Ok so my brother-in- law and I were talking about Soros, he mentioned he's hungarian. I said hungarian Jew...

Ok so my brother-in- law and I were talking about Soros, he mentioned he's hungarian. I said hungarian Jew, to which he replied there was no such thing as the Jewish race and proceded to talk about the sub species of humans; monoloid,negroid etc. Is this true does anyone of you fags have any good information about the specifics of the Jewish race or ancestry

Other urls found in this thread:


Obviously they're a genetically distinct subgroup. They wouldn't be a standard deviation higher in IQ if they weren't.

I believe you have to take a DNA test to get citizenship in Israel.

And there are atheist Jews.

What is ashkenazi Jew

But I thought jews were white?

It depends, jewish race does exist when they claim to be opressed, but they quickly switch to "white" as soon somebody finds out their kike agenda

I thought they were Semitic, but mixed-raced with Huwite.

Are you saying you want me to tell you about the jews?

There are plenty of good looking jews, shes just butt ugly, no need tho drop the jew card as if it were a get out of jail card

Jews are just Arabs. Hebrew is of the semetic language group just like Arabic. They diverged in religions, in the Middle East before Islam there was Christianity Paganism and Judaism, post-Islam all but replaced those three.

Even in that pic, the Jewish girl still has the trademark big goofy Jewish ears & long big jewwy nose. It's like trying to claim that you can't identify an Asian by looking at their eyes. Not all gooks have the small eye folds but a large proportion of them do. Similar to how a large proportion of Kikes have big fucking floppy ears & nose.

lol no I lurk enough to know their mode of operation. Im talking in terms race and geneology. Things that make them a distinct race of people. Im just looking info dumps and insight. Something that could either help me understand his point of view or strengthen mine.

You mean through Islamic conquest or through just shear numbers?

They certainly regard themselves as a separate race. I always wondered why there wasn't a 'Semitic' class for government forms. Maybe the jews don't want that because arabs and jews are both classed as semitic.

Found out recently the federal reserve gives free loans to ONLY jewish donors. No other donor.

Where did you see this?

Jewish is a belief system nothing more...
based on the same principles of religion it's a belief system and people act accordingly to it ...
If you haven't noticed yet all 3 religions have the potential to either teach good morals and behavior patterns but they also provide the path of extremism unlike Christianity and Islam Judaism never had a god that visited they are still waiting for the Messiah hence they hate both Christianity and Islam wich makes them the best of atheists but in the end of the day it comes down to waiting for prophecy to come or forcing prophecy to come and you will find throughout history this being used for warfare ...
This is why the romans took hold of Christianity as it was a social movement that could be used for the expansion of the empire and it was used very well ..
You also find the constant changes in these religions to fit the current narrative as to stay a relative control mechanism. .
If you haven't noticed America is the Roman Empire of today and it's new religion that is being used for expansion is called freedom and democracy + consumerism with this tool it is going to call out and break every other religion in the process while still allowing them to exist for geopolitical purposes. .hence the use of ISIS and voters in the bible belt protecting Israel at all cost ..
In reality no world leader is religious and people like Rothschild have set up a pretty awesome expansionist ideology in Israel that resembles a superiority complex but projects a victim mentality and a false historical account to win arguments. ..the ownership of media also helps narrative control obviously.

>That face
Guys sometimes I'm scared our autism is destroying the fabric of reality. Hold me

oddly she reminds me of some one


Jews are a race. Jews don't even bother to deny this now. They embrace it today. Jews everywhere (whether Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, or other isolated local group) are descended from Semitic peoples, and DNA testing has established this as a fact with 100% certainty. Link related.


How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.

1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

On therir website. I think under FAQs

Wow that thing legit looks like a alien

Soros is more Hungarian though

That's the least attractive non-obese woman on earth


Most Jews are ugly as fuck, it's why they're so easy to spot.

ive always thought she was kind of cute...

Why does she look like that cartoon character you would see from MGM, anybody else know his name? He would swing his nose around and I think he stuttered.

maybe she look better in person. not everyone is photogenic


23 and me can tell how much kike dna you have

you a damn lie. she got inches

>jewish owned company
>everyone has jewish dna

really makes you think... for example how the test doesn't have a polish group lmao

BPS or Stefan?

I was showing my power level and constantly talk about jews. So when i pointed out he(soros) was a hungarian jew my brother in law said something about them not really being a race of people. Im not a jew but wanted some more info on them.

I never equate Jews to other religions, like Christians or Muslims or whatever, but always to peoples, like Finns or Elevens.
I've never been called out on it before and hopefully I've managed to plant the seed of thinking about Jews like that in the minds of the people I mention it to.

As to your question, Jewish scripture straight up refers to the Jews as their own distinct group. Where do you think the "tribes" of Israel came from? We didn't come up with that kind of terminology.
Also, you are betraying just how Americanised your point of view of race and the world is. Only Americans get hung up on the distinction between Black and White. There may not be much of a discernible difference between Europeans, but it is obvious to us all that we are each our own distinct ethnic group. Granted the divisions are becoming increasingly blurry as time goes on, but they are still there all the same. Just because Jews can blend in in gentile society dosn't mean that they are the same as us.

Why do you say that?

Idk about MGM but maybe this thing from popeye?


see this thread from earlier:


Jews are a "race" in a very crude sense. They're composed of many racial groups, but yet are still "Jewish". It's mostly a cultural/religious thing with a small genetic component


Legit looks like a rat human hybrid

googled more pics of her.... i take it all back. but that one pic she looks kind of nice. i badly want to fuck an alien chick and shes the closest ill ever get. she has an elegant neck and gentle, loving eyes

I def know and can tell some europeans apart. Just how am I betraying Americanzied view of race. I dont get what your trying to say. I never said they were like us and can spot them with some accuracy seeing as how over represented they are in American media.


is your brother in law a kike?

>They wouldn't be a standard deviation higher in IQ if they weren't.
not all of them have that though, thats just a specific group with the subset

Thanks Ill look at this tonight.

No. I honestly doubt a jew would say their race doesnt exist.

They're basically Kazars.

They like to pretend that they have some link to Semetic Jews but they really don't.

They're their own thing. More White than say Black or Asian, but definitely a genetically segregated group.

A People That Shall Dwell Alone, ch. 2

Sorry about that, I meant to say your brother-in-law is the one looking at things from an American point of view, which is to say from a lens of black and white raciality. Racial politics and identity in America is divided between black and white, and both white people and black people get lumped together and reduced into just those two categories, when obviously, to borrow a leaf from tumblr's book, it's a lot less binary than that.

interesting read, so those JFK files that have to exist someplace pointing the finger rightfully at Rothschild and Warburg among others for profiting from the holocaust can destroy the myth?

>They're basically Kazars.
don't forget the Venetians, they're an important part of that story as well

Ashkenazi Jews are "white".

Which story? "The people that dwell"? Is what you two are refering to? Or in the general sense?

Its becoming an even greater devision in that brown and disabled and tranny fags are trying make us the enemy. There are outliers though for sure of some intellegent colored people not being sucked into dogmatic viewpoints.

I just got done watching this a few days ago. Also maybe some of you might be able to pin point the voice? Sounds like William Luther Pierce to me.

That have some European admixture, but they're hardly white.

Israel's average IQ is around 95

neither. can't remember the guy's channel though. it's a good video.

they're white-ish. they are a mixture of slavs, khazarian tatars, and OG hebrews.


Jews are not belonging to a race, they belong to a religion. And yes, they have threatened some Christians their existence, which might be one of the causes why Crusadars don't like them.

thank you based leaf.

very attractive young lady

it's kind of a mixture. religion and race overlap to a great extent with jews. they accept converts from other races, and different jewish sub-groups work together internationally, but the level of tribal cohesion in ashkenazi jews in the US and europe for instance is based heavily on ethnic rather than religious ties (especially considering that a lot of these 'jews' who have formed the core of the international communist movement are complete atheists and have been for generations).

"Only Americans get hung up on the distinction between Black and White." - "There may not be much of a discernible difference between Europeans, but it is obvious to us all that we are each our own distinct ethnic group." . So Europeans are hung up on your distinct ethnic groups ?

>kike whores get paid to write vanity pieces about their noses

muh opreshun

Well - post em

Every time I see these videos on the foundation myth I am drawn back to my reading of The Lightning and the Sun. In that book the author basically inverts the whole ww2 scenario and places Adolf Hitler at the center as a figure of good and man against time fighting the agents of decay. She even goes so far as to argue that Adolf is an avatar of Vishnu. It makes me think that to save the west we need to invert our current myth and adopt Esoteric Hiterlism, which is crazy because I don't know how that happens on a large scale. How do you convince the bulk of the west that their history is a lie, Adolf was a hero, and the Jews have stolen your history and your life?

>big is beautiful

Not when it comes to giant kike beaks. Good Lord.

i know if i was at a house party with friends and i saw her walk in.... first thing id say to my buddies is "hide the coke". with a nose like that she would do it all with one hit

jews , arabs , some indians (dot) and Whites are all racially Caucasoid as opposed to mongoloid or negroid , So jews and Whites are racially the same (Hitler wasnt racist) .

thanks bruh

National Socialism was a natural response to a real issue: the rise of marxism. Thing is, marxism is still looming, while the natural response to the danger has been demonized.

My response would be "how convenient"

more like an ayyy face

>pic related
fucking thalmor

dont want anyone else to lose their lunch

If it looks like this then it’s a jew

>Are you saying you want me to tell you about the jews?
'cuz I can do that if you want me to.

Ask him who died in the holocaust

They're absolutely a race

Benjamin H. Freedman

I saw this dude at an airport once. Weird vibes.

>he thinks Israel is 100% Ashkenazic or even close to it
I guess the ruling class is you retarded gentile

here you are good sir


ashkenazi and sephardic jews cluster with europeans but only barely. they're like sicilians but with even more middle eastern influence.

Care to elaborate?

They can look very different from eachother because they are all basically mutts.
kinda like Amerimongrels

This is false, no jew in mine.

Always an Aussie

Most of the ones in the west are heavily bleached to the point that they're being bred out. Israel is in the process of making a new jewish race though.

The result of massive inbreeding

yes jews are a race they share common ancestry. I've noticed people on Sup Forums seem to think ashkenazi jews look exactly like white people and have 100% european ancestry, neither is true. I'm guessing the reason they think ashkenazi jews look indistinguishable from other europeans/host populations is that they are american and only know american jews. Except a lot of american jews don't look like that either.

Semitic looking ashkenazi jews and sephardi jews are what the original jews looked like, OP pic a very good example of the jewish look and the north-west semitic phenotype in general. Most of the people in the region today are not from the same racial stock ancient jews belonged too. But there's plenty of lebanese and syrian people who look like that.

Westerners usually presume mizrahi jews must be the pure jews or the best example of what ancint jews looked like. While mizrahi jews can be as white as ashkenazi , and generally all of them are lighter skinned then their host populations, they have a lot of arab blood which is a different stock to the original pre-islamic, native levantine populations.

Where as sephardi and ashkenazi jews are actually genetically 100% mediterranean like ancient jews (except they are half italian or half spanish and not 100% east mediterranean/levantine) so they are a better reflection of what the jewish race looks like

and full of disease due to inbreeding