What is the end game of capitalism?

What is the end game of capitalism?

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art for the sake of career is cancer

We won't be around to see the end, fuck it all.

To solve the problems it has created. Which will expand entirely new fields and continue prosperity.


There is no end game, it's just individuals pursuing their separate self-interests, by voluntarily providing each other with goods and services that they want.

Continously unending progress.

kek it's true

cure shit that kills kids
read any criticism of growth as:
> curing childhood diseases for the sake of children is the ideology of the cancer cell
and should be limited to the societies and people that BROUGHT ABOUT that growth
let the niggers die
people will 3d print this comment
graft a biocock to it
just so they can suck my comment's cock in the future

global favela dominated by the HR department

Achieving immortality. Once the elite can live forever, they can discard the roaches that helped them get there.

But goyim if there isn’t continuous growth the Jews can’t keep getting richer and richer
>Oy vey tfw goyim can’t grasp basic (((economics)))

>da joooooz!
Except everyone gets richer and everyone's life improves you fucking potato.

This, and it works so well at balancing the spirit of mankind with the ambitions of mankind that we're going to be taking this show out of this world.
Capitalism lifts people out of poverty. All they ever needed was open opportunities to work for their own good while working with others.

Seriously if you're poor do what the poor Chinese did. Make a class of laborers and entrepreneurs out of yourselves. You'll be less poor in this generation and your kids won't be poor at all.


Seriously though user, just ignore these idiots. Eventually we'll see private businesses mining space rocks while genetically improved humans bang their perfect sexbots and live in mansions, and they'll still be shouting the same shit, calling you a Jew and all other kinds of drivel.

Wow Edward Abbey is one stupid motherfucker

Unless you are on the wrong side of capitalism.

Import shitskin laborers into countries for cheap labor and destroy national identities and cultural bonds to create a generic class of consumers who can create their identities based on the products and services they consume.


My great grandpa worked on a farm and used newspaper as insulation for his walls. His son ended up working as an "exploited" factory worker for General Motors because it offered him a better life outside of dirt poverty. Then his son had the opportunity to get a college degree and work a well paying job for a trucking company, earning a well off middle class lifestyle for his family. Then he was able to provide me with the education and opportunity to become an engineer and maybe someday provide an even better life for my future sons.

That's what capitalism has done. Our family didn't elevate itself because of a government welfare program, but because of the economic opportunity to rise up that capitalism provides. Under communism that never would have happened, my great grandpa would be a poor farmer, my grandpa would be a poor farmer, my father would be a poor farmer, and I would take up the same mantle of poor farmer. And the commies would view this as a wonderful, beautiful thing, because I'm not "alienated" from my work or some meaningless communist drivel.

And who is on the wrong side of it my white friend?


>Except everyone gets richer
you sure about that homie?

Poor people.

>shows a graph of the wages still rising for everybody

destruction for the sake of destruction is the ideology of the virus

you two are just kids born in to, probably, upper middle class lives. you need to look at the world beyond your neighborhood and school


The endgame was (was, since capitalism is already dead) dialectical synthesis with its opposing ideology communism into what we see today: mono-cultural globalism directed by a cabal of internationalist kikes. I can’t believe more of you faggots don’t understand yet.

>wages are the only measure of wealth

$600 today buys you a super computer that fits in your pocket

$600 in 1980 bought you a giant plastic block that could barely make a phone call

everyone except the capitalists

>and who are the capitalists?

Filthy (((owners))) who profit off the hard work of others, usually in the form of shares returns or usury. The ones who reap most of the profits, yet provide no labor. Essentially leaches

ur mom lol

>you two are just kids born in to, probably, upper middle class lives
That is true, and you can thank capitalism for that.

Oh damn, looks like I'm a dirty capitalist. Well, at least I have a lot of ammo for when the commies come.

Capitalism doesnt have an end game Is just the natural way economics work, but when you involve a central bank, you get massive recessions and depressons because money is much too easily available, and investments get made and the market corrects itself and the government tries to correct the correction which leads to longer recessions , we don't really have real capitalism

The quote in the pic is horseshit. It's the ideology of the cancer cell because cancer is alive, and growth for the sake of growth is the "ideology" of literally all lifeforms. That's the point - reproduction aka growth.

Exactly. Deconstruct and take away people's natural identities and then sell fake identities through plastic products and pop culture. Only a racist bigot would reject this utopia.

Bad investments'

>implying i give a fuck about niggers and chinks

cuck. Are you happy that your wealth is being directed to third worlders? Of course you are.

>i'm rich because i can have a smarphone
Yes good goyim, no need to revolt, after all you ahve a cool and totally super duper, and you can do cool stuff with it goy

>What is the end game of capitalism?
monopoly and then slavery, so it's the same as Judaism or Christianity

submliminal nazi messaging

No that's actually the ideology of life,to grow & expand
Fucking idiots do you even nature?


It's very open

You probably aren't a capitalist, just a wagecuck that thinks he matters.

Either way to the time for (((capitalism))) is ending. And it will head with (((their))) heads on spikes. Anything short of this means (((they))) will still poison our society

hell yea dude let's revolt and burn the whole thing to the ground, I'm sure the communist utopia we erect afterwards will be way better than this haha

You fucking filthy Jew
Last time I checked Africa is still is basket case. India is still a huge open sewer and China is still full of human robots.
>so what if a small percentage of people benefit, that’s what happens in all Ponzi schemes.
If you can’t suss out that (((globalism))) is a Ponzi scheme then your fucking retarded...but more likley a lying sack of shit.

Fucking stupid. Everyone’s wages are still growing. You’re just mad that some are growing more than others

As a commie you are by definition a mono-cultural globalist materialist. How is it any different from capitalism in any way besides wealth distribution and property law? Both ideologies lead to race-mixing, open borders and international authorities when taken to their logical conclusion.

>Capitalism is to blame for all of the world's ills

What a fucking boring, tired, stupid "argument"

>You probably aren't a capitalist
But you said the definition of capitalist is "people who profit off the hard work of others, usually in the form of shares returns or usury".

Seeing as to how I do in fact own shares of some blue chip stocks, I am in fact a capitalist.

Also, its amusing that you think capitalism is ending, are you trying to reassure yourself after the miserable failures of the past?

>So are asset prices you dumb cuck but at a much faster rate
are you the cunt pushing the tiny house meme

It's better then seeing my country importing niggers without an end, and better then seeing my country traditions and values being replaced by consumerism.

>You’re just mad that some are growing more than others
And you are ok with it? Are you ok that internationalists globalists are getting richer at the expense of the average working man?

Growth is needed for the denbts to be repaid. No growth = bad denbts. Because, compound interest.

Never said capitalism..I said globalism
>Now make sure it’s not an electric oven

>generations of poor farmers
Communism is literally rebranded feudalism. Capitalism is consent itself. In a capitalist world, if there aren't factories to employ you, make some!

All economic theory ends with an end of scarcity. So, around then...

Total depletion of all natural resources and the death of humanity at large

>As a commie you are by definition
Stopped reading there. Not everything can be categorized so simply. You would know this if you actually talked to people.

Do you still have to wagecuck to make ends meet?

Then you are not a capitalist, just a deluded wagecuck.

Scarcity is tautological, bro. When we're colonizing the galaxy with unfathomably cheap resources, scarcity will still be real.

All scarcity in the world today is manufactured.

Communism won't be the end of capitalism. But there's a possibility if we let all the machines mass produce everything possible, that will virtually create a product price equality.

Yet there is much to come before the end of capitalism, however, it is impossible over the idea that capitalism could also be a system that exists forever and divides people between successful groups and unsuccessful groups. Aka we have winners and losers.

>Never said capitalism..I said globalism
It's the same thing

>end game of capitalism?
I'm a capitalist. I grow organic carrots. I sell them for a fair price. Extra carrots, I donate to 5 soup kitchens for the poor and homeless.

The real question you should be asking yourself is... what is socialism? and where will i get food without capitalists?

The end game, which we are in the mist of is.
>universal unemployment due to cost cutting automation and AI.
>universal unemployment=no purchasing power unless everyone gets basic income (government handouts)
>tax the robots to pay for the basic income.
Can that even work as an economic model? I doubt it. What I don’t doubt is
>hundreds of millions of useless eaters, completely surplus to requirements are absolutely bound to get culled.
What will be left of the human race will be the so called (((1%))) looked after by their super intelligent AI.

Have you actually read Marx?

>what is socialism?
Workers owning the means of production.

> and where will i get food without capitalists?
Same way you do it now. It's not the CEO of Nestle that is planting potatos

No exactly..you could have a capitalist model that had borders.

>growth for the sake of growth...


what is the means of production for more human beings

It's incredible that people believe this.

The corporate kikes really did work a miracle

Don't you retards realize that the people "manufacturing scarcity" are people just like you? If you're that terrified of them, BECOME ONE OF THEM. Use their resources to bust their resources - or more likely, find out why the hell they're still working with scarcity. I guarantee that they are.

Communications and computing products are the only tech being allowed to advance and stay low in price. Go out and try and buy a gun, tools, house, car, or groceries and compare it to 80s prices (not to mention quality), we’re moving backwards.

Basically, exactly yes.

Globalism won't be a good system since it gets a worldwide dictatorship, which later on leads to a divide into small nations running as dictatorships.
So yeah, globalism should be an inferior system to a system that gives right of sovereignty.

Indeed, corporate tyranny could be prevented, Not just through fines, limit their profits too by regulating their profits. So they won't be able to lobby.

Remember that corporate tyranny in the US comes especially from tech corporations and (((Big Pharma)))

We had it. But the porky was not happy that borders were in his way to maximize his profits. So porky lobbied the government to, slowly, destroy the borders. Of course porky is smart, so he disguised the new open borders policy as something more palatable to certain groups: He said that immigrants would pay the boomers retirements. He said that the immigrants where "natural conservatives" to the rednecks. He said that the immigrants where there to "enrich" our culture to the college liberals.

While porky is still alive, he will corrupt our society. You don't sleep next to a mad dog, you kill him.


Wages are increasing, poverty is lowering, and your average American citizen lives in more luxury than Rockefeller ever did.

People don't understand wtf growth is. Also there is no end game, there is something called deflation, inflation, economic contraction etc. As populations decline economies can shrink, the idea that its some cancer threatening to consume the world is laughable. Economic growth doesnt mean just consume more resources, it also means utilize them more efficiently, get more out of existing resources, produce more resources, provide services that don't really rely on resource consumption think service/entertainment/menial

Oops forgot my tag.

There. Now it makes sense.

>Lets let the Jews destroy our childrens future homeland just for profits because I wont be here to see what happens.

Cuck bitch.

>In economics and sociology, the means of production are physical, non-human inputs used for the production of economic value, such as facilities, machinery, tools,[1] infrastructural capital and natural capital.

In what country are you living? Are you honestly saying this for real?

>just become a kike anyone can do it
The working class and manufacturers can’t generate artificial scarcity nowadays because all the trade secrets are open knowledge now. Guilds and unions used to have teeth because of strikes and trade secrecy, both of those don’t work anymore.

We get there first with ANCAP.

To fund scientific research and development

>In what country are you living?


Equilibrium was a dope as fuck movie.

>the means of production are physical, non-human inputs used for the production of economic value, such as facilities, machinery, tools, infrastructural capital and natural capital
Of course, the problem with this is that a lot of stuff falls under both private and personal property.

The endgame is just to perpetuate itself, see how long it can go for, not unlike any other optimization algorithm (i.e. evolution).

What are we progressing to?

boomer-tier delusion right here

Have much of Edward Bernay's semen have you choked down?

>some kike drew two lines in some graph, therefore i'm ok with (((them))) importing millions of third worlders and raping my country

Real wages have been stagnant since the 60s. It takes longer for the average man man to buy his first house today than it did back then, and he spends more on it for an inferior product. The only thing keeping poverty under control is welfare and government-subsidized credit

Poor people are 'on the wrong side' of every system, the best we can do is make sure there are less of them.

What system do you think can lift the most people out of poverty?

A laptop with a printer, personal property or a bourgeois printing press for the modern wage slave? Lol who knows its all arbitrary!
> inb4 are you using it

as what?

>What system do you think can lift the most people out of poverty?
Capitalism is actually quite efficient at it.

Bitcoin fucked capitalism in the arse.

And every other organism on earth as well?????

> government chains the market
> wages go down
> duh without our welfare state youd be screwed!
> good goyim
Played like a fiddle

>believing in socialism


The end goal of capitalism, at least American free-enterprise capitalism, is for me to feed my family tonight.

That's it. That's the whole thing. I'm not here to fix society. I'm not here as a component of some GDP figure. I'm here to feed my family tonight. I have my own needs, and I fulfill them. I don't fulfill yours, and you don't fulfill mine. We have no obligations to each other, only to ourselves and our households. Every man a king.

capitalism has been dead for almost 100 years.