FAIL number 4369327

FAIL number 4369327

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We don't (((protest))) we vote, meme and when the time comes we will war. Only liberal pussy faggots (((protest))). 75% of the (((white lives matter))) (((protestors))) are paid liberal actors anyways.

if you can pull this shit of in Kentucky its time to let it go

>leftists now preaching might makes right

You reveal how authoritarian you truly are each and every day.

Since Soros is paying for both sides of the street to be there. He also should also pay for the cops in the middle.

nobody fucking cares

Seriously, you'll go there and lose your jobs. Shits no fair playing field


who bot here? will you meme with meme

Hmmm where are the White lives protesters at? Oh yea at there JOBS. Something that a meme flagger living in his mothers basement wouldn't know anything about.

Street LARPers should be shot dead, it's nigger behavior.

bused in protesters every time.

nothing but lies all day every day.

>We don't (((protest))) we vote
Clearly you didnt since Hillary got more votes

Fake and gay

Remember how we used to just hang uppity monkeys in the street?

What century do you live in? Whitelivesmatter was trending on Twitter all day. They got the attention they wanted: idiot virtue signalling from the left was what causes it to trend. The left red pilled more people today than the right.

OP is just anti white

If it matters so much, a group of white people protesting would not scare you enough to make a virtue signal child reaction

>not knowing about the 10k nazis waiting to join in that warehouse

White lives don't matter, only black lives matter.

what good is in those "red pills" if that your bottom line? what even "red pilleded" mean you fucking depressive pill popper? christina aguilera also trading on twitter those that make her a political movement?

Fake and gay. If you look at the 49 states besides California, Trump won the popular vote by almost 2 million votes. California has nonexistent voter ID laws, with illegals voting and people voting in multiple precincts. Many were bragging about it on social media at the time. The 5 million vote swing would disappear overnight if voter ID laws were introduced.

Considering the possible consequences of being part of one protest or the other I would say one white nationalist is worth 10 counter protesters.

what it means nigger and get this straight....when the white man get pushed to the limit and finally goes off his nut you'll be begging for police protection

oh, the terminator meme .

Reminder of the moment Sup Forums lost everything.

Because you stupid fucking idiots couldn't keep your shitty Nazi flags in your pocket, you ruined any and all credibility for the rest of this miserable fucking presidential term. This is the moment you went from brave revolutionaries fighting the fascist antifa, into a bunch of fucking literal Nazis.

This was the moment that tied the knot on your own neck and sent all you fucking hill-billy rednecks running to your plantations. This is the moment you had something great and you fucking blew it because you're too retarded to keep your filthy Nazi salutes in your fucking head.

Charlottesville is the shadow that will haunt Sup Forums for the next three decades.



Hubris has, and will always be, your downfall. If you could just ignore them. That is what has always worked. But no, you idiots want just play right into it. Keep at it. Morons.

isn't Shelbyville the town that stole the Simpson's lemon tree?

>just ignore them

>Sup Forums
>responsible for a CIA op


This is why following groups like spencer and alt light are so dangerous.
all this does is fuel the left... and why? so some faggot can try making money of of this shit by pretending to be right wing.

>still thinking Sup Forums is just a bunch of nazis
>still thinking Sup Forums is just one person
>still thinking Sup Forums ever adopted your "alt-right" label
Pure pottery.

>before the rally even started
Man I wish I had the entire system on my side like antifa do

Do you consume your own feces while emitting bovine moans? Because you type like a shit eating retard.

Reminder of the ways your ideology has crumbled in the past year:

>France Election: LOST.
>Canada Election: LOST.
>Reddit Alt-Right websites: BANNED.
>Charlottesville Protest: Turned the entire world against you.
>Historical Confederate Monuments: Silently toppled en-masse after Charlottesville.
>Alt-Right rallies: Counter-Protested 1 to 100.
>University speeches: Went from "We must allow all free speech, even the Right." to "Nevermind, these guys are literal Nazis. Go get them, boys."
>The state of media degeneracy: Gays and blacks on overdrive.
>Trump status: Turns out he's terrible at his job.

Need I go on?

Hi share blue.

Jesus dude. Are you still trying? You will never be anything but a meme flag flying faggot. There is never going to be a world where you demoralize anyone, change anyone's mind or even make them think twice about what you said. You are just a spun out faggot.

And maybe you should go to proving that, don't you? Because you sound like a redneck conspiracy theorist. A complete, hopeless idiot.

>m-muh shareblue!!!

White traitors get the rope first.

things just need to get worse is all

friendly reminder that people who go at those rallies are the old school white nationalist aka neckbeards thugs. they have nothing to do with the alt-right for the most part

>reminder of how it turns out in the end every.single.time.

And I'm not even shareblue.

And it's these fucking mistakes pilling up one on another, that it seems like the degeneracy is coming back at full strength. Pendulum: Up our asses. We had something good and it's fucking ruined now.

or maybe you should prove that '' pol '' was there at all

The Jews are scared boyz



Group A - Showing their beliefs
Group B - Getting paid

Look at all that kike Soros money. I guess that $18B is being put to good communist use.

The day is coming. I can't wait until I have legal basis to slaughter you communist pigs like the animals you are.

>France Election: LOST.
We though that also but it looks like we actually won France. Kinda.
>Canada Election: LOST.
Meh. It was lost long ago.
>Reddit Alt-Right websites: BANNED.
You are trying too hard meme flag. Reddit is degenerate.
>Charlottesville Protest: Turned the entire world against you.
Except it didn't. Niggers were on CNN that very week saying that the media was more to blame than the fucking driver.
>Historical Confederate Monuments: Silently toppled en-masse after Charlottesville.
Yuppers This is a problem.
>Alt-Right rallies: Counter-Protested 1 to 100.
Not really but lets call it 100-1 if it makes you feel better.
>University speeches: Went from "We must allow all free speech, even the Right." to "Nevermind, these guys are literal Nazis. Go get them, boys."
That is what is not happening.
>The state of media degeneracy: Gays and blacks on overdrive.
That is true.
>Trump status: Turns out he's terrible at his job.

>Varangian Guard vs Turkroach

doesnt matter as long as they keep it up the one who keeps pushing usually wins

>peaceful march with torches down a street followed by chanting nonviolent phrases
Fuck off faggot. No one buys your shit. And stop hiding your flag you commie faggot

>black or white logical fallacy (if you voted trump that makes you a white nationalist kkk member)
>appeal to emotion, personal incredulity (white people who support trump were outed as racists because some people reacted emotionally to a group of locals who don't want a historical landmark torn down in the name of misguided racism. That makes you all disgusting pugs and I'm personally offended so you're all terrible people and that makes me right!)
>ad hominem ("you stupid fucking faggots")
Not an argument faggot. Come back when you have some actual salient points to discuss, not just your personal outrage.


No respectable white person would spend time doing this shit unless getting paid to do it.

i mean this dude is not wrong. alt right died that day.

STFU croissant nigger

>bandwagon fallacy, circular reasoning (citing a list of events that were subjectively "lost" because you said so, making the "losers" wrong by default because they "lost")
>special pleading (you should have "won" all of these things, that means none of them should have happened and the fact that they did means by my goal markers you are wrong, no matter how unrealistic the goals)
>appeal to authority (these things are opposed by (((universities))), and you lost elections, therefore you're WRONG)
Still not arguments. Go and stay go.

What I see is a lot of white people (yes Latinos are white), gathered with a very few black people, to tell White people it's not okay being white.

Being proud to be more racist.

Working on Saturday?

>retail wage cuck detected

Followed by a shit-show of a morning after in which everyone and their fucking mother brought their "SEKRIT CLUB" shields with "SEKRIT CLUB" insignias that normies won't know what they mean :)

And you'd have to be blind or really fucking stupid how this shit has been hurting us so far. It's becoming increasingly harder to defend you faggots outside of Sup Forums. It's fucking insane and at this rate, the whole thing is fucking crumbled to shit.

And here's a SEKRIT NAZI SALUTE >_

And another one. In the thoughtful, intelligent, night of Unite-the-Right.

>75% of the (((white lives matter))) (((protestors))) are paid liberal actors

Truth you speak

Mental gymnastics won't stop the liberals from winning.

dont get a cramp wagging your fingers like that.

Telling larpers and brawlers not to come to events has already become mainstream.

>Followed by a shit-show of a morning after
Yeah those commies refused to allow people to peacefully protest. Luckily they brought shields to defend themselves with
>everyone and their fucking mother brought their "SEKRIT CLUB" shields with "SEKRIT CLUB" insignias that normies won't know what they mean :)
From your pic I see some with 'X's and others with N*C, and maybe one with an identitarian insignia on it. Not exactly seeing what you're talking about 'sekrit club'

>And you'd have to be blind or really fucking stupid how this shit has been hurting us so far.
There is no 'us' bucko. Never was.

>It's becoming increasingly harder to defend you faggots outside of Sup Forums
Do you think anyone here falls for concern trolling? Your ONLY argument has been that you're upset that they spray painted their shields.

>It's fucking insane and at this rate, the whole thing is fucking crumbled to shit.
Meanwhile the MSM and lefties are shitting their pants at the 'alt-right', while I'm sitting here waiting for the anti-fa niggers to do their whole 'Nov 4' shit, and get BTFO eternally by the army

either this massive and organized march which included flaming props be handed out to everyone was done with no planning or their goal wasnt what you think it was.

no, the free flow of information will

>make a big deal out of nothing and then claim your overreaction is a victory
Good one faggots.

Who even thinks of these things?

>the popular vote matters

So lots more racists than nonracists in shelby?

More like this

they have always been fags though

Notice the flag. Notice "The Goyim know". Notice the N*C used by White Nat Soc. Notice the fucking Nazi salutes in way too many pictures to make any fucking kind of rational sense on why a sane human would try and go for that shit and not expect a blowback, and they didn't even bring an American flag.

>Meanwhile the MSM and lefties are shitting their pants at the 'alt-right',

And it's good for them, because they're doing something about it, partaken in some massive stomping on hate sites that's evaded the mainstream for years now, that it isn't even funny anymore. In short, you've successfully validated all their fears, and they're entirely vindicated on their acting upon them.

And that's what you fags don't seem to understand: Your greatest shield was the doubt. Nobody could believe you were literal nazis, because fuck. When the Left keeps calling everything they don't like a Nazi, people stopped believing them until you fucking brought a Nazi fucking flag in public, and the whole world knows now. And they're acting upon it.


Had snipers on the roofs and boarded up the windows, no I already knew I wasn't going to that shit. Besides I had to work, like normal people.

>you've successfully validated all their fears, and they're entirely vindicated on their acting upon them.
I'm sorry, but I'm not a leftist, so I don't think that any amount of nonviolent action can 'vindicate' violent reprisal.

But you're free to think whatever you want

True and dont forget to put in trigger time at the range

If you don't protest in bigger numbers and unify whites, you'll die out quietly. The war is here and whites are still losing completely.

You have to protest constantly and eventually get bigger numbers than they ever have for any protest in history to survive. Get enough numbers to dwarf that pussy hat women's march and that G20 Antifa mob. You show up in huge numbers and they'll do what they always do, attack. That'll start actual physical conflicts and civil/race war. Obviously, if/when that happens, whites win completely, if done soon enough.

>Charlottesville is the shadow that will haunt Sup Forums for the next three decades.
That was actually very beneficial. Especially the torch thing.

>And that's what you fags don't seem to understand: Your greatest shield was the doubt. Nobody could believe you were literal nazis, because fuck.
you really hit on a big big point here, but you've missed the implications of it.

The fact is that believing these people are nazis is a failure on the person believing it and not a failure on the LARPer for being misunderstood. Indeed, he's TRYING to be misunderstood.

Now you're right that the incredulity bubble burst and it's gone outside of my comfort level. I likely said "heil hitler" thousands of times during my 4 years in highschool. Now it's not as fun.

as for it being a shield? Well, do we need one right now? Donald Trump won. He won in spite of the fact that the world elites didnt want him to. We didnt have permission to have him as president, and we got him anyways. So the real story is that we are shedding our need for (((approval))) to be taken seriously. It seems more like its them who should be seeking approval from us. we'll just have to see if they figure that out before ol' sparky is juiced up.

And that's practically the only shred of defense the Right has at the moment: that Antifa is just as violent as the guys they fight.

At this rate, I don't really expect Trump to win a second term, all memes aside.

stay mad poopybutts, clearly youre still emotional but atleast try to contain it once in awhile. :^)

Man, they must really be scared of white people.

But I'm far-right. The plan was to stay at home and watch as antifa got mad and started attacking cops and innocent trash cans

oops not you

Of course. Remember, Sup Forumsfags and Trumpcucks actually think the country is with their bubble beliefs. They live in their Alt-Right FOX NEWS bubble and think that the real world and reality is "Fake News."

Everything they do will backfire.

>>Canada Election: LOST.

Ummm, that means we win.

I know im sorry not you. I clicked on you by accident I love you.

>And that's practically the only shred of defense the Right has at the moment: that Antifa is just as violent as the guys they fight.
They're actually more violent. And when I wake up on November 5, and antiterrorist squads are bashing commie heads into the dirt and Trump is signing new anti-communist executive orders into effect with full support from both sides of congress, maybe I'll remember your stupid fucking joke of a post.

>At this rate, I don't really expect Trump to win a second term, all memes aside.
I didn't expect him to win the first time, but I think everyone here except maybe you has come to accept the fact that nothing is outside of Trump's reach.

well you're clearly a leftist trying to infiltrate this super seakret alt-right message board so I'm not surprised.

If the ability of virtue-signaling, jobless leftists to gather in large numbers in a street meant anything, Trump wouldn't be POTUS to begin with.

How is a beleif like this sustainable? Opposing view points to mine are touted proudly, openly, and electively by every person i physically meet or hear in the media.
I dont have the personal wealth to isolate myself from that. I have to go to work, and at work I gotta interact with people, and if it comes up at all it's to say they hate trump.

faggot swedish cops do nothing when antifa steal the flag, but jump in immediately to protect antifa from retaliation. cunts. I hate sweden so much.

>Larger group means ideals are correct
>Sure everyone once believed the Sun revolved around the earth

every "white lives matter" protester is from the FBI, you cuck nigger shit-eater