Race is a gift of God...

Race is a gift of God. Higher races must control the lower-grade low IQ high crime immoral races for the sake of the future of humanity. This is why Whites are superior to all other races, Whites literally invented freedom. Nigger and Beaners are literally a poison to the Whites.


Calm down rompa stompa


oh wow

Is this you?

how fucking retarded are you?

It is you !!!!


yes "!!!!"

oh shut the fuck up you pathetic mongrel

>Whites literally invented freedom

but explain to me how a superior race system is more MORALLY correct than allowing people to be alive as they are?

Lower races destroy the ability for greatness of the higher-race to achieve when they use welfare to tax them out of existence. The lower races, almost all the niggers and beaners borderline retarded with an IQ of 80 points, and are an extremely huge crime burden on the Whites, and thus have an extremely huge dampening effedt on White creativity and achievement, thus destroying the future freedom of humanity, they all vote for Communism and thus a prison for everyone just to get welfare, they literally destroy White schools and communities, therefore, they must be separated out and contained away from the Whites.


fuck off kike

Yes, the current white race is one of worldly progress.These whites have better philosophies, superior intellect and potential.

Other races, although the potential of these people is less, their attitudes and hobbies are different, and it's just a different culture.

Why is it objectively morally superior to strive for perfect morals, than it is to strive for anything else? What makes chasing morality worth abandoning every other experience a human could have?

>claims "whites" are the greatest race on Earth
>can't even construct a sentence



Ain't that the truth.

What kills me is that so many feel compelled to deny it. Even while obviously acting on it and getting the fuck out of Vibrant neighborhoods! I live in a shitlib city where home prices correlate perfectly inversely with nigger density yet most people here would be disgusted to hear you speak the obvious truth. How are the Jewish media so damn powerful?! How are people so easily brainwashed? Makes me almost think our dumb asses aren't worth saving. Almost.

Because, Whites can improve humanity exponentially, while the lower-grade races are an extreme burden to this, and therefore must be contained somewhere where they wont be a burden.


nigga learn to use periods


posting in shit thread