy then carry on funding Saudi Arabia.

Literally none, oil is fake, it doesn't exist like you think it does.

But it provides plausible cover for the free energy they have utilised for nearly 100 years.

Here's a fun adventure for you
Go to a UAE country and take a photo of any kind of oil production facility
Enjoy your jail
They keep a tight lid on things since they have less than they want you to believe
The UAE is pushing for a revamp 2030 which is going to involve ramping up immigration, infrastructure, entertainment, etc
The sad thing is that most UAE countries are hubs, in fact fly on an Etihad or Emirates flight and watch how many people actually to any of the UAE countries and how many head for another flight out
They are destined to fail and then things are going to hit the fan
Especially since airliners are now being produced that can fly longer hence no need to stop in a hub like these

We have an endless supply of oil. It's artificial scarcity and the cost of extraction which just happens to be extremely cheap there.

>We have an endless supply of oil
a fucking leaf

Little known secret from an industry insider (not me, but someone I worked with).

When they say they are going to cut production, they do to an extent, which raises the price, but they also have large amounts of stick they they will then proceed to sell after the price rise.

In short, there is no way of knowing how much OPEC has in reserve when they say they will cut.

butt oil probably..

Also, while there is some fuckery going on with the reserve system, the saudis are still losing boatloads of money but again have large reserves of cash in which they are investing into the future. Hence the new king being selected was a young and more "forward thinking" individual


This is a good point about those countries essentially being bus stops. They are on a path toward a more liberal, thus more tourist appealing, era but with how devoutly religious their people are it's not too hard to imagine it all going tits up and ending catastrophically. I'd love to see Saudi in a civil war; suicide bombers in Lamborghinis, a drive by in a Veyron, mercenary squads armed with gold and platinum AKs.

Here are some good videos about how big oil influences everything in our world