Super Mario Odyssey is Globalist Propaganda, boycott it

Gamers beware, Mario Odyssey is Globalist Propaganda. The premise of the game is a "globe trotting adventure", where Super Mario is essentially forced to go to other nations and further expand his one nation's influence. During the adventure each race in the game sticks to their own territories, but when Mairo "saves" the world and makes everything better you see all the races exist in harmony without conflict. Throughout the game you can purchase things at the shop, howevre there appears to be only one shop, it has achieved a global monoply and no character is bothered by this. They're brainwashed, they're completely cucked.

The lesson this revelation teaches is invaluable. Despite Japan's immigration policy and superficially nationalist appearance, there is no way the country isn't Globalist, their influence expands throughout many other countries and Mario Odyssey visualizes this with their worldwide corporations and bankers. Protest Globalism, and boycott Mario Odyssey.


Furthermore, while most areas in the game feature only one race of characters, New Donk City, the location very obviously inspired by American western culture is filled with characters of all human races and colours, howevre they all dress the same, women included. They've all been meshed in to the same culture as white nations in real life have been affected by globalism, and no character is bothered by this. Even Mario, an italian Mushroom Kingdom immigrant is not shamed and they even throw a party for him.


In order to beat the game, Mario must brainwash other characters, his influencing causing the world to be "saved", this is a subtle but blatant tell that globalism requires extensive brainwashing of good regular people to be tricked in to thinking they can co exist alongside eachother, there is no segregation in Mario Odyssey.

The sand kingdom is obviously inspired by Mexico, and becomes a place the player is tricked in to thinking they want to be, the aim of the game is to collect things, and thus the implication is that there is something there for people in other countries, especially Mexico.

it's just a game bro.

That's what they want you to think. It's pretty obvious from how Japan works. While Japan doesn't want to flood western countries with their people, because they have few to speak of, they CAN use their massive corporate influence to great effect, and that's exactly what they're doing.

Actually really all anyone needs to see from this POS is the ending because it is femenazi propaganda

For those who want a short breakdown

""Mario goes through bullshit to save peach and she walks away because she is a strong woman and don't need no man in her life THE END"""

Chill. Japan and their government hates globalism, and they always will. This is stretching real hard, bro.


Not true. Their companies embrace globalism as it allows them to profit off trade imbalances with awful deals.

>1 UP

All companies embrace (((globalism))), but the Japanese people tend to know better.


You're a fucking retard

Well, you know what they say, "all toasters toast toast"

OP's actually a faggot this time lads

You sound like you're suffering from psychosis or some shit

Sounds like a boring game and this why video games TV and movies suck ass these days there is no creativity just proganda dumb shit for the masses

You know what they say, "all toaster toast toast"

I don't believe that. It must be the ending before you collect all the shines, or stars, or sparkles, or whatever the fuck you collect in this game.

So, in other words the game reflects reality? Is this a kind of joke? Go play (((wolfenstein))) if you're so triggered. Holy shit. It's Mario.
And in any event

Fucking grow the fuck up manlet

It's actually pretty fucking fun and a genuine treat to play IMO. Having N64-Christmas morning nostalgia playing this and a grin to match.

>Super Mario Odyssey

>Having N64-Christmas morning nostalgia....

Fucking those feels....

Playing children's games when your not a child is truly cucked. You're a weird faggot.

To be fair both Mario and Bowser acted pretty cringey.

oh btw you can take over Trump and control a toy car.

reading this deep into fucking mario. just kys its easier that way

wtf i hate mario now

If you really hate it so much physically do something about it.

Don't boycot this game
OP is a shill